globinfo freexchange Spain appears to be the first country that will implement a permanent form of Universal Basic Income for its citizens. As the Independent reported : [emphasis added] Spain’s cabinet has approved the creation of a national minimum income, according to a government spokesperson. Deputy Prime Minister Pablo Iglesias told a news conference on Friday the creation of a minimum income worth €462 (£416.92) a month will target some 850,000 households or 2.5 million people. The government would pay the monthly stipend and top up existing revenue for people earning less so that they receive at least that minimum amount every month, he said. The minimum income would increase with the number of family members, up to a maximum of €1,015 (£916.30) each month. The programme would cost the government about €3 billion a year. Mr Iglesias said: “ Today is a historic day for our democracy. Today this government is showing that its political choice is social justice...