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Showing posts with the label liberal plutocracy

How the anti-Trump liberal capitalists beat their rivals and took back America with their Biden puppet

globinfo freexchange   As we pointed out right after last November's US general election, the globalist faction of the US capital (primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy ) had the chance to counterattack against the capitalists around Trump through Biden's recent victory, in the ongoing capitalist civil war .   Yet, we didn't have so far the details of how the liberal capitalist faction managed to beat its rivals.  Surprisingly enough, those details have been revealed by the liberal machine itself through a recent article on Time . Apart from the shocking revelations, what's even more shocking is the way that the liberal establishment perceives Democracy. In short, the article unravels the liberal way of thinking, which views the liberal status quo as the totally indisputable norm that has to be restored at any cost. Even if that means manipulation of the democratic processes themselves!   The first surprise comes from the following paragraph:  A se...

Neoliberal centrists and phony fascists as political tools of the capitalist classes in an escalating war

globinfo freexchange    The progressive movement has lost recently one of its pioneers. David Grabber was an American anthropologist, anarchist activist, leading figure in the Occupy Wall Street movement, and is sometimes credited with having coined the slogan "We are the 99%". In the following short analysis, Grabber describes almost perfectly the nature of the neoliberal centrism and how its carriers manipulate the masses. He also unveils the role of those to the right, which in the US is played politically by the Republican Party. As he points out:                            There's a symbiotic relationship between these centrists, who are just sort of sneering elitists and these guys who are the scam artists, who pretend to be locals, who pretend to be idiots, or pretend to be fascists. They're not even real fascists, they're kind of phoney fascists...