globinfo freexchange They are doing it again. The corporate Democrats, fully committed to their wealthy donors, are following the same strategy which led them to a humiliating defeat, when they lost to the "orange demagogue" in 2016. We are talking about their strategy to "fish" Republican voters, instead of trying to inspire millions of others· traditional Democrats, Leftists, independents, or people who are not participating in the political process at all. And they could do it very easily. Without "stigmatizing" themselves as "Democratic Socialists" (one of the things they fear and despise most), like Bernie Sanders did. All they had to do, was to stand solid in favor of key issues which are now very popular among the American people: Medicare for All, public education, UBI, no more disastrous wars. They couldn't even exhibit the slightest commitment on at least some of those issues during their recent convention-parody. As Jimmy...