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Evidence that the US imperialists were pre-planning to arm and train the neo-nazis in Ukraine

There is plenty of evidence that the Western imperialists and their European allies supported neo-nazi groups in Ukraine during the 2014 "Maidan revolution", which led to the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych, and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.
Protests originally erupted in November 2013 after President Yanukovych refused to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union at a meeting of the Eastern Partnership in Vilnius, Lithuania, choosing closer ties with Russia instead. 

The support of Ukrainian neo-nazis by the US imperialists continued further during the Obama term. For example, as the World Socialist Web Site reported on early 2016:
The 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act, signed into law by US President Barack Obama late last year, did not include a previously expected ban against the funding of the Azov Regiment, a military organization that originated as a volunteer militia in May 2014 and was subsequently incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine.

The Azov Regiment is notorious for the openly white supremacist and anti-Semitic views of its members, and its use of the Wolfsangel, a swastika-like symbol once used by certain divisions of the armed forces of Nazi Germany, as well as its leading role in the Battle of Mariupol in May-June 2014. The regiment’s leader is Andriy Biletsky, a current member of the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada (parliament) and also leader of the neo-Nazi Social-National Assembly. In a characteristic statement, Biletsky was quoted by the UK Telegraph last August as stating, “The historic mission of our nation in this critical moment is to lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival, a crusade against the Semite-led Untermenschen.” 


According to an article published in the Daily Beast last July, in an interview for that publication, Sgt. Ivan Kharkiv of the Azov battalion “spoke about his battalion’s experience with US trainers and US volunteers quite fondly, even mentioning US volunteer engineers and medics that [were] still currently assisting them.”
Also, recently, Ottawa Citizen revealed that Ukrainian neo-nazis bragged about receiving training from the Canadian Forces and other NATO nations.
Yet, there is new evidence that the US imperialists were pre-planning the support of neo-nazis in Ukraine, apparently because they knew that the Yanukovych administration was not very excited with the prospect of Ukraine joining the Western bloc.

Ben Norton found that the US consistently votes against a specific resolution by the UN concerning the condemnation of the glorification of nazism and racism. As Norton writes: "The United States has been the only country on Earth to consistently vote against a UN resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism and racism, since it was first introduced in 2013. US allies Canada and Ukraine have at times joined, but Washington stands alone in defense of fascism."

What's most interesting, is that when the UN resolution was first introduced for vote at the end of 2013, only four countries voted against: US, Canada, Kiribati and Palau. While the alleged pro-Russian Yanukovych administration followed the EU line, choosing abstention.
Quite likely, the Russians foresaw the prospect of neo-nazi groups being mobilized by the US imperialists against the Ukrainian territories with Russian population, so they pushed for this UN resolution in order to expose US intentions.

Yet, the US imperialists didn't hesitate to vote against, essentially signaling that they were willing to arm and train neo-nazi groups to overthrow the Ukrainian government and proceed in ethnic cleansing against Russian populations in the eastern Ukraine.

Further evidence that the US imperialists and their allies are ruthless hypocrites that will use whatever means necessary to crush any resistance against their plans for colonization and exploitation. They have nothing to do with "peace", "justice" and "democracy" as they often declare during their "humanitarian" missions.


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