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Showing posts with the label John Bolton

Trump makes key move to beat Biden in their race to start a war with Iran

globinfo freexchange   Less than two months from November's US general election, Donald Trump decided to make a key move in order to secure support from the Israeli lobby. As in previous elections, the lobby is a critical factor which will determine to a significant degree the outcome of the election.    We are talking about the recent Israel's deals with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain that have been achieved through US interference.   As the BBC reported : [emphasis added]   US President Donald Trump has hailed the "dawn of a new Middle East", amid Israel's landmark deals with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain. Mr Trump spoke as the two Gulf states signed agreements fully normalising their relations with Israel. The three countries hailed the deals as historic, as did Mr Trump, whose administration helped broker them.   The Gulf states are just the third and fourth Arab countries to recognise Israel since its founding in 1948. ...