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How Hollywood sells us war

Second Thought   The easiest way to inject a propaganda idea into most people’s minds is to let it go through the medium of an entertainment picture when they do not realize that they are being propagandized.                                                                                                     - Elmer Davis

CIA agent calls for starting world war with China over Taiwan

Moderate Rebels   A CIA agent is openly calling for starting a new world war with China in order to keep Taiwan as a US imperial protectorate and maintain Washington's military control over South Korea and Japan. 

Insane NY Times propaganda whitewashes Guantanamo prison camp

Moderate Rebels   The New York Times published a propaganda piece whitewashing the US prison camp at Guantánamo Bay, occupied Cuban territory, promoting its McDonald's. 

US military admits to waging war on Iran

Moderate Rebels   The Pentagon admitted to waging a state-sponsored terrorist campaign and unconventional war against the people of Iran. 

Flattening the curve or flattening the global poor? How Covid lockdowns obliterate human rights and crush the most vulnerable

Marketed as life-saving public health measures, lockdowns triggered death and economic devastation on a global scale while doing little to slow the spread of Covid-19. Now, they’re back with a vengeance.   by Stavroula Pabst and Max Blumenthal   Part 4 - Lockdowns drive debt, dependency and death across the Global South   The legacy of colonialism and imperialism has split the world economy into a “core” of wealthy economies and a periphery of poor economies that are largely dependent on exporting cheap raw materials and low-value added manufactured goods. When the wealthy core economies locked down in 2020, international trade contracted, triggering a violent economic whiplash in developing countries as their earnings from exports and tourism suddenly collapsed. As a result, developing country debt has risen from an average of about 40 percent of overall GDP to over 60 percent. Throughout 2020, developing economies were forced to pay out 194 billion to their creditors, e...

Leaked files expose Syria psyops veteran astroturfing BreadTube star to counter Covid restriction critics

By covertly recruiting popular YouTube influencer Abigail Thorn to counter growing opposition to UK gov’t Covid restrictions, psy-ops pros are bringing home the tactics they honed in the Syrian dirty war   by Kit Klarenberg and Max Blumenthal   Part 1   Leaked documents have revealed a state-sponsored influence operation designed to undermine critics of the British government’s coronavirus policies by astroturfing a prominent founder of the BreadTube clique of “anti-fascist” YouTube influencers. The project aims to conduct psychological profiling on British citizens dissenting against policies such as mandatory vaccination and lockdowns, then leverage the data to establish a YouTube channel that portrays these critics as dangerous “superspreaders” of “disinformation.”  Designed “ to curb the influence of pseudoscience material online, with specific emphasis on Coronavirus-related ‘anti-vaxxing’ sentiment, ” the operation is run by the UK’s Royal Institution, and dubb...

Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald & Chris Hedges on NSA leaks, Assange & protecting a Free Internet

Democracy Now!   NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Glenn Greenwald and Chris Hedges discuss mass surveillance, government secrecy, Internet freedom and U.S. attempts to extradite and prosecute Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. They spoke together on a panel moderated by Amy Goodman at the virtual War on Terror film festival after a screening of "Citizenfour" — the Oscar-winning documentary about Snowden by Laura Poitras.  

US model for 'democracy' Colombia has 2 massacres per week

Moderate Rebels   In the far-right narco-regime in Colombia, which the United States considers to be a model for "democracy" in Latin America, at least 323 people were killed in 91 massacres in just 2021 alone - an average of nearly 2 massacres per week. 

Twitter partners with Western military cutout to censor critics

Moderate Rebels Twitter has partnered with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), a warmongering Western military cutout that is funded by the US government, NATO, and weapons corporations, to censor critics of their foreign policy. And Twitter's new CEO Parag Agrawal has said very clearly that defending the First Amendment is not their priority.  

Ridiculous media propaganda claims China has 'brain-control weaponry'

Moderate Rebels   Western corporate media outlets exemplified how they are propaganda mouthpieces for the US government by uncritically regurgitating its claims, without any evidence, that China is developing "brain-control weaponry" and that Beijing (not North American Big Pharma corporations) is responsible for the pill addiction epidemic in the United States. 

At least 30 dead in migrant boat accidents in Greece

Greek coast guards scoured for survivors in the Aegean Sea on Saturday after the latest in a series of migrant boat accidents that have killed at least 30 people in just days. Late Friday, the coastguard found 16 bodies, including those of three women and a baby, and rescued 63 people from a boat that overturned and sank near the island of Paros.   According to those rescued, around 80 people had been on the vessel. It’s believed they had been headed for Italy from Turkey, according to the coastguard. Smugglers operating from Cesme and Bodrum on the Turkish coast are packing migrants in yachts to send them to Italy using new, more dangerous routes, according to the ERT television channel.   Three coast guard patrol boats, private vessels, a coast guard plane as well as divers searched for more survivors, officials said. The latest tragedy – the third since Wednesday – came amid high smuggler activity not seen in Greek waters in months. Hours earlier, 11 bodies were recovered f...

Roger Waters: Israel is a ‘Terrorist, Apartheid, Racist Regime!’, slams treatment of Palestinians

Going Underground   Former Pink Floyd frontman, Roger Waters, discusses attempts to prosecute Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz for war crimes against Palestinians, his classification of Israel as a ‘terrorist, apartheid, racist, colonialist regime’, what President Joe Biden represents and his views on the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the persecution of Julian Assange & Steven Donziger and much more.

Day 988: Julian Assange still in prison

failed evolution   World's number one political prisoner, Julian Assange, still in high security prison for exposing horrendous war crimes carried out by the US imperialists and their allies.   The ruthless Western imperialist regime wants to punish the No1 real journalist in the world and make him an example for any Whistleblower or real journalist who will attempt to expose its big crimes in the future.   The only thing that stands between the ruthless imperialists and their plans to exterminate Julian Assange are the thousands of people protesting against his extradition to the US. Among them, famous names from the global political, economic, academic, intellectual and arts sectors.   More and more people should join the fight until full drop of charges against Julian Assange and his release.   So, until then, we should make sure that the clear message will reach the power centers of the worst liberal establishment ever: if you commit another big crime by a...

New files expose Australian govt’s betrayal of Julian Assange and detail his prison torment

Documents provided exclusively to The Grayzone detail Canberra’s abandonment of Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, and provide shocking details of his prison suffering by Kit Klarenberg Part 6 - Files on Australia’s DFAT discussions with US Secretary of State redacted in full   In response to the ruling, Australia’s Shadow Attorney General Mark Dreyfus issued a forceful statement, declaring the opposition Labor party believed “ this has dragged on for long enough, ” particularly given Julian’s “ ill-health, ” and demanding the Morrison administration “ do what it can to draw a line under this matter and encourage the US government to bring this matter to a close. ” Conversely, DFAT published a characteristically laconic, soulless note, stating merely that Australia was “ not a party to the case and will continue to respect the ongoing legal process, ” and rehashing previous false claims that Julian had rejected multiple offers of consular assistance. Canberra was simply silent ...

Flattening the curve or flattening the global poor? How Covid lockdowns obliterate human rights and crush the most vulnerable

Marketed as life-saving public health measures, lockdowns triggered death and economic devastation on a global scale while doing little to slow the spread of Covid-19. Now, they’re back with a vengeance.   by Stavroula Pabst and Max Blumenthal   Part 3 - A bonanza for tech oligarchs, “the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day” for the less fortunate   In the United States, lockdowns and various rolling restrictions triggered an economic catastrophe for working and poor people across the country, pushing those already on the financial precipice over the brink. In the US in 2020, 40 percent of people making under $40,000 annually lost work, and almost three million women were driven out of the workforce due to an inability to balance work and caregiving and virtual learning obligations for children who could no longer attend in-person school or daycare. Dozens of airlines failed, and at least 200,000 small-businesses were shuttered.  Increased unemployment benefits...

Far-right Pinochet supporter loses Chile's election. Will the neoliberal system change?

The Grayzone   In Chile's presidential election, far-right Pinochet dictatorship supporter José Antonio Kast, the son of a German Nazi, was defeated by young center-left social democrat Gabriel Boric. Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton speak with journalist Pablo Vivanco about what this victory means, Boric's major weakness on US imperialism, and the prospects of rewriting the Pinochet-era constitution.

'We will bury neoliberalism': Global celebration follows Leftist victory in Chile

"At last. The specter of Pinochet is removed from Chile," declared former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis. by Jake Johnson   Socialist Gabriel Boric's victory in Chile's high-stakes presidential election Sunday was hailed by progressives worldwide as an inspiring example of how a democratic groundswell can overcome deeply entrenched forces of reaction and chart a path toward a more just, equal, and sustainable future.  Riding a massive wave of anger at Chile's neoliberal political establishment and the economic inequities it has perpetuated, Boric—a 35-year-old former student activist—handily defeated José Antonio Kast, a lawyer and politician whom one commentator characterized as " easily as reactionary as far-right dictator Augusto Pinochet, " the leader of the U.S.-backed military junta that ruled Chile with an iron fist for nearly two decades. " At last. The specter of Pinochet is removed from Chile, " declared former Greek Finance ...

US Gov discussed killing Assange & possibly Ellsberg

Katie Halper  Daniel Ellsberg and Julian Assange have a lot in common and Daniel Ellsberg is the first one to point this out. Daniel goes over how they both exposed state secrets, how the government attempted to use the Espionage Act against them, spied on them and while we know for certain that the CIA discussed killing Assange, the US Government may have discussed killing Ellsberg when they said they'd "incapacitate," him.

Biden's plan for Central America: Help US corporations exploit its people

Moderate Rebels   While China helps Central America build high-quality infrastructure, the Biden-Harris administration has a plan to compete: Bring in US corporations to exploit its people. 

Is the U$A a Democracy?

theAnalysis-news   Tom Ferguson, a leading expert on money and politics, weighs in on how much democracy is there with so much wealth and power in so few hands. Tom joins Paul Jay on .  

Free Assange! Marianne Williamson, Krystal Ball, Katie Halper, Kyle Kulinski, Glenn Greenwald + More

Katie Halper   Katie Halper, Krystal Ball, Marianne Williamson & Kyle Kulinski join forces to host a livestream to free Julian Assange, the radical truth-teller and champion for the First Amendment who is set to be extradited to the United States by Biden who is joining Donald Trump (and parting ways with Obama) in his pursuit of Assange.    Joined by guests including Susan Sarandon, Glenn Greenwald, Roger Waters, Rep. Ro Khanna, Margaret Kimberley, Julian's brother Gabriel Shipton, Julian's fiancee Stella Moris, the UN's Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, Saagar Enjeti, Ryan Grim, Randy Credico and more! 

Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia unite in Cuba at anti-imperialist ALBA summit

Moderate Rebels   Leftist Latin American and Caribbean leaders gathered in Cuba for the 20th summit of the anti-imperialist Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA). Ben Norton discusses the important meeting, and translates highlights from the speeches of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, and Bolivian President Luis Arce.  

Der wahre Grund, warum die USA Assange jagen | Glenn Greenwald

acTVism Munich   Glenn Greenwald ist ehemaliger Verfassungsrechtler, Pulitzer-Preisträger und Autor mehrerer Bestseller, darunter With Liberty and Justice for Some (2011) und No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State – deutscher Titel: Die globale Überwachung: Der Fall Snowden, die amerikanischen Geheimdienste und die Folgen (2014). The Atlantic zählt ihn zu den 25 einflussreichsten politischen Kommentatoren, Newsweek zu den Top 10 Meinungsmachern Amerikas und Foreign Policy zu den Top 100 Global Thinkers 2013. Greenwald ist ehemaliger Rechtsanwalt mit Schwerpunkten im Verfassungs- und Bürgerrecht. Er war bis Oktober 2013 Kolumnist für The Guardian und ist heute einer der Gründer der Nachrichten-Website The Intercept.  

Σε πανικό το καθεστώς Μητσοτάκη, εναποθέτει τις ελπίδες στα πράσινα δεκανίκια του ΚΙΝΑΛ

globinfo freexchange   Πανικό φαίνεται να έχει προκαλέσει στο Μητσοτακικό καθεστώς η δημοσίευση της μελέτης Τσιόδρα - Λύτρα που άφησε εντελώς έκθετο τον παρολίγο Μωυσή. Η μιντιακή χούντα, ο καθεστωτικός τύπος και στελέχη του καθεστώτος έσπευσαν να συμμαζέψουν τα ασυμμάζευτα με φτηνές κινήσεις αποπροσανατολισμού και γελοίες δικαιολογίες.   Το κακό όμως είχε ήδη γίνει από τη βόμβα που έσκασε, καθώς ο Κούλης είχε ισχυριστεί από το βήμα της Βουλής ότι δεν υπάρχουν στοιχεία που να τεκμηριώνουν ότι η διασωλήνωση εκτός ΜΕΘ έχει πολύ μεγαλύτερη θνητότητα από όσο εντός ΜΕΘ, ενώ είχε παραλάβει τη μελέτη Τσιόδρα-Λύτρα που υποστηρίζει το ακριβώς αντίθετο.     Το μεγάλο σκάνδαλο αποτελεί άλλη μια απόδειξη για το γεγονός ότι οι φανατικοί και ανάλγητοι φασιστοφιλελέδες της Μητσοτακικής δεξιάς έχουν ένα μόνο πράγμα στο μυαλό τους: πως να εκμεταλλευτούν την υγειονομική κρίση για να διαλύσουν το ΕΣΥ και να προχωρήσουν τα σχέδια για πλήρη ιδιωτικοποίηση του τομέα της Υγείας. Και δεν ...

Day 981: Julian Assange still in prison

failed evolution   World's number one political prisoner, Julian Assange, still in high security prison for exposing horrendous war crimes carried out by the US imperialists and their allies.   The ruthless Western imperialist regime wants to punish the No1 real journalist in the world and make him an example for any Whistleblower or real journalist who will attempt to expose its big crimes in the future.   The only thing that stands between the ruthless imperialists and their plans to exterminate Julian Assange are the thousands of people protesting against his extradition to the US. Among them, famous names from the global political, economic, academic, intellectual and arts sectors.   More and more people should join the fight until full drop of charges against Julian Assange and his release.   So, until then, we should make sure that the clear message will reach the power centers of the worst liberal establishment ever: if you commit another big crime by a...

New files expose Australian govt’s betrayal of Julian Assange and detail his prison torment

Documents provided exclusively to The Grayzone detail Canberra’s abandonment of Julian Assange, an Australian citizen, and provide shocking details of his prison suffering by Kit Klarenberg Part 5 - Assange attorney warns Australia’s DFAT of “impending crisis”   Three days later, Assange attorney Gareth Peirce wrote to the High Commission, asserting that if consular representatives had attended court, “ they will have undoubtedly noted what was clear for everyone present in court to observe ” – that her client was “ in shockingly poor condition…struggling not only to cope but to articulate what he wishes to articulate .” Unbelievably, a DFAT report on the proceedings unearthed by Tranter made no mention whatsoever of Julian’s disheveled appearance, or his clearly frayed mental state. Peirce went on to argue that under the circumstances, it was unsurprising Julian had not authorized prison officials to provide the Australian government with information regarding his medical treatmen...

Revealed: Documents show Bill Gates has given $319 million to media outlets

Sifting through over 30,000 grants in the company’s database, MintPress can reveal that the Gates Foundation has bankrolled hundreds of media outlets and ventures, to the tune of at least $319 million. by Alan Macleod    Part 5 - All the way to the bank In most coverage, Gates’s donations are broadly presented as altruistic gestures. Yet many have pointed to the inherent flaws with this model, noting that allowing billionaires to decide what they do with their money allows them to set the public agenda, giving them enormous power over society. “ Philanthropy can and is being used deliberately to divert attention away from different forms of economic exploitation that underpin global inequality today, ” said Linsey McGoey, Professor of Sociology at the University of Essex, U.K., and author of No Such Thing as a Free Gift: The Gates Foundation and the Price of Philanthropy. She adds:     The new ‘philanthrocapitalism’ threatens democracy by increasing the power of...

Flattening the curve or flattening the global poor? How Covid lockdowns obliterate human rights and crush the most vulnerable

Marketed as life-saving public health measures, lockdowns triggered death and economic devastation on a global scale while doing little to slow the spread of Covid-19. Now, they’re back with a vengeance.   by Stavroula Pabst and Max Blumenthal   Part 2 - Lockdowns were inspired by bogus modelling by unqualified academics   On March 16, 2020, as the global consensus formed around implementing restrictions in some form, a professor from London’s Imperial College delivered a presentation to the British government that would prove pivotal. That academic, Neil Ferguson, introduced a model asserting that if the UK did not impose a harsh lockdown, 500,000 citizens would die of Covid-19 that year; and if it took only moderate steps to restrict public life, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson planned, 260,000 would die. In either case, Ferguson insisted, the national healthcare system would be overwhelmed and the economy irreparably damaged. Within a week, Johnson’s government accepte...

US & UK Destroying Assange & Press Freedom

The Jimmy Dore Show    

'Ετοιμο το πράσινο δεκανίκι του καθεστώτος - γιατί οι ολιγάρχες επέλεξαν τελικά τον Ανδρουλάκη

globinfo freexchange   Σε προηγούμενο άρθρο , εκτιμήσαμε ότι ο βαθμός δυσκολίας για τους ντόπιους ολιγάρχες - προκειμένου να κατασκευάσουν μια απόλυτα ελεγχόμενη κυβέρνηση συνεργασίας ΝΔ-ΚΙΝΑΛ - ανεβαίνει όσο μικραίνει η πιθανότητα νίκης του Λοβέρδου που είναι η πιο πιστή μαριονέτα, ή του Παπανδρέου, που είναι η αμέσως επόμενη τους επιλογή, αφού είναι εξαιρετικά διαχειρίσιμος. Αλλά το ΚΙΝΑΛ γενικά είναι του χεριού τους.   Απ'ότι φαίνεται και τα δυο αυτά χαρτιά κάηκαν γρήγορα, αφού ο μεν Λοβέρδος δεν μπόρεσε να κρύψει τη δίψα του για σφιχτό εναγκαλισμό με την χειρότερη δεξιά που κυβέρνησε στη μεταπολίτευση. Τον δε Παπανδρέου δεν κατάφεραν να τον ξεπλύνουν τα μιντιακά πλυντήρια των ολιγαρχών, καθώς απ'ότι φάνηκε, κυρίως στα σόσιαλ μίντια, ο κόσμος δεν ξέχασε ποιος έφερε τον εφιάλτη της συμμορίας του ΔΝΤ στη χώρα.  Οι ολιγάρχες έπρεπε να κάνουν μια ολική επανεκκίνηση στο πράσινο δεκανίκι τους, ώστε το ξέπλυμα να είναι όσο το δυνατόν πιο αποτελεσματικό. Έπρεπε να βρουν τον κ...

Julian Assange loses appeal: British High Court accepts US request to extradite him for trial

In a London courtroom on Friday morning, Julian Assange suffered a devastating blow to his quest for freedom. A two-judge appellate panel of the United Kingdom's High Court ruled that the U.S.'s request to extradite Assange to the U.S. to stand trial on espionage charges is legally valid. As a result, that extradition request will now be sent to British Home Secretary Prita Patel, who technically must approve all extradition requests but, given the U.K. Government's long-time subservience to the U.S. security state, is all but certain to rubber-stamp it. Assange's representatives, including his fiancee Stella Morris, have vowed to appeal the ruling, but today's victory for the U.S. means that Assange's freedom, if it ever comes, is further away than ever: not months but years even under the best of circumstances.   In endorsing the U.S. extradition request, the High Court overturned a lower court's ruling from January which had concluded that the conditions ...

Julian Assange extradition explained

BreakThrough News   Julian Assange could soon be extradited to the U.S. and faces 175 years in prison. He's accused of “espionage” for receiving and publishing leaked military documents. Here is why the accusations are baseless and the precedent for journalism is so dangerous. 

UK High Court Rules on Extradition to the US

acTVism Munich   A UK High Court ruled in favor of the United States government and reversed a lower court decision blocking the extradition request. Assange’s legal team is expected to immediately appeal the decision to the UK Supreme Court. Meanwhile, Assange remains in Belmarsh Prison.