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The biggest lie of all ...

globinfo freexchange From the Greek PM, Antonis Samaras' speech during the process for the vote of confidence ( ) in the parliament, a few days ago: “ We are not protecting the bankers, as many like to say. Which bankers? At this moment, three of the four systemic banks in Greece are under public control. When we protect the banking system, we protect deposits, we bring back liquidity so that new loans to come and boost hundreds of thousands of businesses.” ... and the biggest trick of the neoliberal banking-media dictatorship: Greece: The only "public" in banks is the debt that will be loaded on future generations!

Plutocrats tighten siege around Europe

Dijsselbloem rings the bell by system failure The Dutch finance minister and Eurogroup chairman, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, stated that Germany must do more to enhance its competitiveness, mentioned reforms implemented by Spain, Portugal and Ireland in recent years, adding that Berlin would be well-advised not to rest on its laurels. ( ) Statements came right after the news for the German economic slowdown and fears for economic recession. ( ) The European neoliberal economic empire sent a message, to Berlin this time, and is ready to accelerate processes for a catholic implementation of the destructive policies tested in Greece, to secure big capital's interests. This was, of course, the initial target: "Federalism means however, that the same policies will be applied totally, definitely and very soon, also aga

Είναι πολλά τα λεφτά ...

“ Ανάλογα με τον συνομιλητή είναι και τα μέσα 'προσέγγισης' που χρησιμοποιεί η κυβέρνηση. Σύμφωνα με αυτήκοους μάρτυρες, ο τρικαλινός βουλευτής της ΝΔ Μ. Ταμήλος έταζε σε ανεξάρτητους –πρώην γαλάζιους– βουλευτές τρία υπουργεία, υποσχόμενος ότι θα υπάρξει και δυναμική επιστροφή του Κ. Καραμανλή στην πολιτική σκηνή.” “ Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, συνεργάτες του πρωθυπουργού πρότειναν, πριν τον πρόσφατο ανασχηματισμό, στον ανεξάρτητο βουλευτή της Αχαΐας Ν.Νικολόπουλο τη θέση του υπουργού Εργασίας, όμως ο ίδιος την απέρριψε.” “ Σε άλλες περιπτώσεις, βουλευτές της ΝΔ φέρονται να πλησιάζουν βουλευτές των ΑΝΕΛΛ, ανεξάρτητους, αλλά και βουλευτές της ΔΗΜΑΡ και να βολιδοσκοπούν τις προθέσεις τους σχετικά με τα πρόσωπα που είναι πρόθυμος να προτείνει ο πρωθυπουργός προκειμένου να αποφύγει τις κάλπες.” “ Σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, έκπληκτη βουλευτής των ΑΝΕΛΛ άκουσε συνάδελφό της από τη ΝΔ να της παρουσιάζει ως πρόσωπα που θα μπορούσαν να προταθούν για τη θέση του

Greece: Signs that current government will be supported to stay in power by any means

Serious accusations from the opposition about briberies of MPs globinfo freexchange Only about after 24 hours from the article Greece: Political games upon a devastated country , posted here, there are, already, signs of an unprecedented political war in Greece, indicating that current government will be supported to stay in power by any means. A key role will be played by the independent MPs in the Greek parliament. As the article mentioned: “ Some independent MPs in the Greek parliament declared that the election of the President of Greece in February 2015 is a different case and left an open door to approach government until then, having in mind, of course, to request for some 'rewards'.” Yesterday, a statement by SYRIZA's MP, Panos Skourletis, mobilized the Supreme Court Prosecutor, to investigate the matter, and became a major theme of conflict between the government and SYRIZA, circulated by the mainstream media too: “ Supreme

NSA saboteurs in China and Germany

“ The National Security Agency has had agents in China, Germany, and South Korea working on programs that use 'physical subversion' to infiltrate and compromise networks and devices, according to documents obtained by The Intercept.” “ Previous disclosures about the NSA’s corporate partnerships have focused largely on U.S. companies providing the agency with vast amounts of customer data, including phone records and email traffic. But documents published today by The Intercept suggest that even as the agency uses secret operatives to penetrate them, companies have also cooperated more broadly to undermine the physical infrastructure of the internet than has been previously confirmed.” “ In addition to so-called 'close access' operations, the NSA’s 'core secrets' include the fact that the agency works with U.S. and foreign companies to weaken their encryption systems; the fact that the NSA spends 'hundreds of millions of dollars'

141014 PUDI Report

Regular reports on the growing Poverty, Unemployment, Debt and Inequality of the neo-capitalist world Greece: “ In 2013, 23.1% of the total population was at risk of poverty, while the risk of poverty threshold is 60% of the median of the total equivalised disposable household income.” “ 892,763 households and their 2,529,005 members are at-risk-of-poverty.” “ The risk of poverty for children aged 0–17 years (child poverty) amounted to 28.8%, which is 5.7 percentage points higher than the corresponding percentage for the total population.” “ People living in households with very low work intensity amounted to 1,200,800 persons or 19.6% of the population aged 18-59 years old, while in the previous year (2012) they amounted to 1,010,900 persons.” “ Population at risk-of-poverty or social exclusion amounted to 3,903,800 persons or 35.7% of the total population (3,795,100 people in 2012).” “ The risk of poverty rate for employed persons amounts to 13.1

Το μεγαλύτερο ψέμα απ'όλα ...

globinfo freexchange “ Δεν 'προστατεύουμε τους τραπεζίτες', όπως ορισμένοι θέλουν να λένε! Ποιους τραπεζίτες; Αυτή τη στιγμή, από τις τέσσερις μεγάλες συστημικές τράπεζες στην Ελλάδα, οι τρείς είναι υπό δημόσιο έλεγχο. Όταν προστατεύουμε το τραπεζικό σύστημα, προστατεύουμε τις καταθέσεις και επαναφέρουμε τη ρευστότητα! Για να υπάρχουν νέα δάνεια, για να πάρουν μπροστά μερικές εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες επιχειρήσεις.” ... και το μεγαλύτερο κόλπο της νεοφιλελεύθερης τραπεζομιντιακής δικτατορίας: Ελλάδα: Το μόνο “δημόσιο” που υπάρχει στις τράπεζες είναι τα χρέη που θα φορτωθούν οι επόμενες γενιές!

131014 PUDI Report

Regular reports on the growing Poverty, Unemployment, Debt and Inequality of the neo-capitalist world Australia: “ Women are significantly more likely to experience poverty than men, with 14.7% of women compared with 13% of all men experiencing poverty in 2011-12.” “ Compared with other age groups, children and older people face higher risks of poverty (17.7% and 14.8% respectively), reflecting the higher costs facing families with children and the fact that many older people receiving the Age Pension do not have sufficient additional income to place them above the poverty line.” “ Sole parents are at a particularly high risk of poverty, with a third (33%) of sole parents in poverty in 2012. As a consequence just over a third (36.8%) of all children in poverty were in sole parent households. This reflects the lower rates of employment among sole parent households, especially those with very young children, and low levels of social security payments for these fa

Πολιτικά παιχνίδια πάνω σε μια κατεστραμμένη χώρα

του system failure Η Ελληνική κυβέρνηση πήρε τελικά την ψήφο εμπιστοσύνης όπως αναμενόταν, με 155 ψήφους, αλλά στο μυαλό όλων, όπως φάνηκε ολοκάθαρα, ήταν το μεγάλο επόμενο και πραγματικό "εμπόδιο" για την εκλογή του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας τον Φεβρουάριο του 2015. Μέχρι τον Φεβρουάριο του '15, αναμένεται μια κορύφωση του πολέμου σε πολιτικό επίπεδο, αλλά και των πολιτικών παιχνιδιών. Ήδη, είχαμε την επιστροφή Κακλαμάνη στη ΝΔ, λίγο πριν από την ψήφο εμπιστοσύνης στην κυβέρνηση. Επιστροφή, που θα μπορούσε βέβαια να χαρακτηριστεί ως μία ακόμα επιστράτευση, απέναντι στην ορατή πλέον Αριστερή "απειλή" για την νεοφιλελεύθερη τραπεζομιντιακή δικτατορία. Η επιστροφή-επιστράτευση Κακλαμάνη, έχει σαφώς έντονο άρωμα τακτικής τύπου Μαρκόπουλου-Σολδάτου: " Επιστρατεύτηκαν όμως και οι πρώην ανεξάρτητοι βουλευτές της ΝΔ Μαρκόπουλος και Σολδάτος, προκειμένου να ενισχύσουν την ισχνή πλειοψηφία της κυβέρνησης και να δικαιώσουν το κάλεσμα Σαμαρά για '

Greece: Political games upon a devastated country

Conclusions from the debate on vote of confidence by system failure The Greek government took the vote of confidence as expected today ( ). The collapsing government in panic, tries to find ways to surpass the second biggest barrier in about four months for the election of the new President of Greece to replace Karolos Papoulias. Today, Samaras' coalition managed to collect marginally 155 votes, but according to the Greek constitution, at least 180 votes in the parliament required for the election of the President of Greece, otherwise the country should proceed in national elections. Until February 2015, when the crucial election for the President of Greece will be held, there will be a culmination of political war and political games. Already, prior to this vote of confidence, a former member of Nea Dimokratia (New Democracy), MP NIkitas Kaklamanis, has returned to the pa