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Bernie's revolution starts to wipe out the establishment with a huge political earthquake!

It happened! A 28-year-old super-progressive beat the personification of the establishment in the Democratic primary! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic primary in New York's 14th congressional district, defeating the establishment baron, Joe Crowley. This has been described by many, rightfully, as the biggest upset victory in the 2018 midterm election season.

What are the origins of this amazing, unprecedented result in the US political process?

We can find them in the 2016 Democratic primaries. Back then, Bernie Sanders put the foundations of a truly progressive movement that could beat the neoliberal establishment. We wrote then that Bernie speaks straightly about things buried by the establishment, as if they were absent. Wall Street corruption, growing inequality, corporate funding of politicians by lobbies. He says that he will break the big banks. He will provide free health and education for all the American people. Because of Sanders, Hillary was forced to speak about these issues too. And subsequently, this starts to shape again a fundamental ideological difference between Democrats and Republicans, which was nearly absent for decades.

But none of this would have come to surface if Bernie didn't have the support of the American people. Despite that he came from nowhere, especially the young people mobilized and started to spread his message using the alternative media. Despite that he speaks about Socialism, his popularity grows. The establishment starts to sense the first cracks in its solid structure. But Bernie is only the appropriate tool. It's the American people who make the difference.

The establishment apparatus (starting from the DNC), put all its energy to beat Bernie by all means. Yet, we also wrote that, no matter who will be elected eventually, the final countdown for the demolition of this brutal system has already started and it's irreversible. The question now is not if, but when it will collapse, and what this collapse will bring the day after. In any case, if people are truly united, they have nothing to fear.

Cortez’s huge victory proves that we were right. But why this particular victory is so important?

Both substance and symbolism here may trigger an unprecedented transformation and dramatic shift of the Democratic party further to the Left. A transformation that will mark the decoupling of the Dems from the current bipartisan dictatorship that serves big interests against the majority.

In a potential development, the wealthy donors of the corporate Democrats may realize that their money start to go wasted, as Cortez's victory came contrary to the big money.

In case that the powerful lobbyists will start to withdraw their money from the Dems, all their bought puppets inside the party will start losing power rapidly, giving increasingly more space to the real progressives. And this extraordinary situation will eventually transform the party to the ground. The establishment forces will put all their money to the Republicans. Yet, this will be a huge defeat for them as they will lose absolute control of the US political system for the first time in decades. In such a development, the Democratic party will truly become the party of the people, the party of the real Left.

But to see such an incredible development, we need to see more big victories like Cortez's. Cenk Uygur of the TYT network couldn't hide his enthusiasm for Cortez's victory, but he revealed something that is probably the most important in the whole story: another Justice Democrat, Alison Hartson, who lost her race in California, took her volunteers and started making calls into Cortez's district, and that made a little bit of a difference. That's one of the key features that makes the difference between real progressives and corporate Democrats. United in solidarity for the final victory against the establishment.

But make no mistake. In the road for 2020, the establishment Democrats will mobilize again all their power against Bernie Sanders and the progressive movement. And all this huge momentum should not go wasted. Which means that Bernie and the progressives should be ready to form immediately a third party and attempt to unite all the Left political forces against the bipartisan dictatorship for the 2020 ultimate battle.


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