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Showing posts with the label democracy

Jabalia, Khan Yunis, Rafah: The spots of Zionist barbarism and genocide in Gaza will become the graveyard of US imperialism

by system failure   It is certainly not the first genocide in human history, but it is the first one transmitted in real time. For over a year now, we witnessed the horror in Gaza, a place that has been turned into a real hell on earth by the fascist Israeli state and the Zionist barbarism.   It didn't start in October 7, 2023, as the Western and the Zionist propaganda wants you to believe. Before that, we had decades of  colonization, torture, brutal suppression, de-humanization, resulting in a slow-motion genocide in process by the Israeli state against Palestinians.  The events of October 7, only gave the pretext to the Israeli regime accelerate the genocidal process and literally flatten Gaza, killing thousands of civilians at an unprecedented rate.     The corporate media of the West covered outrageously the events since October 7, resulting in a despicable effort - even now - to whitewash Israel for its crimes. There are no words to describe the ...

January 21, 2010: The day corporate dictatorship destroyed the last remnants of US Democracy

globinfo freexchange     As we described many times in this blog, corporate power grew rapidly since the early 70s with the rise of neoliberalism and its subsequent establishment as the dominant culture, especially in the West.  In the motherland of neoliberalism, the United States, corporations essentially legalized corruption in politics during the 70s in order to capture the entire political system and put it under their complete control. As David Harvey describes in his book A Brief History of Neoliberalism :                          The supposedly ‘progressive’ campaign finance laws of 1971 in effect legalized the financial corruption of politics. A crucial set of Supreme Court decisions began in 1976 when it was first established that the right of a corporation to make unlimited money contributions to political parties and political action committ...

Julian Assange and the rapid decline of liberal Democracy

by system failure We are now in 2023, and after 1362 days, Julian Assange is still in prison. If you seek something to measure the decline of liberal Democracy in our days, the Julian Assange case will help you a lot. And it's most amazing that in the era of information overflow (with plenty of means available to transfer it almost instantly in every corner of the planet), there are still many people who are unaware of the Assange case.   The origins of this deterioration go back in 1968 when the Left made a disastrous compromise with the powers of the establishment. Since the early 70s and after Nixon's shock , the cultural domination of neoliberalism paved the way for the restriction of certain types of liberties in Western societies.  The 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001 became the perfect opportunity for the establishment to abolish instantly a significant portion of the civil liberties that came out of the 1968 compromise. The liberal Democracy in the West suffered a heavy...

Pro-Brexit capitalists desperately seek a suitable Thatcherite zombie to govern Britain

by system failure   We can almost certainly conclude that the removal of Boris Johnson from the position of the UK prime minister came as a result of a counter-attack of the liberal globalist faction against the pro-Brexit faction in the capitalist civil war .   And it is almost certain that the utterly grotesque political figure of Liz Truss was a far more easy target for the anti-Brexit liberal capitalists. It took them only 45 days to overthrow her, making her the shortest serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Liberal capitalists proved that Truss-type politicians are a 'piece of cake' for them, especially when they decide to mobilize the global markets and their agents inside the Tories.   As George Monbiot reveals , Truss' policies shaped by lobby groups like the Institute of Economic Affairs, the TaxPayers' Alliance and the Adam Smith Institute. It seems that these are some key groups behind BrexitCentral website. And together, they form a network of rig...

Confirmed: Nazis are the proxy army of the US imperialists against Russia in Ukraine

globinfo freexchange   Couldn't be said more clearly. The former US secretary of defense and CIA director, Leon Panetta, admitted openly that “ We are engaged in a conflict here. It's a proxy war with Russia, whether we say so or not ... ”. Referring to the Ukrainian forces, the US imperialist warhawk claimed that " These are good fighters, they are small-unit operations, they are working well ... ". The description "small-unit operations" fits to proxy forces - mercenaries, rather than an organized national army. As we mentioned in our previous article , for eight years, the NATO criminals and the "free" and "democratic" West, were provoking Russia by arming and training the far-right and neo-nazi militia groups who also infiltrated in the Ukrainian army and operate in East Ukraine against Russian populations. Which is something similar with what happened in the long-suffering Syria by the US proxy war against Assad. Only there, th...

US imperialists were considering to financially support the "last dictator of Europe" as an alternative to take over Belarus

globinfo freexchange      A 2019 report by the top US think tank, RAND Corporation, confirmed that the US imperialists were essentially seeking to provoke Russia towards military action against Ukraine, as revealed in our previous article . The same report also focused on Belarus as Russia's most critical strategic ally, examining different ways through which the country could fall into the hands of the Western bloc. Most ideas are related with the typical US intervention process of provoking civil unrest. Yet, there is also a piece in a paragraph which clearly suggests the possibility of the exact opposite approach. That is, establishing stronger relations with Lukashenko's regime by supporting it financially!    As we read: [emphasis added]                           From a U.S. policy standpoint, Belarus’ unrest might present an opportunity ...

Julian Assange, Gianna Papadakou, Kostas Vaxevanis: Western post-democracy becomes more authoritarian than ever

globinfo freexchange   When a dominant system begins openly and mercilessly go after top investigative journalists, you can understand that we have already entered the post-democratic era beyond doubt. But it is also a sign that the system becomes increasingly authoritarian because it loses the control of the flow of information and the narratives that reach the wide public.   The Western former crypto-fascist and now openly fascist neoliberal establishment wants to preserve the power of the corporate elites and the super-rich, even if it has to suspend more and more democratic principles that have been conquered in previous decades through struggles and blood. Like freedom of press, for instance.   And it's certainly not a coincidence that the system is going through a transition phase , (from capitalism to a modern type of corporate feudalism), in which, naturally, democracy has to be defeated decisively.    As we mentioned recently, Mitsotakis regime in Gree...

Evidence that the US imperialists were pre-planning to arm and train the neo-nazis in Ukraine

globinfo freexchange   There is plenty of evidence that the Western imperialists and their European allies supported neo-nazi groups in Ukraine during the 2014 "Maidan revolution", which led to the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych, and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government.   Protests originally erupted in November 2013 after President Yanukovych refused to sign a political association and free trade agreement with the European Union at a meeting of the Eastern Partnership in Vilnius, Lithuania, choosing closer ties with Russia instead.  The support of Ukrainian neo-nazis by the US imperialists continued further during the Obama term. For example, as the World Socialist Web Site reported on early 2016:   The 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act, signed into law by US President Barack Obama late last year, did not include a previously expected ban against the funding of the Azov Regiment, a military organization that originated as a voluntee...

It has started: Big corporations institutionalize land-grab to control the global food production

globinfo freexchange   As we were writing back in 2014:                        Having secured the new labor force through fully automated machines, what has left for the dominant elite now, is to take all the resources. Big corporations are grabbing huge cultivable areas especially in the developing countries in order to control food production.  We have come now to the point where big corporations literally institutionalize land-grab to control the global food production.   As The Grayzone recently revealed [emphasis added]:  In June 2019, the office of UN General Secretary António Guterres, without previous discussion in the General Assembly or any other intergovernmental process, signed a strategic partnership with the World Economic Forum. [...] The 2021 UN Food Systems Summit was initiated through a partnership with the World Economic Forum, with l...

Operation Mindfuck: The origins of the Illuminati conspiracy fraud and how it became popular in our times

From the new documentary Can 't Get You Out of My Head by Adam Curtis   globinfo freexchange   The first settlers had come from Europe to America to flee from the corruption of power in the Old World. But although they had got away from the old power, they hadn't got away from their suspicious minds, and alone, out in the vast wilderness of the new America, that led them to imagining dark, hidden conspiracies in their own government, far away in Washington.    One of the first of these, in the early 19th century, said that a secret group from Europe, called the Bavarian Illuminati, were running a giant conspiracy in America to destroy the new democracy. In reality, the Illuminati had been a utopian movement who wanted to replace religion with reason. But instead, they now became the first of a series of frightening suspicions that fed off the isolation of the settlers in the New World.    One night (in 1958, somewhere in the vicinity of Whittier, Califo...