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Showing posts with the label Kamala Harris

The time has come for liberal capitalists to test their favorite puppet against Trump

Genocide Joe to be replaced by Kamala Harris   globinfo freexchange   Genocide Joe was originally the convenient pick of the liberal capitalists and his election was just a victorious battle for them in the ongoing capitalist civil war . Yet, everybody knew (and it was more than obvious), that old-Joe has now become a lost case for the corporate Democrats and their liberal wealthy donors.   After four years, the time has come for the liberal capitalists to test Kamala Harris against Trump.  The timing couldn't be more convenient. Especially after the Trump assassination attempt, it was certain that Genocide Joe was finished. The greatest demagogue and popular manipulator wouldn't let the opportunity go wasted. From the first moment, he took advantage of the incident and boosted his image as a political "anti-establishment" hero in the eyes of the conservative Americans. And after Biden's disastrous performances in various debates and public appearances, everyone k...

Confirmed: Unpopular US President Kamala Harris is the most faithful puppet of the corporate oligarchy

globinfo freexchange     A recent article published on Bloomberg exposes impressively two things:    First, that the Democrats have no intention to even slightly move from their pro-corporate positions and towards the interests of the US working class; on the contrary.   Second, the elites essentially replaced Joe Biden with Kamala Harris.    The article was re-published by various websites and the surprises already start from the title: Harris quietly taps Wall Street, tech CEOs for advice on policy . Not that it is something we didn't expect, but why a top establishment outlet admits that Harris "quietly" runs to the banking-corporate oligarchy for "instructions"?  Perhaps more surprisingly, the answer can be found within the article itself:   The corporate world has provided a familiar source of help. As California's attorney general, Harris gained a reputation for frequently partnering with technology companies — rather than prose...

Biden accidentally reveals the plan: be replaced by Kamala Harris

globinfo freexchange   Since already 2019, we identified Kamala Harris as one of the establishment's most beloved puppets. As we wrote , it appears that Kamala Harris is establishment's most preferable candidate because she has all the characteristics that could revive identity politics and drive the electorate away from the substance of politics and towards the neoliberal center.    A year later, an accidental[?] Politico "leak" revealed that Harris had the best chances to become the next VP in a potential Biden administration.  We wrote then that as the establishment players who pull the strings know very well Biden's profound weaknesses, they want to make sure that he will be replaced by their best puppet in case he will become unable to fulfill duties . It seems that the puppet is called Kamala Harris. And in fact, it seems that the establishment players are eager to replace Biden with their top female Obama, in the end. It remains to be seen whether she...

A CIA document exposed by WikiLeaks could become the blueprint for Kamala Harris to start a war with Iran

globinfo freexchange   In a recent article in his blog, Glenn Greenwald revealed some astonishing details from a 2010 WikiLeaks exposé related with some CIA PsyOps that could make people in the West approve the US invasion in Afghanistan and the presence of the US forces in the region.   As Greenwald describes:  ... it was one WikiLeaks document that particularly caught my attention at first: a classified 2010 CIA “Red Cell Memorandum,” named after the highly secretive unit created by Bush/Cheney CIA Director George Tenet in the wake of the 9/11 attack.  What made this document so fascinating, so revealing, is the CIA’s discussion of how to manipulate public opinion to ensure it remains at least tolerant if not supportive of Endless War and, specifically, the vital role President Obama played for the CIA in packaging and selling U.S. wars around the world. In this classified analysis, one learns a great deal about how the “military industrial complex,” also kn...

The Andrew Yang corporate media blackout: more evidence that the liberal elites hand-picked their unpopular puppet Kamala Harris

globinfo freexchange A former MSNBC whistleblower gave recently another first-hand confirmation about what many of us already knew: that the corporate media systematically exercise extreme forms of censorship on candidates outside the two-party system norm. As Ariana Pekary tweeted recently:                          On 4/25/19, I was told that we were never to pursue Andrew [Yang] for an interview on our show (along with several others). The list of candidates was dictated, but the reasons for allowing them or not were not explained.     Actually, I just reviewed my journal. On 4/25/19, I was told that we were never to pursue Andrew for an interview on our show (along with several others). The list of candidates was dictated, but the reasons for allowing them or not were not explained. — Ariana Pekary (@arianapekary) November 22, 2020   It would be int...

The main reason corporate Dems want so desperately to beat Trump in this election cycle

globinfo freexchange   As we explained previously, what we see now in the United States with Trump, is a counter-attack by the part of the American capital against the globalist faction. The faction that is primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy. Therefore, as the capitalist class splits, the capitalists around Trump are now taking with them the most conservative part of the American society, as they need electoral power. They have the money and their own media network. Their first big victory was Trump in the US presidency and this explains why the liberal media attack him so hard and so frequently.   The COVID-19 pandemic added more chaos in the ongoing civil war between capitalists and (as always), the working class is paying the price for the additional mess.   The DNC establishment fought hard, one more time, to get rid of Bernie Sanders in order to impose its own - fully controllable and fully dedicated to the neoliberal status quo - Joe Biden/K...