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Showing posts with the label Turkey

A very dark moment in the history of Finland and Sweden as their leaders decide to join the criminal organization NATO

globinfo freexchange   A last minute agreement has been reached between Turkey, Finland and Sweden to allow the two Nordic countries to become NATO members on the eve of the military alliance’s recent summit in Madrid.   But the following picture is a disgrace for both Finland and Sweden, two of the most advanced European counties on many issues, and also highlights NATO's ridiculousness and hypocrisy. Right at the center, you can see not NATO's head, but Turkey's authoritarian leader, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It seems that NATO gave Erdogan what he wanted (and maybe more), and Finland and Sweden are now obliged to deliver to his regime any political opponent who would be labeled by it as "terrorist".     Now, Amineh Kakabaveh, a former peshmerga of Iranian-Kurdish origin and independent MP in Sweden that has been targeted by Erdogan, may face the possibility of an extradition to Turkey.   As Yanis Varoufakis wrote :          ...