A recent CBS News poll confirms major divisions among the US working class, something that serves perfectly the capitalist elites.
One of the most interesting and disturbing findings shows that Americans overwhelmingly believe that the "biggest threat to America's way of life" is "other people in America", by 54%. That is, more than half of the other reasons combined.
On the contrary, only 20% believes that "economic forces" are threatening the American way of life and this is a huge disappointment because after all these blatant systemic failures (especially in the last two decades), most Americans are still unable to identify the root of the problem, which is neoliberalism and financial capitalism.
We can assume that this picture satisfies the capitalist elites. And that's because it shows that the corporate media are still able to distract Americans from the real problem by dividing them, through the old (and tested numerous times) recipe of "divide and conquer".
Perhaps the only "unpleasant" finding for the capitalist war machine in this question is that only 8% of the Americans believe that the biggest threat to their way of life comes from "foreign threats". Which is not a negligible progress towards the awakening of the US working class, considering the decades of pro-war brainwash operations by the corporate media.
However, things could get even worse for the US working class. These findings also show that the capitalist factions have now expendable armies at their disposal that could fight for them in the capitalist civil war.
We already explained that all these crises of the last two decades revealed more and more clearly this merciless war among the capitalists. As these have the real power with the big money and the big media, this war not only overshadows every effort for a real alternative against the capitalist system. It even brutally crushes every attempt for a democratic revival. The rampageous bulls of capitalism are fighting each other in an arena in which democracy has now turned into dust under their violent clatters.
And under these circumstances, the capitalists won't hesitate to throw in the arena the expendable US working class. To fight on their behalf in an equally merciless civil war.
The recent, unprecedented events with Trump supporters storming US Capitol, could be interpreted as the first serious warning shot by capitalists around Trump. They have already thrown in the arena several working class Americans and they already sacrificed five of them. Unfortunately, this may be only the beginning. Because this ruthless capitalist faction won't give up so easily after Biden's victory.
Perhaps such a dark and utterly Dystopian prospect of a working class civil war is better depicted in another set of findings in CBS's poll. According to these, 63% of Trump's voters hold unfavorable views of Biden's voters and 79% of Biden's voters hold unfavorable views of Trump's voters. Also, more than half (51%) of the people who participated in the poll believe that in the next few years, political violence in the US will increase.
It seems that this poll was a good test that was set up to detect critical trends inside the American society. It was carried out by the liberal machine to explore the working class potential that could fight on behalf of the liberal capitalist class against the pro-Trump capitalists in the ongoing capitalist civil war which is expected to become wilder.
Unfortunately, it seems that we were right. The US working class doesn't seem to understand that it is expendable for both capitalist factions that are now fighting each other. And that both these capitalist factions won't hesitate to shed the blood of the US working class in a brutal civil war, just to protect their interests.
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