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Showing posts from March, 2018

Israeli snipers murder 17, wound dozens of trapped refugee protesters at Gaza border

Palestinians in Gaza staged an unarmed protest Friday, part of a planned multi-week event, near the Israeli line of control. They are demanding the right to return to their homes. The Israeli army indiscriminately opened fire on the protesters with live ammunition, killing at least 17 and wounding dozens (perhaps hundreds). Hundreds were also sickened by military-grade tear gas. This was shooting fish in a barrel. There is no reason to think that the Israeli troops were in danger or received deadly fire themselves. There was rock throwing toward the fence that imprisons the Palestinians. No Israeli casualties have been reported. Some video circulating, which IC cannot confirm, appears to show victims shot in the back or while praying. This was more like a US police shooting of an innocent, unarmed victim. Although the US press is reporting that those killed died in “clashes,” they appear all to have been on the Gaza side of the line of control and never actual

Alfred De Zayas: Venezuela must take the US to the International Court of Justice

The sanctions against Venezuela have exacerbated the economic crisis caused by the collapse of oil prices leading to serious shortages of medicines and food. Alfred de Zayas, a UN Independent Expert for the promotion of an international democratic and equitable order, told Venezuela’s newspaper Últimas Noticias that “it is time” for Venezuela to ask the International Criminal Court “for an investigation into the crimes against humanity committed by the United States for imposing sanctions against it.” In 2000, the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights published a study that described sanctions as a serious violation of international law and human rights. In 2015, the Human Rights Council in Geneva created the role of the Special Rapporteur on Unilateral Coercive Measures. In his reports Idriss Jazairy, the Rapporteur, has demonstrated the adverse impacts of sanctions and has negotiated with governments so that sanctions are eliminated, as t

At least 11 countries have not jumped on the expelling bandwagon against Russia

It’s hard to find a country who didn’t join in the anti-Russian hysteria, following the poisoning of Sergei Skripal in the UK. Nations have been expelling Russian diplomats left and right. The US even closed a consulate, and expelled 60 diplomats, and even tiny Moldova expelled 3 diplomats, – no concrete evidence has been produced linking Russia to the poisoning. That of course, didn’t stop the media from immediately spreading mass hysteria. At least ten countries, however, didn’t join in the mass expulsion of Russian diplomats, including Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Austria, Portugal, New Zealand, Serbia, Cyprus, and Greece. Also on the list are Luxembourg and Malta. More:

Η Ελλάδα κι άλλες οκτώ χώρες λένε «όχι» στις απελάσεις Ρώσων διπλωματών

Σε εξέλιξη βρίσκονται οι έρευνες για την υπόθεση Σκριπάλ που έχει φέρει αντιμέτωπες Βρετανία και Ρωσία ή καλύτερα Δύση και Ρωσία κι έχει οδηγήσει στο μεγαλύτερο κύμα απελάσεων Ρώσων διπλωματών μετά το τέλος του Ψυχρού Πολέμου. Ωστόσο, δεν συμφωνούν όλες οι χώρες με τις σκληρές κυρώσεις εναντίον των Ρώσων. Οι χώρες που επέλεξαν να μην απελάσουν Ρώσους διπλωμάτες είναι Αυστρία, Βουλγαρία, Κύπρος, Ελλάδα, Λουξεμβούργο, Μάλτα, Πορτογαλία, Σλοβακία και Σλοβενία. Σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα της Le Monde, η Ελλάδα συγκαταλέγεται στις χώρες εκείνες που κρατούν μια στάση διστακτική αναμένοντας τις τελικές αποδείξεις για την υπόθεση Σκριπάλ. Όπως σημειώνεται στο σχετικό δημοσίευμα η Ελλάδα, που συνεχάρη τον πρόεδρο Πούτιν για την επανεκλογή του, είχε συνταχθεί απρόθυμα στην επιβολή κυρώσεων στη Ρωσία και το 2014. Επιπλέον, επιφυλακτική στάση τηρεί η Κύπρος που χαρακτηρίζεται ως « χώρα υποδοχής και επενδύσεων για τα ρωσικά κεφάλαια » και η Αυστρία που είναι μεταξύ των

Regime Change, Partition, and “Sunnistan”: John Bolton’s Vision for a New Middle East

Bolton is likely to push for the creation of a new sectarian state out of Syrian and Iraqi territory, now that the groundwork has been laid and the path largely cleared to building a “new Middle East.” Iran is currently the only country in the region with the potential to foil that plan. by Whitney Webb Part 4 - ‘Donald Trump may have just effectively declared war on Iran’ The announcement that John Bolton – perhaps the best known advocate for war with Iran in American politics – would soon replace H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser received mixed reactions within the United States and, as MintPress recently noted, great praise from Israel. However, news that Bolton would soon have a key role in the Trump administration caused panic among Iranians and Iranian-Americans as well as anti-war advocates. In response to Bolton’s appointment, Trita Parsi, the president of the National Iranian American Council, issued a statement, warning: “ Donald Trump may ha

Bolton’s past advocacy for Israel at US expense heralds dangerous new era in geopolitics

Notorious war hawk John Bolton – who has long been vying for a position in Trump’s administration – has been especially eager to work with a president with minimal foreign policy knowledge or experience, allowing him maximum effect in achieving his policy goals. by Whitney Webb Part 3 - Billionaire Adelson gets his way Bolton’s commitment to the Israeli state has manifested in other ways. For instance, he has remained a constant critic of Palestine’s right to self-determination, calling an independent Palestinian state a plot “ of Israel’s opponents to weaken and encircle the Jewish state. ” Bolton has called for the Gaza strip and the West Bank to be given to Egypt and Jordan, respectively. This approach, nicknamed the “Three State solution,” would eliminate any hopes for Palestinian sovereignty by giving Palestinian territories to two U.S.-allied countries that enjoy cordial relations with Israel, making this solution preferable for Israel hard-liners that wish to see

Weapons of mass disinformation

As London-Moscow relations are driven to the abyss, on the occasion of the Russian double spy Sergei Skripal poisoning, there is a man that could figure out what really happened. The only problem is that he was found dead, near his home, fifteen years ago. He made the mistake to reveal that the British government was lying about the non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. globinfo freexchange Fifteen years passed since a case that would make John le Carré's most fascinating spy novels look like boring, official reports from a low-ranking diplomat. In July 2003, British scientist and defense ministry adviser, David Kelly, was found dead in Oxfordshire, England. The police announced that his wrist was engraved and next to his body there was a box of Co-proxamol painkillers. The file closes with the note "suicide," while prosecutors initially decide to deny access to data for 70 years - a move that spilled more oil in the fire of co

Restore Julian Assange’s access to visitors and the outside world!

Statement by DiEM25’s Brian Eno and Yanis Varoufakis It is with great concern that we heard that Julian Assange has lost access to the internet and the right to receive visitors at the Ecuadorian London Embassy. Only extraordinary pressure from the US and the Spanish governments can explain why Ecuador’s authorities should have taken such appalling steps in isolating Julian. Only recently the government of Ecuador granted Julian citizenship and a diplomatic passport, in a bid to allow him safe passage from London. The UK government, under heavy pressure from the US government, refused to exploit this opportunity to end Julian’s detention – even after the Swedish authorities announced that no charges were, or would be, laid against him. Now, it seems that the Ecuadorian government that has been ‘leaned’ on mercilessly not only to stop attempting to provide Julian with a diplomatic route to safety but to drive him out of their London Embassy as well. In additio

Βαρουφάκης και Μπράιαν Ίνο ενώνουν τη φωνή τους για τον Ασάνζ

Κοινό μήνυμα για την καταπάτηση θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων του δημιουργού του Wikileaks, Τζούλιαν Ασάνζ στέλνουν ο Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης και ο διάσημος μουσικοσυνθέτης Μπράιν Ίνο. Στο μήνυμά τους εκφράζουν την ανησυχία τους για τις πληροφορίες ότι ο Ασάνζ, που παραμένει για χρόνια εγκλωβισμένος στην πρεσβεία του ισημερινού στο Λονδίνο, δεν έχει πλέον πρόσβαση στο ίντερνετ ενώ έχασε και το δικαίωμα να δέχεται επισκέψεις. « Μόνο οι ιδιαίτερες πιέσεις από τις κυβερνήσεις των ΗΠΑ και της Ισπανίας, μπορεί να εξηγήσουν γιατί οι αρχές του Ισημερινού μπορεί να έλαβαν τέτοια αποκρουστικά μέτρα για τον αποκλεισμό του Τζούλιαν ». Οι δύο υπογράφοντες την επιστολή κάνουν λόγω για bullying εναντίον της κυβέρνησης του Ισημερινού, η οποία επιχείρησε να προσφέρει υπηκοότητα και διαβατήριο στον Ασάνζ προκειμένου να του εξασφαλίσει ασφαλή διέξοδο από το Λονδίνο. Ο Γιάννης Βαρουφάκης και ο Μπράιν Ίνο καλούν όλους να υπογράψουν το αίτημα για τον τερματισμό της απομόνωσης του Τζούλι

«Το Facebook πολεμά την Παλαιστίνη»

Στο πλαίσιο της φιλοϊσραηλινής του πρακτικής να μπλοκάρει και να διαγράφει χρήστες που θεωρούνται προκλητικοί, το Facebook διέγραψε το λογαριασμό του παλαιστινιακού πρακτορείου ειδήσεων με έδρα τη Γάζα, Safa. Το πρακτορείο κατηγορήθηκε ότι συνδέεται με το κόμμα της Χαμάς, μια πληροφορία που το ίδιο το Safa διαψεύδει. Ο λογαριασμός του Safa, μαζί με άλλους δέκα λογαριασμούς συντακτών του πρακτορείου απενεργοποιήθηκε το περασμένο Σάββατο, χωρίς κάποια προειδοποίηση ή εξήγηση. Αμέσως μετά τον αποκλεισμό, δημοσιογράφοι του Safa συγκεντρώθηκαν έξω από τα κεντρικά του πρακτορείου και διαμαρτυρήθηκαν καταδικάζοντας την κίνηση στην οποία προχώρησε το Facebook. Οι δημοσιογράφοι του πρακτορείου τονίζουν ότι η σελίδα είχε 1,3 εκατομμύρια ακόλουθους που κρατούσαν επαφή με το Safa κυρίως μέσω του Facebook. Παλαιστίνιοι ακτιβιστές έχουν ξεκινήσει μία νέα εκστρατεία με τίτλο «Το Facebook πολεμά την Παλαιστίνη», καλώντας σε μποϊκοτάζ της εταιρείας Facebook. Όπως εξηγούν

Εκατοντάδες οι συμβάσεις ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ με ΜΜΕ

Ένας φάκελος με 894 συμβάσεις του ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ με ΜΜΕ για την περίοδο 2013-2014 εστάλη ανωνύμως στον υφυπουργό υγείας Παύλο Πολάκη κι αυτός, σύμφωνα με δήλωση του, τον κατέθεσε στην Εξεταστική Επιτροπή για την Υγεία. Η “Αυγή” σε αποκλειστικό της δημοσίευμα σήμερα αναρτά τα στοιχεία αυτού του φακέλλου. Σε ότι αφορά στα ΜΜΕ για εμάς έχει ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον ότι στις πρώτες σελίδες (όπως βλέπετε και στη φωτο) αναφέρονται οι “ιδιοκτήτες” των ΜΜΕ και από αυτήν βλέπουμε και τις διάφορες και ξεχωριστές εταιρείες τους! Για παράδειγμα στον Γ. Κουρτάκη ανασφέρονται επτά εταιρείες (Παρά Ένα Υπηρεσίες διαδικτύου,Εκδόσεις Στο καρφί, Heathl Pro, Αλάτι &Πιπέρι, Παραπολιτκά Εκδόσεις, κ.λ.π) στον Ν. Καραμανλή 5 εταιρείες (Ελληνικές Εκδόσεις, Focus media, κ.λ.π.), στον Ν. Ευαγγελάτο τρεις εταιρείες (Journalista Independent, T Life, Newsit) και πάει λέγοντας. Την αποκάλυψη ότι το ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ υπέγραψε 894 συμβάσεις με ΜΜΕ μόνο την περίοδο 2013 – 2014 έκανε ο αναπληρωτής υπουργός Υγ

Bolton’s past advocacy for Israel at US expense heralds dangerous new era in geopolitics

Notorious war hawk John Bolton – who has long been vying for a position in Trump’s administration – has been especially eager to work with a president with minimal foreign policy knowledge or experience, allowing him maximum effect in achieving his policy goals. by Whitney Webb Part 2 - Freelancing for Israel Though the domestic reaction to Bolton’s appointment was rather mixed, top ministers of the right-wing Israeli government lavished praise upon the soon-to-be National Security Adviser, calling him “ one of the most outstanding ” allies to Israel in U.S. politics, and a “ true friend ” to the Jewish state who brings “ great experience and original thinking ” to “ the most sympathetic administration toward Israel of all time. ” Indeed, Bolton’s ties to Israel are as deep as they are long-standing — so deep that some have posited that his commitment to extreme Zionism has led him to betray the national interest of his own country on more than one occasion. For

Brazil's Rousseff says Netflix TV show on graft scandal 'distorts reality'

“ The country is still alive, despite the illusionists, the venders of hate and coup-mongers on duty,” wrote former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has criticized The Mechanism, a Netflix television series depicting the country's infamous Car Wash investigations. Rousseff claims the series, which premiered last week, is “ distorting reality ” and dissimenating lies about her, as well as her predecessor, Luiz Inacio 'Lula' da Silva. “ The country is still alive, despite the illusionists, the vendors of hate and coup-mongers on duty, ” Rousseff wrote in a statement on her official website. “ Now, the 2016 pro-coup narrative gets fresh new colors, a distorted version of history with typical shades of the country's latent fascism. ” “ The Netflix series, 'The Mechanism,' is deceptive and disingenuous. The director (Jose Padilha) invents facts. He doesn't reproduce fake news. He, himse

Colombia: another social leader killed, 4th of 2018

A total of 213 social leaders and human rights defenders have been murdered in Colombia since January 2017 to date Colombian social leader Francisco Zabala was reportedly killed in Antioquia by gunmen. Zabala was the president of El Riso's Community Action Board. The activist was in the company of a fellow farmer when they were both murdered in a crime-ridden region of Caceres. More than 2,000 people have fled the area due to ongoing violence. Clashes between the ELN, the Gulf Clan and Los Caparrapo over the control of turf is to be largely blamed for the state of the region. The town, which United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees officials is unable to enter, has been tense over the past two months, according to Nodo Antioquia spokesman, Oscar Yesid Zapata. The organization confirmed that Zabala is the fourth social leader killed since the beginning of the year. He is also the second, in as many days, to have been found dead. The o

ISIS maybe regrouping for a comeback in Iraq

Over the past month there has been an increase in attacks by extremists in various parts of Iraq, but in particular, on the outskirts of cities that were previously controlled by the extremist group known as the Islamic State. “ We have recorded dozens of terrorist activities in various parts of the country, ” a senior officer in the defence ministry in Baghdad told NIQASH, off the record because he was not authorised to comment on the matter. “ Especially on the outskirts of the liberated cities – east of Diyala, south of Kirkuk and in the Anbar desert as well as north of Salahaddin. We see it as a sign that the Islamic State has a plan to destabilize these cities. ” There have been surprise attacks on army patrols, ambushes on highways connecting cities and suicide bombers. “ Today the Islamic State group is very weak and it cannot launch large scale attacks in the way that it used to, ” the senior officer explained. “ The army is undertaking a wide scale o

Russian link to Venezuelan digital coin deemed ‘Fake News’

A Times magazine article claiming that Russia helped Venezuela to develop the Petro was deemed a "blatant lie" by Russia. Artyom Kozhin, Russian Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said Venezuela and his country had never collaborated on developing the new Venezuela cryptocurrency called the Petro, in response to a story in Time Magazine making the claims. " We homed in on a fake news story published by Time magazine and others that are popping up nowadays like mushrooms after a spring rain, claiming that they had a front-page exclusive on the alleged Russian origin of the Venezuelan cryptocurrency - the Petro, " he said. Kozhin noted that, " Undoubtedly, this exclusive report on the alleged involvement of Russian authorities in the inception of the Petro is a blatant lie. " He pointed out that Time magazine ignored an official comment it received by the Russian Finance M


Οι σκευωρίες του καθεστώτος κατά έντιμων πολιτικών και επιχειρηματιών, διαδέχονται η μία την άλλη. Θαλασσοδάνεια ΝΔ-ΠΑΣΟΚ, Siemens, Κήρυκας Χανίων, Ερρίκος Ντυνάν, Panama Papers, Mareva_gate, Paradise Papers, Νovartis, ΚΕΕΛΠΝΟ, Νοοr1…και πάει λέγοντας. Μήπως ήρθε η ώρα οι υγιείς δυνάμεις του τόπου να αντιδράσουν; του Κωνσταντίνου Ταχτσίδη Ας μην κρυβόμαστε, δεν υπάρχουν πλέον άλλα περιθώρια. Πρέπει οι νεοφιλελεύθεροι, οι ακροδεξιοί, οι σταυροφόροι της ασύδοτης αγοράς, όπως και όλες γενικώς οι "μεταρρυθμιστικές" δυνάμεις της "Ελλάδας που ξυπνάει νωρίς", να βγουν και να φωνάξουν με παρρησία: Ναι, είμαστε με αυτούς που ρημάξανε και χρεοκοπήσανε τη χώρα. Με τους απατεώνες του κοινού ποινικού δικαίου και τους πολιτικούς τους υπαλλήλους. Είμαστε με τα 10 πολιτικά και επιχειρηματικά τζάκια που ξεκοκκάλισαν το δημόσιο χρήμα. Είμαστε με τους Χριστοφοράκους, με τα "μαύρα" ταμεία και τα χρέη εκατομμυρίων του ΠΑΣΟΚ (Κίνημα