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Showing posts with the label Netanyahu

Trump annihilates Genocide Dems and the Musk-led oligarchy rebounds decisively in the capitalist civil war

by system failure As we wrote four years ago, the globalist faction of the US capital (primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy ) had the chance to counterattack against the capitalists around Trump through Biden's recent victory, in the ongoing capitalist civil war .   Yet, despite the fact that Trump brought some serious trouble to the liberal capitalists, ironically, he came right on time to rescue them. He helped them escape from the dead end, after eight years of an utterly disappointing Obama administration.  At the time when the liberal capitalists ran out of tricks (and social movements were pushing for real change in the US), Trump came to their rescue. Suddenly, the Obama fraud was almost forgotten and all the progressives had to align behind the liberal fraudsters in order to defeat the "creepy orange clown". After four years of anti-Trump liberal hysteria and a pandemic nightmare that also came right on time, the liberal capitalists managed to...

The wounded US imperialist beast becomes more dangerous than ever as desperately seeks to start a WWIII

globinfo freexchange   It seems that the declining Western superpower is losing ground and tries hardly to avoid the inevitable.    The US imperialist beast, despite all the destruction that causes, is failing to fulfill its utter objectives. Which in short, are the dissolution of Russia and China, looting their vast resources, as well as the full expansion of the destructive neoliberal model throughout these areas and other countries allied with the Sino-Russian bloc.   Most importantly, the wounded beast is loosing much of its strength due to the rapid de-dollarization that has started approximately ten years ago, as dollar had become the front line of the US imperialist sweeping force since the early 70s.   As if nothing has changed, the beast insists on using the same tools to prevail in the global geopolitical field, ignoring the unprecedented changes and complexities under current circumstances.    In a move (as it seems) of desperation, the Uni...

Already started: South Africa takes a first decisive step towards an enormous shift of power from the West to the global anti-imperialist powers

This could be proved one of the most significant turning points of 21st century  by system failure   Just only about a month ago, we wrote that we are witnessing a genocide in real-time. Israeli Apartheid state has launched another ethnic cleansing operation against Palestinians, not only in Gaza, but in the West Bank too. And the level of brutality of this operation shows that the Zionists of Netanyahu regime are absolutely determined this time to complete what the Israel is trying to do for decades: wipe out Palestinians from their land.    We concluded that, it's time for China, Russia, the Global South and the Arab World to form a robust coalition with the mission to make sure that international law will truly apply to everyone.   Well, it would be almost impossible to predict that it could start so fast.     Yesterday, South Africa addressed the UN's highest court in a bid to end the mass killing of civilians in Gaza, accusing Israe...

More evidence that it was a false flag operation: Israel was aware of Hamas' October 7 attack since at least 2016!

globinfo freexchange   From the first moment after Hamas' October 7 attack we pointed out that if we consider the fact that Hamas is actually Israel's fatal creature and that Netanyahu himself used Hamas as a tool to divide Palestinians and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, the October 7 attack has a strong smell of a false flag operation.  More and more evidence comes to light showing that this is probably the case. Surprisingly enough, the most impressive evidence so far comes from NY Times , according to which, Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened! As we read in the related article [emphasis added]:   Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. [...]  The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, ...

The real reason Zionists and their US-Western imperialist buddies are slaughtering Palestinian children in Gaza

globinfo freexchange   Gaza is gas-rich. At least 1.4 trillion cubic feet rich. Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the occupied Palestinian territory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in area C of the occupied West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip. Back in 1999, the Palestinian authority signed a deal with British Gas. Just off the Gaza coast two wells were drilled. It was a multi-billion dollar gift from God and economic boom for both home and abroad.    In 2007, Hamas came to power and Israel launched an offensive on Gaza Strip, leaving behind 1,400 dead Palestinians, but taking with it the gas fields. Within a year, Israel announced the discovery of the Leviathan natural gas field, which did include Gaza's riches, valued at 453 billion dollars. But Gazans have been denied around 47 billion dollars in revenue. As for Tel Aviv, it's gunning to become a new hub.   As Andy Rowell of priceofoi...

Time for the anti-imperialist powers to take the keys of the planet from the declining and morally bankrupt West

It's time for China, Russia, the Global South and the Arab World to form a robust coalition with the mission to make sure that international law will truly apply to everyone   by system failure   We are witnessing a genocide in real-time. Israeli Apartheid state has launched another ethnic cleansing operation against Palestinians, not only in Gaza, but in the West Bank too. And the level of brutality of this operation shows that the Zionists of Netanyahu regime are absolutely determined this time to complete what the Israel is trying to do for decades: wipe out Palestinians from their land.   Therefore, in essence, this is just the culmination of an ongoing ethnic cleansing operation against Palestinians that is going on since 1948.   However, there are some new facts in this re-boosted cycle of violence this time, apart from the level of brutality against Palestinian civilians. One, is the fact that the US-Israeli propaganda doesn't seem to be very effect...

How Israel's propaganda machine works after the hospital massacre

globinfo freexchange   A massive operation is underway by Israel's media apparatus to distort the facts around the bombing of hospitals in the besieged Gaza City.   Even before the attack, information was circulating in the international media that there are Hamas tunnels under the hospitals. The information was circulated by media outlets such as the BBC a day before the attack.  During the first hours after the attack, fake photos (in fact photos of different times and locations) were circulated on the Internet, supposedly showing a Hamas rocket that went off course and hit the hospital. From very early on, social media users spotted and pointed out the scam. As the international outcry over the hundreds of victims grew, the initial leaks became the official line of the Israeli government, trying to attribute the attack to Hamas. It should be noted that one of the first media to broadcast this information was i24news , which had broadcast the fake news about the allege...