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Showing posts with the label color revolution

US-backed counter-revolution coup against Cuba blatantly fails

globinfo freexchange   Since at least early 2018, the US imperialists were setting the stage for another coup against Cuba in the form of a "color revolution".  As reported back then:   The US State Department announced a new program called 'The Cuba Internet Task Force'. The Task Force will consist of the US government and non-governmental representatives to "promote the free and unregulated flow of information in Cuba". It is part of the National Security Presidential Memorandum of "strengthening the policy of the United States toward Cuba", that was issued by President Trump in June 2017.   This policy seeks "advancing Cuban human rights; encouraging the growth of a Cuban private sector independent of government control; enforcing final orders of removal against Cuban nationals in the United States". The US has sought to overthrow the Cuban government ever since the 1959 revolution. This is not the first time the US has attempted to ...