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Showing posts from October, 2016

Adam Curtis speaks to Jarvis Cocker about his new film 'HyperNormalisation'

An interesting interview The award-winning documentarian Adam Curtis speaks to Jarvis Cocker to talk about his new BBC iPlayer film, HyperNormalisation . HyperNormalisation tells the extraordinary story of how we got to this strange time of great uncertainty and confusion - where those who are supposed to be in power are paralysed - and have no idea what to do. Curtis concludes that the retirement of politicians to deliver a new vision to the societies has transformed them into simple managers who, more and more often, have no clue on how to deal with chaotic situations. As a consequence, societies completely abandoned faith to politicians and turned to the cybernetic universe without, however, being able to create and pursue a new vision about a better world, by themselves. Read also: A short review on Adam Curtis new film 'HyperNormalisation'

Stein: war with Russia is not an option

'There was a ceasefire, which was very hard-won, and that ceasefire was destroyed by the action of the Americans bombing, apparently by mistake, although some people say not by mistake, but it was our bombing of the Syrian troops that destroyed that ceasefire' globinfo freexchange After our call to independent media for a 'counter-debate' with the US third parties , the independent news network Democracy Now! made a first revolutionary step to break the US bipartisan debate monopoly. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! explains again the process, in this second presidential debate: “ We spend the rest of today’s show airing excerpts of the Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton debate and give Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein a chance to respond to the same questions posed to the major-party candidates. Again, Dr. Stein and Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson were excluded from the debate under stringent rules set by the Commis...

Assange claims Clinton campaign tried to hack WikiLeaks

Julian Assange has claimed the Hillary Clinton campaign has attacked the servers being used by WikiLeaks. Despite the Ecuadorian embassy shutting down his internet until the US election is over, the website will continue publishing, according to Assange. “ Everyday that you publish is a day that you have the initiative in the conflict, ” Assange said via telephone at a conference in Argentina on Wednesday. The whistleblowing website has been releasing emails from Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, on a daily basis since early October. Assange claimed the release “ whipped up a crazed hornet’s nest atmosphere in the Hillary Clinton campaign ” leading them to attack WikiLeaks. “ They attacked our servers and attempted hacking attacks and there is an amazing ongoing campaign where state documents were put in the UN and British courts to accuse me of being both a Russian spy and a pedophile, ” he added. Ecuador’s decision to shut down his internet was describ...

Britain joins biggest European military buildup since Cold War

Cold War 2.0 Britain is deploying troops, aircraft and armor in the biggest military buildup in Eastern Europe since the Cold War. The deployment, which was first floated in the press by UK defense chiefs on Wednesday, appears to have been prepared well in advance. It will see up to 800 armored infantry troops deployed to Estonia and Royal Air Force (RAF) fighter jets deployed to Romania in what appears to be a reiteration of the strategy of containment employed against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. France and Denmark will also commit more troops. On Wednesday, UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon struck a belligerent tone in the Wall Street Journal when he warned that Europe “is our continent” and, as such, would be defended. While he claimed the force would be “defensive in nature” he pledged it would be “fully combat-capable.” He denied the placement of small formations around the Baltic area are merely a “trip-wire” in case ...

Meet one more third party candidate that the US banking/corporate fascism doesn't want you to know

Abby Martin - The Empire Files With just weeks until the U.S. presidential election—and with both mainstream candidates embroiled in unprecedented scandal—Abby Martin interviews one of the progressive alternatives, socialist candidate Gloria La Riva. La Riva is a long-time organizer in the anti-war and social justice movements, a union leader and much more. In this election special, Abby Martin and Gloria La Riva discuss her plan to “seize” all U.S. banks, Hillary’s “feminism,” and why supporting the “lesser evil” out of fear of Trump is a losing strategy.

CETA: the banking/corporate dictatorship wins just after one day

Imagine the tons of blackmail exercised on Wallonian officials by the neoliberal lobbyists The Belgian government has reached a deal with the Wallonia region on the free trade agreement between the European Union and Canada, according to Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel. Michel said "an agreement" was found after a last minute round of negotiations with Belgium's French-speaking community who have been holding up the deal. Brussels has not released the details of the compromise. The signing of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) was cancelled on Thursday after the deal was blocked by Wallonia's regional parliament. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was forced to cancel Thursday’s trip to Brussels as the negotiations had stalled. Wallonia premier Paul Magnette said the region was not opposed to an EU trade deal with Canada. However, he insisted the secret arbitration scheme allowing corporations to su...

How the banksters took over New York in 1975

globinfo freexchange We could say that the latest film of Adam Curtis, 'HyperNormalisation', is an update of some of his previous films, which is enriched with the most recent global events and developments. The new film presents also interesting stories about some key figures in the development of cybernetics and the modern perception of non-linear politics. A special "chapter" is dedicated to an interesting story on how the banksters managed to take over New York back in 1975. This story is very important because it is focusing on the details of the rise of a new era in which the power of the banks and the financialized markets completely dominated over the political power until today. In 1975, New York City was on the verge of collapse. For thirty years, the politicians who run the city had borrowed more and more money from the banks to pay for its growing services and welfare. But in the early 70s, the middle classes fled from the city and the t...

A small victory against the transatlantic neofeudalism

CETA deal postponed thanks to Wallonia! Belgium cannot sign a key EU trade deal with Canada, Prime Minister Charles Michel has said, because of objections led by its Wallonia region. Mr Michel said talks with Wallonia and two other elected bodies had failed. His comments appeared to dash hopes the Ceta deal could be signed on Thursday but European Council President Donald Tusk said it was still possible. This is the EU's most ambitious free trade deal to date but Belgium needs its regions' approval to sign it. [...] Mr Michel said he had told Mr Tusk that Belgium could not sign Ceta (the acronym for the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement). The other 27 EU governments want to sign the agreement, which has been in the pipeline for seven years. The European Commission had set Belgium a Monday deadline to make its decision on the deal. [...] For the deal to pass, Belgium's federal, regional and community ...

Στον "πάγο" και η CETA;

Οι περιφέρειες του Βελγίου Βαλλονία και Βρυξέλλες δεν αποδέχθηκαν τελικά τη συμφωνία ελεύθερων συναλλαγών μεταξύ της ΕΕ και του Καναδά και από ότι φαίνεται μπήκε και αυτή, όπως και η ΤΤΙΠ, στον πάγο! Η τελική απόφαση επρόκειτο να παρθεί στο υψηλότερο επίπεδο της ΕΕ και ο Πρόεδρος του Συμβουλίου της Ντόναλντ Τουσκ κάλεσε για αυτό το λόγο τον Πρωθυπουργό του Βελγίου Louis Michel να πείσει όλες τις περιφέρειες του Βελγίου μέχρι τη Δευτέρα το βράδυ. Μόνο αν και οι τρεις περιφέρειες - Φλάνδρα, Βαλλονία και Βρυξέλλες – έδιναν την εντολή στην ομοσπονδιακή κυβέρνηση, θα μπορούσε ο πρωθυπουργός Michel να δώσει πράσινο φως για τη Ceta. Και αυτό είναι αποτέλεσμα της μετατροπής του Βελγίου σε ομοσπονδία Περιφερειών, που έγινε μετά από την πίεση των Φλαμανδών. Η Τοπικοποίηση-Περιφερειοποίηση του κράτους εξασφαλίζει καλύτερα τη λειτουργία της- έστω και αντιπροσωπευτικής- δημοκρατίας τους, γιατί η πολιτική –άρα και το εξωτερικό εμπόριο-πρέπει να συναποφασίζεται στα τοπι...

Αντικομμουνιστικά παραληρήματα προς προσέλκυση ψηφοφόρων

σύντομo πολιτικό σχόλιο από failed evolution Η απέλπιδα προσπάθεια της ΝΔ να προσελκύσει ψηφοφόρους από την ακροδεξιά δεξαμενή, δείχνει και το βαθμό κορεσμού στον οποίο έχει φτάσει η γαλάζια παράταξη. Φαίνεται ότι έχουν εξαντληθεί όλες οι ελπίδες για προσέλκυση περισσότερων ψηφοφόρων από το κέντρο, αφού η άρρηκτη σύνδεση του Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη με το διεφθαρμένο παλαιοκομματικό κατεστημένο και την οικογενειοκρατία, αλλά και η απόλυτη προσήλωσή του στον καταστροφικό νεοφιλελευθερισμό, είναι πράγματα αδιαμφισβήτητα. Όπως αναφέρθηκε σε προηγούμενο άρθρο :       Με την τοποθέτηση Χατζηδάκη, Γεωργιάδη στην αντιπροεδρία της Δεξιάς παράταξης, ο Μητσοτάκης επιχείρησε, χωρίς επιτυχία, να κρατήσει κάποιες ισορροπίες και να ικανοποιήσει τους πάντες. Να στείλει δηλαδή το σωστό μήνυμα στο νεοφιλελεύθερο κατεστημένο εντός και εκτός Ελλάδας, αλλά και να τονώσει την πατριωτική-εθνικιστική εικόνα της ΝΔ. Απ'ότι φαίνεται κατάφερε μόνο το πρώτο, καθώς η πλάστιγγα ...

Τραμπ: Η Χίλαρι Κλίντον θα μας οδηγήσει στον Τρίτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο

Σε συνέντευξη που παραχώρησε στο πρακτορείο Reuters, ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ δήλωσε ότι η προσπάθεια να ηττηθεί το Ισλαμικό Κράτος είναι πιο σημαντική από το να πεισθεί ο Σύρος πρόεδρος Μπασάρ αλ Άσαντ να εγκαταλείψει την εξουσία, κάτι που αποτελούσε διακαή πόθο των ΗΠΑ έως και τώρα. Ο Τραμπ τόνισε μάλιστα ότι ο Άσαντ είναι πολύ ισχυρότερος τώρα από ό,τι ήταν πριν τρία χρόνια. Εξέφρασε επίσης την απορία πώς θα μπορούσε η Κλίντον να διαπραγματευθεί με τον Ρώσο πρόεδρο Βλαντίμιρ Πούτιν μετά την δαιμονοποίησή του από εκείνην. «Πώς θα μπορέσει να επιστρέψει και να διαπραγματευτεί με αυτόν τον άνθρωπο τον οποίο έχει εμφανίσει ως τόσο απόλυτα κακό αν κερδίσει τις εκλογές» είπε χαρακτηριστικά. Για τον πόλεμο στη Συρία, ο Τραμπ είπε ότι η Κλίντον θα παρασύρει τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες σε έναν παγκόσμιο πόλεμο. Στήριξε τον ισχυρισμό του στο γεγονός ότι η Κλίντον έχει προτείνει την εδραίωση μιας ζώνης απαγόρευσης πτήσεων μαχητικών αεροπλάνων και «ασφαλείς ζώνες» στο έδαφος για να...

A short review on Adam Curtis new film 'HyperNormalisation'

by system failure It's always a pleasure for someone to watch documentaries created by Adam Curtis, as they enlighten a less known dimension of global scale politics, society behaviour, culture, technology, ideas and ideologies. Among his most interesting films are The Century of the Self , The Trap: What Happened to our Dream of Freedom , The Power of Nightmares, All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace , etc. We could say that the latest film of Adam Curtis, 'HyperNormalisation', is an update of some of his previous films, which is enriched with the most recent global events and developments. The new film presents also interesting stories about some key figures in the development of cybernetics and the modern perception of non-linear politics. Curtis concludes that the retirement of politicians to deliver a new vision to the societies has transformed them into simple managers who, more and more often, have no clue on how to deal with chaotic s...

Media silent as anti-corporate trade deal protests take Europe by storm

Over the weekend, thousands of protesters across multiple countries condemned impending trade deals promoted by governments and their corporate partners. Though the protests received little coverage from mainstream media, they stretched from Paris to Warsaw. The demonstrations came amid the Commission on International Trade of the European Parliament’s plans to finalize the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) this week. The policy has been likened to so-called “free trade” deals pushed by President Barack Obama and other Western governments. CETA, which has been in the works for seven years, would eliminate tariffs between Canada and European nations, which proponents argue would foster increased trade and create jobs. Nevertheless, the deal has been criticized for granting too much power to multinational corporations, the Guardian reports. Though the European Commission recently drafted a statement claiming “environmental and health standar...

Venezuelan opposition leader caught with grenades, army vests

Venezuelan right-wing opposition has been repeatedly accused of trying to ignite violence in a bid to oust President Maduro’s socialist government. Venezuelan right-wing councilman José Vicente García was apprehended Tuesday by the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service and caught with grenades and military uniforms in his car in the state of Tachira. Tachira state Governor Jose Vielma Mora Gregorio confirmed on his Twitter account that the arrest took place and posted pictures of García along with the military equipment found in his car. “ Intelligence bodies has captured young councilman José Vicente García with war weapons, grenades and vests, ” Gregorio said in a tweet Tuesday morning. The Venezuelan government has long accused the opposition of attempting to create chaos and unrest in the country in order to realize its objective of removing socialist President Nicolas Maduro. According to reports, this was not the first time right-wing ...

Clinton emails - Hillary had been seriously warned about the oncoming Syrian chaos back in 2011

On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016. globinfo freexchange A letter from Clintons' top advisor Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton in mid-December 2011, proves that Clinton had been seriously warned, by, as it seems a highly reliable source, about the oncoming Syrian chaos. Blumenthal presents the views of his friend David Lesch, described as a "leading Syria expert in the US", during his contact with the then and current Syrian ambassador to UK, Sami Khiyami. The ...

Ecuador admits to cutting internet access for WikiLeaks' Assange

The Ecuadorian government has confirmed suspicions that it has "temporarily restricted" the internet access of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. " The Government of Ecuador respects the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states. It does not interfere in external electoral processes, nor does it favor any particular candidate, " reads a statement from the Ecuadorian government. " Accordingly, Ecuador has exercised its sovereign right to temporarily restrict access to some of its private communications network within its Embassy in the United Kingdom. This temporary restriction does not prevent the WikiLeaks organization from carrying out its journalistic activities. " On Monday, WikiLeaks indicated that Julian Assange's internet link had been "intentionally severed by a state party" as part of an apparent effort to prevent the transparency organization from releasing emails related to ...

Guantánamo’s most famous prisoner, held for 14 years without charge

Guantánamo’s most famous prisoner, Mohamedou Slahi, has been released after spending more than 14 years in the notorious detention center. Slahi, author of the 2015 bestselling book “Guantánamo Diary,” was returned to his native Mauritania on October 17. Slahi, 45, was detained in Mauritania at the behest of the United States in 2001, and transferred to Guantánamo Bay in 2002. He had fought with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in the early 1990s when the group was part of the anti-communist forces supported by the US government. He subsequently broke ties with the group, left Afghanistan, and worked for several years as an engineer in Germany, returning to Mauritania in 2001, according to the ACLU. During the period covering the over-14 years of his detention, Slahi was never charged with any crime. He was accused of helping recruit terrorists for the 9/11 attacks and of plotting an attack on the Los Angeles airport, allegations for which his lawyers say there is scan...

Well done Maggie!

Margaret Thatcher named worst prime minister in 100 years Margaret Thatcher has been named the worst Prime Minister of the last 100 years, closely beating fellow Conservative David Cameron in a new survey of leading historical writers. The Historical Writers’ Association (HWA) asked its members to give their views on the last 19 Prime Ministers, in a survey released to mark Theresa May’s 100th day in office on 22 October. Baroness Thatcher, who died in 2013, came first with 24% of the vote, closely followed by Mr Cameron (22%) and Neville Chamberlain (17%). Tony Blair took 11% to leave him in fourth spot, while Gordon Brown and Sir Edward Heath were tied for fifth place with 8%. [...] “ She destroyed too many good things in society, and created too many bad ones, then left a social and moral vacuum in which the selfishly rich and unimaginatively fortunate could too easily destroy still more of what they don't need and can't see th...

Θάτσερ: Η χειρότερη πρωθυπουργός της Βρετανίας εδώ και 100 χρόνια

Η Μάγκυ τα κατάφερε, πήρε και μια πρωτιά μετά θάνατον. Στη λίστα ήταν 19 πρωθυπουργοί της Βρετανίας των τελευταίων 100 χρόνων, δηλαδή, από το 1916. Και η Μάργκαρετ Θάτσερ πήρε την πρώτη θέση: Ανακηρύχθηκε από την Ένωση Ιστορικών της Βρετανίας ως η χειρότερη πρωθυπουργός του αιώνα. Στη δεύτερη θέση -και δη, με μικρή διαφορά- φιγουράρει ο Ντέιβιντ Κάμερον, ενώ τέταρτος είναι ο Τόνι Μπλερ. Η Σιδηρά Κυρία έλαβε το 24% των ψήφων. Ο Κάμερον πήρε με 22%, ο Νέβιλ Τσάμπερλεϊν ήρθε τρίτος με 17% και τέταρτος ο Τόνι Μπλερ με 11%, με τον Γκόρντον Μπράουν να τον ακολουθεί στην επόμενη θέση. Βασικό κριτήριο των ιστορικών ήταν η θέση της Θάτσερ απέναντι στην κοινωνία. « Κατέστρεψε πάρα πολλά καλά στοιχεία στην κοινωνία και δημιούργησε πολλά άσχημα. Άφησε ένα κοινωνικό και ηθικό κενό στο οποίο οι πλούσιοι και οι πεζά τυχεροί μπορούσαν να καταστρέψουν ακόμη περισσότερα από εκείνα που δεν χρειάζονται και δεν έβλεπαν ότι τα έχουν ανάγκη όλοι οι άλλοι » δήλωσε...

Stein: in times of great social upheaval, third parties occasionally prevail

'We, the people, were standing up and leading the charge towards the kinds of policies that we actually deserve. It’s important for us to lead with the politics of courage. The politics of fear, unfortunately, has delivered everything we were afraid of.' globinfo freexchange After our call to independent media for a 'counter-debate' with the US third parties , the independent news network Democracy Now! made a first revolutionary step to break the US bipartisan debate monopoly. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! explains again the process, in this second presidential debate: “ We spend the rest of today’s show airing excerpts of the Donald Trump-Hillary Clinton debate and give Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein a chance to respond to the same questions posed to the major-party candidates. Again, Dr. Stein and Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson were excluded from the debate under stringent rules set by the Commission on ...

Assange's internet link intentionally severed by state party

WikiLeaks has activated “contingency plans” after its co-founder’s internet service was intentionally cut off by a state actor, the media organization said in a tweet. The internet is one of the few, if not only, available ways for Julian Assange, who has been locked up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for more than four years, to maintain contact with the outside world. [...] Clinton’s campaign has made unsubstantiated claims that WikiLeaks is working with the Russian government to help defeat the Democrat in favor of Trump. Last week the FBI reissued a statement saying it was working to “determine the accuracy, nature and scope” of cyber intrusions, but did not name any suspected perpetrators. [...] Earlier this month, it emerged that Hillary Clinton reportedly wanted to “drone” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange when she was the US secretary of state. According to True Pundit, Clinton and the State Department were under pressure to...

RT accounts closure: Western propaganda mechanisms in panic

globinfo freexchange The Western propaganda mechanisms have been exposed severely after the decision for the closure of RT bank accounts by the Royal Bank of Scotland. This was the worst decision that could be taken because it clearly demonstrates the panic of the West for the fact that the usual narratives of the Western propaganda are not effective to the most of the people. Therefore, the Russian 'invasion' through RT in millions of homes at the heart of the Western establishment, was growing rapidly, without serious resistance. The panic confirmed by the fact that RBS later appeared to recall the decision. From RT : The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) appears to have backtracked from its earlier statement that the looming closure of RT accounts is not up for discussion. In a letter to RT, the bank said the situation is being reviewed and the bank is contacting the customer. The e-mailed response began wit...