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Showing posts from October, 2018

Ποιοι πανηγυρίζουν για τη νίκη ενός φασίστα στη Βραζιλία

του Άρη Χατζηστεφάνου Καναδικές εταιρείες, πολιτικοί στις ΗΠΑ αλλά και η δεξιά αντιπολίτευση στη Βενεζουέλα βρίσκονται ανάμεσα σε όσους πανηγυρίζουν για την αναρρίχηση του φασίστα, ομοφοβικού και ακραία νεοφιλελεύθερου Ζαΐρ Μπολσονάρο, στην προεδρία της Βραζιλίας. Καθώς η μεγαλύτερη οικονομία της Νότιας Αμερικής περνά στα χέρια ενός ανθρώπου, τον οποίο αρκετοί συγκρίνουν με τον δικτάτορα Πινοσέτ της Χιλής, ξένες εταιρείες τρίβουν τα χέρια τους για τις δυνατότητες «επενδύσεων» στον Αμαζόνιο. Σε πολιτικό επίπεδο πολλοί έχουν λόγους να πανηγυρίζουν για την ολοκληρωτική διάλυση των αριστερών ή έστω προοδευτικών κυβερνήσεων της Νότιας Αμερικής. Ας δούμε όμως ποιοι αναμένουν άμεσα οφέλη από την άνοδο του Μπολσονάρο. Οι καναδικές εταιρείες εξόρυξης Προς τιμήν του το CBC, η καναδική δημόσια ραδιοτηλεόραση, φιλοξενεί στην ιστοσελίδα της ανάλυση του Κρις Αρσενολτ, ο οποίος μιλά για τα οφέλη που αναμένουν καναδικές εταιρείες εξόρυξης από το νέο πολιτικό σκηνικό στ...

Φάκελος Κύπρου: Οι Χουντικοί γνώριζαν για την εισβολή και έκαναν διακοπές

Γιώργος Στάμκος Μέρος 1ο Οι αποκαλύψεις που προέρχονται από την πρόσφατη δημοσιοποίηση του “Φακέλου Κύπρου” και ειδικά από τον πρώτο τόμο των Πορισμάτων της επιτροπής της Ελληνικής Βουλής (Φεβρ. 1986 - Μαρτ. 1988) επιβεβαιώνουν τους πραγματικούς υπευθύνους αυτής της μεγάλης εθνικής τραγωδίας. Μια σειρά από τραγικά λάθη, παραλείψεις και προδοσίες από τη Χούντα των Συνταγματαρχών, με κυριότερα την ανάκληση της Ελληνικής Μεραρχίας Κύπρου (Δεκ.1967- Ιαν.1968) και το πραξικόπημα κατά του εκλεγμένου προέδρου της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας, Αρχιεπισκόπου Μακάριου, στις 15 Ιουλίου 1974, αποδυνάμωσαν σε τραγικό βαθμό την άμυνα της μεγαλονήσου, δημιούργησαν εμφυλιοπολεμικές καταστάσεις ρίχνοντας το ηθικό των αμυνόμενων, και παρείχαν την αφορμή και τη δικαιολογία που αναζητούσε επί χρόνια η Τουρκία για να εισβάλει στην Κύπρο. Η Χούντα των Συνταγματαρχών, αφού διέπραξε στις 21 Απριλίου 1967 το ύψιστο έγκλημα της εσχάτης προδοσίας, καταλύοντας το δημοκρατικό πολίτευμα στην Ελλάδα και κ...

'While the rest of the world burned,' billionaires made more money in 2017 than any other year in history

During a year in which so much of the world faced deep poverty, the corrosive effects of austerity, and extreme weather caused by the worsening human-caused climate crisis—from devastating hurricanes to deadly wildfires and floods—one class of individuals raked in more money in 2017 than any other year in recorded history: the world's billionaires. According to the Swiss bank UBS's fifth annual billionaires report published on Friday, billionaires across the globe increased their wealth by $1.4 trillion last year—an astonishing 20 percent—bringing their combined wealth to $8.9 trillion. " The past 30 years have seen far greater wealth creation than the Gilded Age, " the UBS report notes. " That period bred generations of families in the U.S. and Europe who went on to influence business, banking, politics, philanthropy, and the arts for more than 100 years. " UBS estimates that the world now has a total of 2,158 billionaires, with 179 bil...

The real reason the knives are out for Mohammed bin Salman

In the six weeks before Khashoggi’s disappearance, MBS not only managed to anger the U.S. military-industrial complex but the world’s most powerful bankers. by Whitney Webb Part 2 - Who really crowned the prince? Back in 2015, there were already concerns in international intelligence that an imminent power struggle in the Saudi royal family was brewing. Notably, concern within some intelligence communities regarding the likely rise of MBS was so high that Germany’s intelligence agency BND publicly released a memo slamming MBS as a destabilizing influence who was responsible for the new Saudi “ impulsive policy of intervention. ” It went on to warn that MBS, then head of the Saudi Defense Ministry and an economic council aimed at overhauling the country’s oil-dependent economy, was seeking to dramatically concentrate power in his hands. Doing so, the memo warned, “ harbours a latent risk that in seeking to establish himself in the line of succession in his father’s l...

The oligarchs behind the “humanitarian” regime change network now exploiting Jo Cox’s death to push for UK Labour split

Only by masking their otherwise unpopular policies in the cloak of Jo Cox’s tragedy, and humanity’s natural empathy for good samaritans and the downtrodden, has this small group of powerful individuals been able to launder disastrous wars and military adventurism as “the right thing to do.” by Vanessa Beeley and Whitney Webb Part 3 - Who is Jeffrey Skoll? Following on from his success at Ebay that ensured Skoll’s meteoric rise to the ranks of the billionaire elite, Skoll has capitalized upon that success to garner multiple awards from within the monied elite circles that he now inhabits. Skoll has been awarded the Carnegie Medal for Philanthropy, which is considered to be the equivalent to the Nobel Peace Prize for philanthropy. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is a big-business club that is described as a “foreign policy think tank” with centers in Washington, New Delhi, Moscow, Beirut and Beijing. Former President Jessica Matthews said that her aim wa...

After win by Brazilian fascist Jair Bolsonaro, world's capitalists salivate over 'new investment opportunities'

"Capitalism only asks whether fascism is profitable." by Jake Johnson As Brazilian women, the LGBTQ community, workers, and people of color reacted with horror to the election of fascist Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency on Sunday after a campaign dripping in bigotry and militarism, Western corporate interests and the business press could hardly contain their glee over the victory of the hard-right former paratrooper who has promised to further pry open Brazilian markets to foreign investment, slash corporate taxes, and privatize the nation's public services. While highlighting Bolsonaro's " homophobic, racist, and misogynist statements, " the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) gushed that his win over Workers' Party candidate Fernando Haddad " could mean fresh opportunities for Canadian companies looking to invest in the resource-rich country " thanks to his strong commitment to " open markets. " "...

'Brazil's Trump' expected to win Sunday vote as fears for Democracy grow

Election results expected around 6:00 PM EDT Sunday Brazilians are voting Sunday—weighing their hunger for radical change against fears that the presidential front-runner could threaten democracy as they cast ballots after a bitter campaign that was frequently marred by violence. Far-right congressman Jair Bolsonaro—often called "Brazil's Trump"—has won over many voters by painting a picture of a dark Brazil at war—with criminals, corrupt politicians and leftist ideas. But many others fear that electing a populist provocateur notorious for praising Brazil’s 1964-85 military regime and foreign autocrats including Donald Trump, Peru’s Alberto Fujimori and Augusto Pinochet of Chile would send the country into the dark ages. Polls released Satuday gave Bolsonaro an 8-10% advantage over his leftist opponent, Fernando Haddad, although the Workers’ party (PT) candidate had been gaining ground in recent days. Election results expected around 6:00 PM ...

The Snowden files: NSA's plans for a hundred percent coverage of every square inch of the planet

NSA wants to take its battlefield targeting alert system that they used to kill people in Iraq and in other war zones and implement it globally, so that they can target anybody anywhere. globinfo freexchange Suzie Dawson , asylum-seeking journalist and current President of the Internet Party of New Zealand, is being targeted by New Zealand intelligence agencies as a result of her activism in the Occupy movement and against the TPP, among other causes. Dawson spoke with Jimmy Dore and made some astonishing revelations coming from Edward Snowden that were very little known. Here are the most impressive: According to the NSA, it takes a whole village for them to spy on the UN. That's a direct quote they worked with the State Department and the CIA to spy on and monitor and infiltrate the United Nations. The NSA was literally planning a system of global control. They refer to it in their documents as the global network and they want that spying netwo...

The Troika’s Policy in Greece: Rob the Greek people and give the money to private banks, the ECB, the IMF and the dominant States of the Eurozone

On 20 August 2018, the Greek government of Alexis Tsipras, the IMF and the European leaders celebrated the end of the Third Memorandum. On this occasion, the major media and those in power spread the following message: Greece has regained its freedom, its economy is improving, unemployment is on the decline, Europe has lent Greece 300 billion and the Greeks will have to start repaying that debt in 2022 or in 2032. The main claims are completely unfounded as Greece remains under the control of its creditors. In compliance with the accords that the Alexis Tsipras government signed, the country must imperatively achieve a primary budgetary surplus of 3.5% which will force it to continue brutal policies of reduction of public spending in the social sector and in investment. Contrary to the dominant message that Greece will not begin to repay its debt until some time in the future, it should be clearly understood that Greece has been repaying considerable amounts constantly all al...

Η ΕΕ χρηματοδοτεί συμμορίες για να καταστέλλουν πρόσφυγες

Μαρτυρία διασώστη στο Tvxs Φωτεινή Λαμπρίδη Ιστορίες με άρωμα Άουσβιτς “ Είχαμε διασώσει κάποια παιδιά από το Σουδάν, τα οποία είχαν πουληθεί τέσσερις φορές από συμμορία σε συμμορία όλα μαζί σαν σκλάβοι. Μας είπαν ότι μια φορά σε μια υπαίθρια αγορά, εκεί που περίμεναν να πουληθούν, είδαν δύο Λιβύους να τσακώνονται. Ο ένας ήθελε να πουλήσει ένα περίστροφο στον άλλον. Ο υποψήφιος αγοραστής δεν πίστευε ότι ήταν καλή ποιότητας και του λέει ο έμπορος ‘δοκίμασε το’. Ο άλλος το παίρνει γυρνάει πίσω κοιτάζει έναν Αφρικανό, τον σημαδεύει στο κεφάλι, τον σκοτώνει και του λέει ‘καλό είναι θα το πάρω’. Αυτό μας το κατάθεσαν τριάντα πέντε άνθρωποι. Τους σκοτώνουν για πλάκα. Τη νύχτα μεθάνε οι φρουροί στα κέντρα κράτησης και σκοτώνουν Αφρικάνους για να διασκεδάσουν. Πρόκειται για ακραία σαδιστική βία. Ο ΟΗΕ ήδη από το 2016 μιλούσε για σοδομισμούς. Οι φύλακες τους βάζουν να βιάζουν ο ένας τον άλλον. Τους πάνε στα ντους και τους πετάνε καλώδια στο πάτωμα για να πάθουν ηλ...

The US helped destabilize Honduras - Now Honduran migrants are fleeing political & economic crisis

globinfo freexchange President Donald Trump is lashing out at the Central American migrant caravan of some 7,000 people making their way through Mexico and toward the US border. On Monday, he claimed without evidence that terrorists and members of the MS-13 gang had infiltrated the group. Trump has doubled down on his threat to cut aid to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and called out Democrats over US border policy, in an ongoing attempt to turn the caravan into a main issue in upcoming midterm elections. Democracy Now! spoke with two Central American-born activists, Patricia Montes of Centro Presente and Oscar Chacón of Alianza Americas. As Chacón pointed out: US foreign aid is not what most Americans like to think it is. Very often, US foreign aid is sort of like a boomerang. You put money nominally abroad, but what they have to do with the money is essentially purchase either merchandise or services from the US. And in the case of Central A...

The corporate-intelligence complex: Bezos & Amazon team up with defense, CIA & ICE

globinfo freexchange Silicon Valley giants like Amazon & Palantir team up with ICE to hunt down immigrants, pick out the innocent as potential criminals, and build the cloud for Defense Department and CIA. Bob Sheer speaks with Marc Steiner of the Real News. As Sheer says: As George Orwel pointed out, and others have, that our own Constitution points out, if you don’t have private space, if you can’t be alone with your thoughts, your associations, your books and so forth, you can’t have freedom. That’s the bottom line. The American Revolution was fought over that. And the Internet represents the best and the worst of worlds. We are connected. We offer a lot of ourselves. We learn a lot from it. But it’s also the worst in terms of individual space and privacy. This has come to be recognized particularly after Edward Snowden revealed the extent of cooperation between companies like Facebook and Google and Apple, and others, and the intelligence ag...

Berniefakis vs Bannovini: progressives unite to take down establishment, fend off Bannon & Co.

Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said he and US Senator Bernie Sanders will in a month formally launch a left-wing counterpart to the nationalist movement being forged by Steve Bannon. A Sanders-Varoufakis team-up was suggested in an recent op-ed by the Greek economist published by the Guardian. The formal creation of Progressives International is to happen in Sanders’ home state of Vemont on November 30, Varoufakis announced during a press conference in Rome on Friday. Varoufakis, who led tough negotiation with European lenders in 2015 before resigning after Athens agreed to EU’s austerity terms, says the world today is facing a crisis of leadership similar to what Europe saw in the 1930s. With the establishment failing the common people, populist nationalist forces are rising to power, offering quick and simple solutions to problems like social inequality, loss of jobs to countries with cheaper labor and mass migration. Steven Bannon, the former st...

The real reason the knives are out for Mohammed bin Salman

In the six weeks before Khashoggi’s disappearance, MBS not only managed to anger the U.S. military-industrial complex but the world’s most powerful bankers. by Whitney Webb Part 1 Amid a chorus of condemnation directed against his leadership following the slaying of controversial journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman – popularly known by the moniker MBS – condemned Khashoggi’s murder in no uncertain terms on Wednesday, calling the deed a “ heinous crime that cannot be justified ” and promising “ justice ” for those who killed him. MBS’ statement came after dozens of media reports, the majority of which had cited anonymous sources from within the Turkish and U.S. governments, revealed the grisly details of the journalist’s final moments and the subsequent attempt by his killers to cover their tracks. Yet, while MBS may expect the international calls for his ouster to lessen following his recent admission and apparent behind the scenes deal...