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Showing posts with the label Maduro

March 23, 2022: The day Dollar domination ended ... for good

globinfo freexchange   It's quite remarkable that the West didn't see this coming. It was stupid enough to insist on unproductive sanctions against countries who would not surrender to its corporate colonialism. West's elites didn't realize that the reckless over-usage of sanctions as a tool for political pressure would one day become ineffective in causing the desirable regime change in any country-target. And that this reckless policy, would instead overheat the dollar-domination machine, accelerating the de-dollarization process in the targeted countries and elsewhere. The war in Ukraine and West's sanction-driven typical response against Russia, would only accelerate the de-dollarization process. That is, the attempt of the Sino-Russian bloc to decouple national economies from the declining neoliberal economic system of the West and make this new separate system attractive to other developing nations - several of which also suffer from long-term Western sanctio...

US govt-linked PR firm ran fake news networks for right-wing Latin American regimes

A Washington, DC-based PR firm linked to the US government and Democratic Party, CLS Strategies, ran a fake news network on Facebook and Instagram, spreading propaganda for Bolivia’s coup regime and the right-wing opposition in Venezuela and Mexico. by Ben Norton Part 4 - DC PR firm spreads right-wing propaganda by posing as disgruntled leftists CLS Strategies’ Bolivia propaganda was similar to its disinformation campaign against Venezuela. The firm created Facebook pages promoting the coup leader Jeanine Áñez with titles like “Everyone with Áñez.” The PR firm also set up a page called “Camacho Lovers Santa Cruz,” devoted to the far-right goon squad leader, Luis Fernando Camacho, a businessman from Bolivia’s wealthiest city who started his political career in a neo-fascist Christian paramilitary group founded by former Nazi collaborators. Another page targeted Bolivian women specifically. With the name “Free Bolivian Women,” this Facebook profile posted propaganda attempting...