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Showing posts from August, 2020

Truth tellers warn Democrats of possible Joe Biden 2020 loss

TBTV Senator Nina Turner, Filmmaker Michael Moore, and Radio Host, author Charlamagne Tha God warn Democrats about Joe Biden and Trump. Related: Corporate Dems give podium to Republicans and war criminals while trying to bury their own progressives - they will lose again

Michael Moore warns that Trump is set to win again

The Rational National Michael Moore predicted Trump's victory last time, now he's warning it could happen again. Related: Corporate Dems give podium to Republicans and war criminals while trying to bury their own progressives - they will lose again

Against the extradition of Julian Assange to the USA

DiEM25 Julian Assange has been imprisoned in the high-security HMP Belmarsh in London since April 11, 209, as he faces extradition to the United States, where he has been indicted on 18 counts for obtaining, possessing, conspiring to publish and for publishing classified information. With the first-ever use of the Espionage Act for a publisher, the indictment represents an unprecedented attack on press freedom around the world. For Julian Assange, who could face up to 175 years in prison, a conviction could be a death sentence.

At last: Nina Turner blows up the liberal machine, clearly pointing both neofascism and neoliberalism as the evils that the Left must fight until final victory

globinfo freexchange It was about time. We thought it would take centuries until someone from the Left would dare to say the word "neoliberalism" inside the nest of the US liberal machine. Nina Turner was meant to be the one who finally told the truth as clearly as she could:                          Progressives are still on the mission, understanding very clearly that we got two dragons we got to slay. We got to slay the dragon of neofascism and slay the dragon of neoliberalism.  That is, in purely political terms and ahead of the 2020 presidential election, progressives will have to fight against two monsters at the same time: Donald Trump (neofascism) and the corporate Dems/never-Trump Republicans alliance (neoliberalism). It would be almost impossible to defeat them both, without their own independent political party. In essence, progr...

2020: The Next Great Depression

Thom Hartmann Program We are in the middle of the severest depression, ever. Unemployment is at an all-time high and many people will never work again. Should the government employ many of these unemployed people, as happened the in great depression 100 years ago? Or will they just ignore them?

The global pandemic, the class struggle, and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

This resolution was adopted unanimously by the membership of the Socialist Equality Party in the United States at its Sixth National Congress, which was held online from July 19 to July 24, 2020.  Part 6 - Imperialism and the danger of war 59. The American ruling class recognizes the mortal threat posed by the growth of social militancy and political consciousness within the working class. As we have already explained, it is prepared to employ whatever means it considers necessary to counteract the danger to its rule: from the use of racial politics to divide the working class, the intensification of police state measures to suppress progressive and, above all, socialist opposition, and, finally, the repudiation of constitutional norms and the open resort to dictatorship. 60. But these domestic tactics will proceed in tandem with an enormous escalation of imperialist militarism. As in all other spheres of economic, social and political policy, the pandemic is accelerat...

Why the Bill Gates global health empire promises more empire and less public health

Behind a veil of corporate media PR, the Gates Foundation has served as a vehicle for Western capital while exploiting the Global South as a human laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to intensify this disturbing agenda. by Jeremy Loffredo and Michele Greenstein Part 12 - A centralized stockpile to “make WHO dependent on the goodwill of Big Pharma” In October 2019, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted “Event 201” in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Gates Foundation. A former steering committee member of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security is now the Trump administration’s stockpile chief, and the CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine is also on the board of directors at the pharmaceutical corporation Merck. Event 201 was an exercise simulating the outbreak of a novel coronavirus. It included representatives from the U.S. National Security Council, as well as corporate leadership from drugmakers like Johnson & Johnson. ...

US sanctions Russian research institute that developed Covid-19 vaccine

The US Commerce Department blacklisted a Russian research institute that helped create the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine. by Ben Norton Part 1 Russia won the race to develop the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus. The United States has responded by slapping sanctions on a Russian research facility involved in creating it. The US government has blacklisted several Russian scientific institutes, including the Russian Defense Ministry’s 48th Central Research Institute, which has worked with other non-military medical centers to develop and test the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine. In the midst of the global coronavirus pandemic and a historic economic crisis, Washington has escalated its global campaign of economic warfare, imposing sanctions on foreign adversaries and announcing new punitive measures on a nearly daily basis. More than one-fourth of people on Earth live in countries that are suffering from US sanctions. In April, a Russian company se...

US govt-funded Coda Story smears American journalists who undermine new Cold War propaganda

With backing from the US government’s regime-change arm, an Operation Mockingbird-style website called Coda Story is attacking American journalists who have punctured Washington’s sensationalist narratives against China. by Ben Norton Part 2 - Coda Story’s NATO links and mysterious office in Georgia The US government’s National Endowment for Democracy emphasized in materials praising Coda Story that the media outlet has two offices: one in New York, typical for Western news organizations; and another in the country of Georgia, a former member of the Soviet Union that since the end of the first cold war has become a major hub for Western intelligence operations and “color revolution” coup-plotting. Following a Western-backed 2003 regime-change operation dubbed the “Rose Revolution,” Georgia effectively became a client state of the United States, NATO, and European Union. Georgia has actively sought to become a member of NATO, and the US-led military alliance boasts on its off...

To capture and subdue: America’s theft of Syrian oil has very little to do with money

Years of US support to Al-Qaeda and ISIS and efforts to effect regime change in the country have culminated in the theft of Syria’s oil, but is that really America’s coup de gras in Syria? by Steven Chovanec  Part 1 Near the end of July, one of the most important recent developments in U.S. foreign policy was quietly disclosed during a U.S. Senate hearing. Not surprisingly, hardly anybody talked about it and most are still completely unaware that it happened. Answering questions from Senator Lindsey Graham, Secretary of State Pompeo confirmed that the State Department had awarded an American company, Delta Crescent Energy, with a contract to begin extracting oil in northeast Syria. The area is nominally controlled by the Kurds, yet their military force, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), was formed under U.S. auspices and relies on an American military presence to secure its territory. That military presence will now be charged with protecting an American firm fro...

Israel bombs Gaza every day since UAE normalization announced

The Grayzone Red Lines host Anya Parampil speaks with Ali Abunimah, co-founder of the Electronic Intifada , about the recent announcement that Israel and the United Arab Emirates plan to normalize relations. They discuss the conditions which led to the deal as well as what the agreement will mean for Palestinians, particularly those in the besieged Gaza Strip.

US protects global empire during pandemic, not its own population

The Grayzone Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, discusses the connections between the global US empire and the record US death toll during the coronavirus pandemic. " We're really not doing anything very well or right, and that's a consequence in part at least of our fascination with an attempt to maintain and even expand this empire that we've created since 1945, " Wilkerson says. He also discusses the breakdown of US-Russia talks on expanding a key nuclear weapons treaty, and new revelations about the Bush administration's drive to invade Iraq. 

Γιατί οι Αμερικανοί και ειδικά ο Τραμπ όχι μόνο στηρίζουν την Τουρκία, αλλά επενδύουν μάλιστα και στον Τουρκικό εθνικισμό

του system failure Έχουμε ήδη αναφέρει ότι, όπως δείχνουν τα πράγματα, ο Ερντογάν είναι ο χρήσιμος εκπρόσωπος του Αγγλο-Αμερικανικού άξονα στη Λιβύη και κάνει τη βρόμικη δουλειά για λογαριασμό του. Έχουμε επίσης επισημάνει ότι, ειδικά οι Αμερικανοί δεν θέλουν να έρθουν σε ευθεία σύγκρουση με τον Ερντογάν και την Τουρκία, καθώς, εκτός του ότι η χώρα αποτελεί ένα σημαντικό μέλος του ΝΑΤΟ, η Τουρκική γεωστρατηγική επιρροή επεκτείνεται πολύ πιο πέρα από τη Μέση Ανατολή και σε περιοχές που οι Αμερικανοί έχουν ζωτικά συμφέροντα. Εδώ και δεκαετίες, υπάρχουν ισχυροί δεσμοί του Αμερικανικού βαθέως κράτους με τους πιο φανατικούς εθνικιστές στην Τουρκία, όπως οι γκρίζοι λύκοι, οι οποίοι μάλιστα λαμβάνουν και γενναίες χρηματοδοτήσεις. Ο λόγος είναι κυρίως ότι συμβάλλουν στην εξάπλωση του παντουρκισμού προς το τόξο των Τουρκόφωνων χωρών που φτάνουν μέχρι την Κινεζική επαρχία Σιντσιάνγκ, όπου κυριαρχεί η τουρκογενής εθνική ομάδα των Ουιγούρων. Ήδη από το τέλος του Κινεζικού εμφυλίο...

The global pandemic, the class struggle, and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

This resolution was adopted unanimously by the membership of the Socialist Equality Party in the United States at its Sixth National Congress, which was held online from July 19 to July 24, 2020.  Part 5 - Six months of the pandemic: Results and Prospects 56. Six months after the COVID-19 virus was first detected, it is spreading throughout the United States. Earlier talk about the potential dangers of a second wave of the pandemic in the fall have given way to the realization that the first wave has not been brought under control and is still wreaking havoc throughout the country. Even the broadcast media has become far more cautious and sparing in its use of stock phrases, heard so often in April and May, such as “ glimmers of hope, ” “ turning the corner ” and “ light at the end of the tunnel. ” The most recent official estimate of fatalities is that 225,000 Americans will succumb to the disease by November—a figure that will prove in all likelihood to be well below the...

Document exposes new US plot to overthrow Nicaragua’s elected socialist gov’t

A disturbing new document outlines plans for a US regime-change scheme against Nicaragua’s elected leftist government, overseen by USAID, to bring about a “market economy” and a purge of Sandinistas. by Ben Norton Part 5 - “What if Nicaragua did that in the United States?” The existence of the USAID regime-change document was first reported on July 31 on the popular Nicaraguan radio and video show Sin Fronteras, hosted by William Grigsby Vado. Grigsby, a prominent leftist media personality with a large following at the base of the Sandinista Front, condemned the US plot. “ It is nauseating, the document; bearing to read it is difficult, ” he said in outrage. “ You have to have a strong liver to bear it. It pained me a lot. ” “ What right does the US government have to contract a firm to subvert public order in any country? ” Grigsby fumed. “ It is a shameless intervention. Before they did it with the military; in this case they are doing it by subverting publi...

Why the Bill Gates global health empire promises more empire and less public health

Behind a veil of corporate media PR, the Gates Foundation has served as a vehicle for Western capital while exploiting the Global South as a human laboratory. The coronavirus pandemic is likely to intensify this disturbing agenda. by Jeremy Loffredo and Michele Greenstein Part 11 - Operation Warp Speed immunizes Big Pharma from lawsuits In mid-May, the Trump administration unveiled its new coronavirus vaccine project: Operation Warp Speed. While announcing the new project, President Trump boasted that his administration “ cut through every piece of red tape to achieve the fastest-ever, by far, launch of a vaccine trial. ” Like the Trump administration, Bill Gates is advocating for the acceleration of Covid-19 drug approval timeline. He writes that “ governments will need to expedite their usual drug approval processes in order to deliver the vaccine to over 7 billion people quickly. ” He says “ there is simply no alternative ” to this agenda. In March, the U.S. pass...

Anti-laundering bill targeting shell companies stalled in Senate as big banks caught cooking books

The Anti-Money Laundering Act would expose the owners of shell companies now sits alone on a shelf in the US Senate while the Federal Reserve shrugs its shoulders in the face of blatant manipulation by the too-big-to-fail banks. by Raul Diego Part 3 - Gaming the system After the crash of 2008, the Federal Reserve instituted so-called “stress tests” on banks and other financial institutions that had then been deemed “too big to fail”. A formal list has been compiled since 2011 and they are now called by their official designation, Global Systemically Important Financial Institutions (G-SIFIs). These banks and insurers must report their levels of exposure to the Fed, which then assesses the need for more or less control over the institution’s financial activity or penalties through the results of a stress test (simulations run on their balance sheets). An annual stress test report is published by the Fed, which includes the capital requirements of each institution. But, ...

War and Pandemic Journalism

During both, the truth can quickly disappear. by Patrick Cockburn  Part 4 - Disappearing News By its nature, reporting wars is always going to be difficult and dangerous work, but it has become more so in these years. Coverage of Washington’s Afghan and Iraqi wars was often inadequate, but not as bad as the more recent reporting from war-torn Libya and Syria or its near total absence from the disaster that is Yemen. This lack fostered misconceptions even when it came to fundamental questions like who is actually fighting whom, for what reasons, and just who are the real prospective winners and losers. Of course, there is little new about propaganda, controlling the news, or spreading “false facts.” Ancient Egyptian pharaohs inscribed self-glorifying and mendacious accounts of their battles on monuments, now thousands of years old, in which their defeats are lauded as heroic victories. What is new about war reporting in recent decades is the far greater sophisticati...

US govt-funded Coda Story smears American journalists who undermine new Cold War propaganda

With backing from the US government’s regime-change arm, an Operation Mockingbird-style website called Coda Story is attacking American journalists who have punctured Washington’s sensationalist narratives against China. by Ben Norton Part 1 A shadowy neoconservative website called Coda Story has launched a smear campaign against American journalists who challenge new cold war propaganda. But what this publication has not disclosed is that it is funded by the US government, backed by the European Union, linked to the NATO war alliance, and part of a larger network of regime-change outfits that are bankrolled by Western governments and corporate oligarchs. Launched in 2016, Coda Story markets itself as a brave counterweight to Chinese and Russian state-backed “ disinformation. ” This is quite ironic, because the website is itself financed by the regime-change arms of the US government and the European Union, and peddles disinformation of its own in support of Washington’s n...

Crushing US sanctions devastate Syria's people and post-war reconstruction

The Grayzone In a new article for Foreign Affairs , scholar Joshua Landis and former Obama administration official Steve Simon write that US sanctions on Syria " further immiserates the Syrian people, blocks reconstruction efforts, and strangles the economy that sustains a desperate population during Syria’s growing humanitarian and public health crises. " 

DNC 2020 - Reality TV for Oligarchs

Redacted Tonight The DNC Convention was this week. It is an opportunity for the Democrats to expand their voting base as they head into an election against a Republican demagogue. Lee Camp takes advantage of several opportunities to lambast the hypocrisy of the Obamas, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and several Republicans who received more speaking time at the convention than the popular candidate from their primary, Bernie Sanders.

Corporate Dems give podium to Republicans and war criminals while trying to bury their own progressives - they will lose again

globinfo freexchange They are doing it again. The corporate Democrats, fully committed to their wealthy donors, are following the same strategy which led them to a humiliating defeat, when they lost to the "orange demagogue" in 2016. We are talking about their strategy to "fish" Republican voters, instead of trying to inspire millions of others· traditional Democrats, Leftists, independents, or people who are not participating in the political process at all. And they could do it very easily. Without "stigmatizing" themselves as "Democratic Socialists" (one of the things they fear and despise most), like Bernie Sanders did. All they had to do, was to stand solid in favor of key issues which are now very popular among the American people: Medicare for All, public education, UBI, no more disastrous wars. They couldn't even exhibit the slightest commitment on at least some of those issues during their recent convention-parody.  As Jimmy...