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Showing posts from January, 2018

Choosing camps: Facebook forced to align with the Western banking cabal against Cryptocurrencies

globinfo freexchange The supposedly independent world of Internet and Social Media shows that it will be forced to choose camps in the global economic war, which has also a significant geopolitical impact. After the Wall Street mafia declared war on Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies in at least three cases quite recently, it was the turn of Facebook to obey by choosing the camp of Western banking cabal against Cryptocurrencies. From Recode : Facebook is banning all ads that promote cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin, in an effort to prevent people from advertising what the company is calling “ financial products and services frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices. ” That means no advertiser — even those that operate legal, legitimate businesses — will be able to promote things like bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, initial coin offerings — ICOs for short — or binary options, according to a Facebook blog post. ...

The US empire extents coup in Brazil

globinfo freexchange In a rather grotesque prossess, the Chief Justice of the Appeals Court in Brazil, before hearing any evidence, deems Judge Moro’s decision impeccable. Evidence against the former Brazilian President Lula da Silva, is almost entirely based on plea bargain testimony of a convicted criminal who wanted his sentence reduced. Brazil's political elite is going after Lula and the Workers Party to eliminate them from running in the next Presidential election this year, according to CEPR co-director Mark Weisbrot. It appears that this particular case with Lula da Silva is being initiated partly from the Unites States and Weisbrot reveals the connection of judge Sergio Moro with the US foreign policy establishment and other US institutions who portray him as a heroic figure who fights corruption. Recall also that WikiLeaks described the Senate-imposed President of Brazil Michel Temer – after the constitutional coup against Dilma Rousseff in 2016 - as...

To assassinate Arafat, Israel’s Mossad planned to blow up passenger plane

The US empire extents coup in BrazilFor years, many had speculated – for which they were promptly cast as tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists – that when it comes to achieving illegal goals, including but not limited to creating “false flag” terrorism and political assassinations, few are as skilled and industrious as the CIA and Mossad. Especially Mossad. Only, as so often happens, most (if not all) such “conspiracy theories” turn out to be truth, in this case exposed thanks to the work of Israeli investigative journalist Ronen Bergman, whose just-published explosive book “‘Rise and Kill First: The secret history of Israel’s targeted killings” details such Israeli plans as the assassination of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat which included a plot to blow up passenger planes and football stadiums. [...] An excerpt from the book published in the NYT , details how when former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was defense minister, he ordered the Israeli arm...

Tom Perez: the Democratic party’s grim metaphor

Sometimes a party’s leader seems to symbolize an enduring malaise. For Democrats in 2018, that institutional leader is Tom Perez. While serving as secretary of labor during President Obama’s second term, Perez gained a reputation as an advocate for workers and civil rights. That image may have helped him win a narrow election among Democratic leaders to become chair of the Democratic National Committee, with the backing of Hillary Clinton loyalists eager to prevent the top DNC job from going to Bernie Sanders supporter Rep. Keith Ellison. Perez’s leadership of the DNC during the last 11 months has been mediocre at best. The problems go far beyond administrative failings, lack of inspirational impacts or shortcomings in fundraising. His mode of using progressive rhetoric while purging progressives from key DNC committees reflected a pattern. At the top of the DNC, the Clinton wing’s determination to keep the progressive base at arm’s length has not abated ...

Trump’s State Department spent over $1m in Iran to exploit unrest for ‘regime change’, documents reveal

At the end of 2017, a dozen cities across Iran, including the capital Tehran, were rocked by spontaneous protests which continued into the New Year. What role did the United States play? Part 1 At the end of 2017, a dozen cities across Iran, including the capital Tehran, were rocked by spontaneous protests which continued into the New Year. The protests drew attention to the country’s deteriorating economic conditions, along with the regime’s abysmal human rights record. They also paved the way for President Donald Trump’s announcement on January 12th that this would be a “last chance” for waiving US nuclear sanctions under the Iran nuclear deal for a further 60 days, after which the US would withdraw if its “disastrous flaws” cannot be fixed. A range of recent official documents, from Congressional research to US foreign aid funding reports, throw new light on the Trump administration’s approach. The documents reveal the US government’s continued interest in trigg...

Iran, as supporter of self-determination, a thorn in imperial Washington’s side

Iran’s unapologetic self-determination, including its ballistic missile and nuclear energy program as well its resistance to economic imperialism, make it a constant thorn in Washington’s side by Randi Nord Part 3 - Syria as a breaking point and the curious case of Yemen Syria has manifested as a breaking point for relations between Tehran and Washington. The United States launched its proxy war against Syria for a variety of reasons, one of which included replacing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with an Israeli-friendly regime. As part of warming relations with Israel, Washington’s ideal Syrian government would cease relations with Iran and cut off cooperation with Hezbollah. An email published by WikiLeaks reveals an exchange between Hillary Clinton and her aides which includes the subject line “ an interesting proposal from Bruce Riedel re: how Israel could help get Assad out of office. ”: “ Ephraim Halevy, the former head of Israel’s secret intelligenc...

Black faces in high places while the nation circles the drain

Foreshadowed by his roots and bottle-rocket-like rise, Barack Obama’s legacy is one of betrayal and what might have been,… From the outset, he courted and was courted by the pillars of counter-revolution, his very blackness a cloak for his Manchurian mission. by Jon Jeter Part 5 - The Mel Reynolds mold The year after Washington keeled over dead from a heart attack while working at his desk on Thanksgiving Eve of 1987, a Harvard-educated black Rhodes scholar named Mel Reynolds challenged a Washington ally, Gus Savage, for Illinois’ 2nd Congressional District, which included a swath of Chicago’s South Side lakefront. It would take Reynolds three tries to finally unseat Savage but — as Frederick Harris wrote in his 2014 book, The Price of the Ticket: Barack Obama and the Rise and Decline of Black Politics — the city’s two major daily newspapers, the Chicago Tribune and Sun-Times endorsed Reynolds, as did conservative Washington Post columnist George Will. The main bus...

Όλα είναι (δημόσιος) δρόμος

Τι κάνεις όταν ο πατέρας των ιδιωτικοποιήσεων, Μίλτον Φρίντμαν, σου λέει ότι οι αυτοκινητόδρομοι πρέπει να μένουν πάντα υπό δημόσιο έλεγχο; Στις παραδοσιακές μητροπόλεις του καπιταλισμού, τις ΗΠΑ, τη Βρετανία και τη Γερμανία, τον υπάκουσαν. Σε κάποιες οικονομικές αποικίες τον αποκάλεσαν «σοσιαλιστή των δρόμων». του Άρη Χατζηστεφάνου Πλησιάζει μισός αιώνας από την εποχή που το γερμανικό συγκρότημα Kraftwerk παρουσίασε το θρυλικό άλμπουμ Autobahn, εμπνευσμένο σύμφωνα με αρκετούς μουσικοκριτικούς από τον περίφημο αυτοκινητόδρομο Α555. Σήμερα αρκετοί Γερμανοί θυμούνται τον Α555, που κατασκευάστηκε το 1929 όταν ήταν δήμαρχος της Κολονίας ο Κόνραντ Αντενάουερ, γιατί καταρρίπτει έναν μεταπολεμικό μύθο: ότι το περίφημο δίκτυο γερμανικών αυτοκινητόδρομων Autobahn κατασκευάστηκε από τους ναζί («ναι, αλλά έφτιαξαν δρόμους»). Στην πραγματικότητα, το μετέπειτα καμάρι της Γερμανίας οφείλει την ύπαρξή του στον δημόσιο τομέα της Δημοκρατίας της Βαϊμάρης. Ο Χίτλερ μά...

Iran, as supporter of self-determination, a thorn in imperial Washington’s side

Iran’s unapologetic self-determination, including its ballistic missile and nuclear energy program as well its resistance to economic imperialism, make it a constant thorn in Washington’s side by Randi Nord Part 2 - A clash of ideologies: imperialism vs. self-determination Even independent news outlets often fail to grasp the reasons behind Washington’s constant targeting of Iran — pointing simplistically to oil and gas. While resource theft has been a significant factor behind Washington’s foreign policy, it alone is not sufficient motivation to promote “regime change” for 40 years. The true conflict stems from Tehran and Washington’s differences in ideology (and no, it’s not Christianity versus Islam). It’s a conflict between imperialism and self-determination. The U.S. status as world superpower relies on its ability to exploit and manipulate competition while propping up what essentially amounts to an empire through military quests. The United States us...

Black faces in high places while the nation circles the drain

Foreshadowed by his roots and bottle-rocket-like rise, Barack Obama’s legacy is one of betrayal and what might have been,… From the outset, he courted and was courted by the pillars of counter-revolution, his very blackness a cloak for his Manchurian mission. by Jon Jeter Part 4 - The Empire fights back The assassination of Martin Luther King, coupled with the twilight of American industry’s global dominance, ratcheted up both working class militancy, and the elites’ crackdown on it. Mineworkers in Appalachia and autoworkers in Detroit were fighting to reclaim their trade unions from a reactionary leadership that was in bed with management; communists were on the march in North Carolina, Black Panthers in Oakland; militant white college students protested the war in Berkeley, and black parents and teachers fought for community control of their school curriculums in Brooklyn. Fred Hampton was organizing black street gangs and black professionals, Latinos, poor alien...

The war on Whistleblowers and WikiLeaks

The PayPal-offshoot Becomes a Weapon in the War Against Whistleblowers and WikiLeaks. The Palantir document notes that most well-known journalistic professionals “with a liberal bent . . .if pushed will choose professional preservation over cause, such is the mentality of most business professionals.” WikiLeaks, the transparency organization known for publishing leaked documents that threaten the powerful, finds itself under pressure like never before, as does its editor-in-chief, Julian Assange. Now the fight to silence WikiLeaks is not only being waged by powerful government figures but also by the media, including outlets and organizations that have styled themselves as working to protect whistleblowers. Pierre Omidyar – eBay billionaire and PayPal’s long-time owner – holds considerable sway over several journalists and organizations that once championed WikiLeaks but now work for the Omidyar-owned publication, The Intercept. Thanks to his deep ties to the ...

Bernie speeds up the revolution!

Indeed, the revolution has not been televised! globinfo freexchange Without the slightest amount of exaggeration, we could easily characterize as a historical moment the event that took place on Jan 23, 2018 at the National Town Hall in Washington. Bernie Sanders bypassed the corporate media to bring on the table one of the most serious issues for millions of Americans: health care as a right for all. As the Huffingtonpost reported:            Sanders’ town hall, which was co-hosted by the left-leaning online video news outlets The Young Turks, NowThis and ATTN, demonstrated that a lengthy seminar on the complicated topic of single-payer health care can draw a crowd as large as many primetime cable news shows. The auditorium itself was packed to capacity with some 450 attendees. And together, the live audiences on the senator’s Facebook and YouTube pages, the the three news sites and some other outlets that pi...