Another proof that the former Rothschild banker and current French PM, Emmanuel Macron, is definitely the man of the neoliberal establishment to 'keep things in order', comes from the archive of the Podesta emails through WikiLeaks. globinfo freexchange Through a letter on Aug. 27, 2015, Matthew Browne asked John Podesta if he, or someone from Hillary Clinton camp, could attend a meeting hosted by Emmanuel Macron (then French Finance Minister), to " develop a successful political and economic narrative to counter the right and populists to the left ". It's impressive that Browne describes a meeting of two sessions, and one of them was entirely dedicated for the purpose above. It appears the elites are terrorized of what they call 'populism'. This 'mini-Bilderberg' meeting included some important people from the European establishment, who, according to Browne, " They've asked for help bring som...