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Time for the anti-imperialist powers to take the keys of the planet from the declining and morally bankrupt West

It's time for China, Russia, the Global South and the Arab World to form a robust coalition with the mission to make sure that international law will truly apply to everyone
by system failure
We are witnessing a genocide in real-time. Israeli Apartheid state has launched another ethnic cleansing operation against Palestinians, not only in Gaza, but in the West Bank too. And the level of brutality of this operation shows that the Zionists of Netanyahu regime are absolutely determined this time to complete what the Israel is trying to do for decades: wipe out Palestinians from their land.
Therefore, in essence, this is just the culmination of an ongoing ethnic cleansing operation against Palestinians that is going on since 1948.

However, there are some new facts in this re-boosted cycle of violence this time, apart from the level of brutality against Palestinian civilians. One, is the fact that the US-Israeli propaganda doesn't seem to be very effective, despite the full alignment of nearly all the Western mainstream media behind it.

As more and more people start to see more pieces of this unsolvable puzzle in the Middle East, they realize that the story does not begin from Hamas' (very brutal indeed) atrocities of the October 7 attack. And those pieces are forming a completely different picture from that of the Western mainstream media.

As a consequence, almost immediately after the first pictures came out of Gaza - depicting the Israeli absolute barbarism, we witnessed massive protests from people (many Jews too) not only in the Arab countries, but also in many countries of the West and elsewhere.

Another thing that has changed, is UN's Secretary-General remarks on the issue. Guterres' statements were unusually distant from the official Israeli line. And especially the phrase "This most recent violence does not come in a vacuum. The reality is that it grows out of a long-standing conflict, with a 56-year long occupation and no political end in sight.", made the Israeli officials furious.  

Additionally, Europe appeared to be more divided than ever on the issue. The European countries split throughout the available three choices of the resolution for an immediate humanitarian truce between Israel and Hamas. 
And  if we consider the fact that Hamas is actually Israel's fatal creature and that Netanyahu himself used Hamas as a tool to divide Palestinians and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, the October 7 attack has a strong smell of a false flag operation. 
It is not the first time that Israel is being condemned for war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Yet, nothing has changed fundamentally and no one could stop its Apartheid state to carry on with this operation. And it is more than obvious that this happens because it has the full support of the United States. Israeli state has been for decades the US bully in the region. And there is a long and strong bidirectional relation between the Israeli lobby and the US deep state. 

For decades, European countries were forced to fully support the US-Israel axis for various reasons. The UK because essentially it has always been part of that axis, Germany because of its past and the collective guilt for the Holocaust, others because they were simply too weak to distant themselves from the US foreign policy.

For decades, and especially after the fall of the Soviet Union, the whole world couldn't do the slightest thing about this ongoing ethnic cleansing operation against Palestinians, as the Israeli Apartheid state had the full support of the sole superpower. Things changed after the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, which marked the beginning of the fall of the US empire and the domination of the West.
The last remnants of the legitimacy and alleged "moral superiority" of the West have been destroyed with the revelation of the big lies that led to the invasion of Iraq. An invasion that added significantly to the chaos in the Middle East instead of "spreading democracy" as the US propaganda tried to make people believe. 

In the meantime, the Sino-Russian bloc and countries of the Global South that suffered heavily from the uninterrupted US sanctions, have been making an effort - for at least a decade now - to decouple themselves from the US Dollar. Even traditional allies of the US, like Saudi Arabia, are seeking to co-operate with China through various agreements based on their own currencies.

It is also remarkable that many African countries had the chance to make mutually beneficial deals with China. And this is a fact that gave them the opportunity to compare China's approach against the colonial behavior of the US and many other European countries that seek to actually steal their natural resources.

Decades of US-Western colonial brutality has pushed the countries of the Global South closer to the Sino-Russian alliance. And as a new economic system - independent from the unsustainable Western financial capitalism - is emerging rapidly against the declining US empire and its Western allies, more and more countries will find an alternative to the corporate neo-colonial exploitation.

The outcome of the recent UN resolution gives us the picture. As The Guardian reported:

                   The US has ended up looking quite badly isolated after only 12 countries joined Washington and Israel at the UN general assembly in opposing a motion calling for a sustained humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities.

                  One hour after Israel had extended its offensive in Gaza, Jordan’s motion was passed in New York by 120 votes to 14, with 45 countries abstaining. The outcome was remarkable for showing the limited direct support for the world’s greatest superpower, with even France, Spain and the UK refusing to join the US in voting against the motion.

There are signs that some European countries are seriously thinking to abandon the US sinking ship to save themselves and join the new emerging bloc. And it would be very wise to do so.

In any case, it's time for China, Russia, the Global South and the Arab World to form a robust coalition with the mission to make sure that international law will truly apply to everyone. It's more than obvious that the declining and morally bankrupt West, can't do it.


  1. I reside in Australia and the Jews stole her assets and property and left her to die penniless in a nursing home in Perth
    In Western Australia. I am still waiting for the west Australian government to pay back the stolen funds whilst I also seek closure for the wrongful death by overdosing my late mother in the nursing home. Even her death certificate was wrongful to cover up the fact of wrongful death. The Jews are in Australia so beware all, and take care of your loved ones don't trust them they are thieves and bullies. World beware !


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