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Showing posts with the label capitalists

Zuckerberg changes camp in the capitalist civil war, joins the Musk-led oligarchy

globinfo freexchange   It was Mark Zuckerberg this time that decided to change camp in the capitalist civil war, in order to join the Musk-led oligarchy under the oncoming presidency of oligarchy's puppet.   The move by Meta to end its third-party fact-checking program and move to a so-called community notes model, has been justifiably widely interpreted as an attempt by Zuckerberg to ingratiate himself with the incoming Trump administration, which has long denounced the moderation policy as censorship with a left-wing bias.   From the first moments in his interview with Joe Rogan, Zuckerberg attempted to justify his previous policy regarding censorship practices in Facebook, claiming that he was receiving high pressure from the Democratic party to do so! The ex-liberal billionaire oligarch made an impressive 180 degrees turn, claiming that he knew that there was something wrong with the specific policy and that he tried to fight back against the pressure to imple...

Trump annihilates Genocide Dems and the Musk-led oligarchy rebounds decisively in the capitalist civil war

by system failure As we wrote four years ago, the globalist faction of the US capital (primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy ) had the chance to counterattack against the capitalists around Trump through Biden's recent victory, in the ongoing capitalist civil war .   Yet, despite the fact that Trump brought some serious trouble to the liberal capitalists, ironically, he came right on time to rescue them. He helped them escape from the dead end, after eight years of an utterly disappointing Obama administration.  At the time when the liberal capitalists ran out of tricks (and social movements were pushing for real change in the US), Trump came to their rescue. Suddenly, the Obama fraud was almost forgotten and all the progressives had to align behind the liberal fraudsters in order to defeat the "creepy orange clown". After four years of anti-Trump liberal hysteria and a pandemic nightmare that also came right on time, the liberal capitalists managed to...

Top billionaire oligarch Elon Musk chooses camp in the capitalist civil war

globinfo freexchange     As we continue to monitor the developments in the capitalist civil war (which is particularly evident in the US/UK, the motherlands of neoliberalism), we covered the recent pro-Brexit capitalists' stressful attempt to find a suitable Thatcherite zombie that would help them stabilize their political power. It seems that they found a not so reliable solution in the face of Rishi Sunak, for now.   On the other side of the Atlantic, it seems that the top billionaire oligarch, Elon Musk, decided to join the alt-right, pro-Trump capitalist faction, for good.   The first signs of Musk's connection with the pro-Trump capitalist faction came out for the first time, probably during the US-backed coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia, back in 2019. In 2020, Musk responded to an accusation on Twitter (that the US government organized a coup against President Evo Morales so that Musk could obtain Bolivia's lithium), with the shockingly straightforward...

Pro-Brexit capitalists desperately seek a suitable Thatcherite zombie to govern Britain

by system failure   We can almost certainly conclude that the removal of Boris Johnson from the position of the UK prime minister came as a result of a counter-attack of the liberal globalist faction against the pro-Brexit faction in the capitalist civil war .   And it is almost certain that the utterly grotesque political figure of Liz Truss was a far more easy target for the anti-Brexit liberal capitalists. It took them only 45 days to overthrow her, making her the shortest serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Liberal capitalists proved that Truss-type politicians are a 'piece of cake' for them, especially when they decide to mobilize the global markets and their agents inside the Tories.   As George Monbiot reveals , Truss' policies shaped by lobby groups like the Institute of Economic Affairs, the TaxPayers' Alliance and the Adam Smith Institute. It seems that these are some key groups behind BrexitCentral website. And together, they form a network of rig...

Biden said Trickle Down economics has never worked, but guess who else said that before and what happened

globinfo freexchange   Forget the fact that it took him about forty years to realize that one of the biggest neoliberal fairy tales is essentially the utter fraud. Not to mention that, all these years, he became part of the failed neoliberal system. That, he was faithfully following orders from the wealthy donors,  efficiently sustaining this utter fraud and other neoliberal deceptive policies, to protect their interests.   "Uncle Joe" suddenly discovered that Trickle Down economics has never worked and made the statement to a joint session of US Congress as if he had discovered an earth-like planet with a technologically advanced civilization.   This is one of the most suitable cases for someone to respond with the phrase: "No shit, Sherlock". Yet, the weirdness of this parody doesn't end here. It's even funnier the fact that someone else before "Uncle Joe" made this great "discovery". And it took another big crisis to realize it (or ad...

How the anti-Trump liberal capitalists beat their rivals and took back America with their Biden puppet

globinfo freexchange   As we pointed out right after last November's US general election, the globalist faction of the US capital (primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy ) had the chance to counterattack against the capitalists around Trump through Biden's recent victory, in the ongoing capitalist civil war .   Yet, we didn't have so far the details of how the liberal capitalist faction managed to beat its rivals.  Surprisingly enough, those details have been revealed by the liberal machine itself through a recent article on Time . Apart from the shocking revelations, what's even more shocking is the way that the liberal establishment perceives Democracy. In short, the article unravels the liberal way of thinking, which views the liberal status quo as the totally indisputable norm that has to be restored at any cost. Even if that means manipulation of the democratic processes themselves!   The first surprise comes from the following paragraph:  A se...

WallStreetBets Redditors brilliantly demonstrate a way to demolish Wall Street fraudulent Ponzi scheme

globinfo freexchange   WallStreetBets Redditors sent shock waves to speculative hedge funds who saw their gamble turn into a disaster, losing billions. The terror was evident on corporate media pundits' faces when they suddenly realized that their beloved Wall Street fraudulent system was successfully hijacked by outsiders.   As BusinessInsider reported :   Video-game retailer GameStop has dominated the headlines this week after its shares trebled in value in just three days this week, in a buying frenzy fueled by individual traders that have forced some of Wall Street's prominent hedge funds to close their bearish bets against the company with hefty losses.   GameStop's shares have hit record highs and the swarm of retail investors behind the rally have cheered each other on, primarily within the popular Reddit forum Wall Street Bets, which by Thursday, had around 3.5 million members.   Members have spent the past three weeks bidding up ...

The liberal machine tests Americans, confirms major divisions in favor of the capitalist elites

globinfo freexchange   A recent CBS News poll confirms major divisions among the US working class, something that serves perfectly the capitalist elites. One of the most interesting and disturbing findings shows that Americans overwhelmingly believe that the "biggest threat to America's way of life" is "other people in America", by 54%. That is, more than half of the other reasons combined. On the contrary, only 20% believes that "economic forces" are threatening the American way of life and this is a huge disappointment because after all these blatant systemic failures (especially in the last two decades), most Americans are still unable to identify the root of the problem, which is neoliberalism and financial capitalism. We can assume that this picture satisfies the capitalist elites. And that's because it shows that the corporate media are still able to distract Americans from the real problem by dividing them, through the old (and tested numer...

Pro-Trump capitalists fire the first serious warning shot in Capitol

globinfo freexchange In June, 2020, we wrote that, the whole picture indicates that all these far-right militia groups together with a significant part the US police force are forming a loony army of Trump defenders, driven by racism, ultra-conservative ideas and far-right extreme conspiracy theories. These fanatics have become so loyal to their leader - who happens to be the President of the United States - that they will do whatever it takes to see him in charge for another four years. As Trump's popularity has taken a downturn, his "brigades" are ready to take action in case he loses November's election. Especially if he loses marginally. Previously, we explained that, what we see now in the United States with Trump, is a counter-attack by the part of the American capital against the globalist faction. The faction that is primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy . Therefore, as the capitalist class splits, the capitalists around Trump are now taking with the...

George Monbiot got it half-right: There is a capitalist civil war, but not exactly the kind of war he describes

by system failure  Since at least July 2019, we were supporting the idea that Brexit is primarily the result of a capitalist civil war. Very few people (mostly in social media), were eager to accept this theory, while several were even mocking it as some kind of crazy conspiracy theory.    What puzzled us most, was the fact that even people from the global real Left were completely ignoring the capitalist-civil-war factor in Brexit equation during public debates. Many of them were seeing Brexit mainly as an angry response by the UK working class against the political and financial elites. We thought it would take forever to find someone from the Left to support the capitalist-civil-war theory.   Finally, at last, it was George Monbiot who spoke clearly about a capitalist civil war. And not only that. He correctly supported (as you can hear in the beginning of his analysis) that " The only way really to understand Brexit is as the outcome of a civil war within capita...

Liberal plutocrats win a critical battle with their Biden puppet in the capitalist civil war and Trump keeps helping them

globinfo freexchange The globalist faction of the US capital (primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy ) had the chance to counterattack against the capitalists around Trump through Biden's recent victory, in the ongoing capitalist civil war .   Yet, despite the fact that Trump brought some serious trouble to the liberal capitalists, ironically, he came right on time to rescue them. He helped them escape from the dead end, after eight years of an utterly disappointing Obama administration.  At the time when the liberal capitalists ran out of tricks (and social movements were pushing for real change in the US), Trump came to their rescue. Suddenly, the Obama fraud was almost forgotten and all the progressives had to align behind the liberal fraudsters in order to defeat the "creepy orange clown". After four years of anti-Trump liberal hysteria and a pandemic nightmare that also came right on time, the liberal capitalists managed to put another puppet in power. And the...