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Showing posts from February, 2022

NY Times, Washington Post driving US to war with Russia over Ukraine

Amid tough talk from European and American leaders, a new MintPress study of our nation’s most influential media outlets reveals that it is the press that is driving the charge towards war with Russia over Ukraine. Ninety percent of recent opinion articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have taken a hawkish view on conflict, with anti-war voices few and far between. Opinion columns have overwhelmingly expressed support for sending U.S. weapons and troops to the region. Russia has universally been presented as the aggressor in this dispute, with media glossing over NATO’s role in amping tensions while barely mentioning the U.S. collaboration with Neo-Nazi elements within the Ukrainian ruling coalition. by Alan Macleod   Part 5 - Pipeline politics and cracks in the NATO alliance   Last week, Washington Post columnist Daniel Drezner proclaimed that “ Putin has succeeded in creating his worst strategic outcome: unifying NATO. ” Yet this seems wishfu

China and Russia declare ‘new era’ of multipolarity, challenging US interventionism

After meeting in Beijing, China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin released a joint statement clarifying the ideological divisions of the new cold war: Eurasian calls for multipolarity, cooperation, sovereignty, and “redistribution of power in the world” against US unipolar hegemony and interventionism.   by Benjamin Norton   Part 4 - China and Russia call to democratize UN and strengthen BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Eurasian Economic Union   Beijing and Moscow hope to defend concepts like multilateralism, non-interference, and respect for national sovereignty by democratizing and strengthening international institutions such as the UN, BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Eurasian Economic Union. While calling “ to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, ” the February Chinese-Russian statement urged a democratization of the body, to “ seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and it

US imperialists are about to get what they wanted from Russia's invasion of Ukraine

globinfo freexchange   In our 2014 article The big barrier called Putin , we concluded:                            What was left to do, for the moment, is to challenge Putin in order to drag Russia in an endless attrition war in East Ukraine and this explains to a degree Putin's hesitation to act like he did in Crimea. Against Russian army, of course, the West will not risk to put an organized military force, but only teams of mercenaries of private armies, as already did. It is certain, however, that, despite that the global economic oligarchy has lost valuable time because of its wrong moves, it will not give up its plans for Russia easily ...   After almost eight years, the US imperialists and the NATO criminals got what they wanted. They finally managed to drag Russia into a war with Ukraine.  For eight years, the NATO criminals were provoking Russia by arming the far-right and neo-nazi militia groups who also infiltrated in the Ukrainian army and operate in East Ukraine again

Chile; and the tide in Latin America!

George Galloway   Pink tide in Latin America appears to be rising for the second time. There was great rejoicing in Chile when President Gabriel Boric decisively won the presidency of that country. The coming to power of a socialist president in Chile has been the cause of great rejoicing , but of course it is not the only flower now emerging in Latin America, indeed one could say that with the failure of the United States attempt to overthrow the government in Venezuela that now from Mexico downwards there is a distinct re-rising of that “pink” tide, I say pink because it is definitely not red and indeed the new Chilean president isn’t “red” either. The question is, will the stand up to the inevitable attempts by the oligarchy to return to power to reverse that tide, or will the presidency in Washington and its security apparatus take a hand in some of these countries that have now elected - in some cases re-elected - progressive left of centre governments?  

Day 1052: Julian Assange still in prison and under slow-motion execution by the Anglo-American imperialist criminals

failed evolution   World's number one political prisoner, Julian Assange, still in high security prison for exposing horrendous war crimes carried out by the US imperialists and their allies.   The ruthless Western imperialist regime wants to punish the No1 real journalist in the world and make him an example for any Whistleblower or real journalist who will attempt to expose its big crimes in the future.   That Assange, who is in precarious physical and psychological health and who suffered a stroke during court video proceedings, has been condemned to death should not come as a surprise. The ten years he has been detained, seven in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and nearly three in the high security Belmarsh prison, were accompanied with a lack of sunlight and exercise and unrelenting threats, pressure, anxiety and stress.    His steady physical and psychological deterioration has led to hallucinations and depression. He takes antidepressant medication and the antipsych

Truth about Ukraine/Russia not what you think

The Jimmy Dore Show   While the Biden administration and its mouthpieces in the mainstream corporate media beat the drums for war while labeling Putin an imperialist warmonger, few bother to mention the decades of intensive American “meddling” in Russian and Ukrainian affairs that have inexorably led to the current crisis. Jimmy Dore and journalist Max Blumenthal discuss the events that precipitated Putin’s recognition of the Donbass region’s independence. 

Argentina plotted potential US-backed military invasion of Venezuela in 2019

Argentina’s right-wing Mauricio Macri government made plans for a military invasion of Venezuela in 2019, in coordination with the United States and Colombia, using “humanitarian” intervention as an excuse.   by Benjamin Norton  With the support of the United States, Argentina’s right-wing government made plans for a potential invasion of Venezuela in 2019, according to leaked documents from the South American nation’s military. The military operation was called the “Puma” exercise, and was overseen by Argentina’s conservative President Mauricio Macri, who was closely coordinating with the Donald Trump administration. Macri’s Argentina had rejected Venezuela’s democratically elected President Nicolás Maduro and instead recognized Trump-appointed coup leader Juan Guaidó, after the little-known politician declared himself unelected “interim president” in January 2019.   Macri continued supporting the US-led coup attempt in Venezuela until he lost the October 2019 election and was replace

The political and historical background to the US war drive against Russia

Statement of the WSWS International Editorial Board    Part 1 - Introduction On Monday evening, the United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting dedicated to denunciations by the major capitalist powers of the decision by Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier in the day to recognize the independence of two regions in Eastern Ukraine. Also on Monday, the Russian government reported that two Ukrainian armored personnel carriers entered its borders and were destroyed, killing five Ukrainian soldiers. Russia announced that it was sending military forces into Eastern Ukraine, which has been targeted by massive military barrages from the Ukrainian government. These developments mark a significant escalation in the development of the conflict in Ukraine into an all-out war involving Russia, the United States and the major European powers in the NATO military alliance. Under conditions of crisis, it is necessary not to be swept up by the militarist propaganda that is promoted

With its Doomsday Clock at 100 seconds to midnight, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists calls for escalating US aggression against Russia

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists emerged after World War II as a voice for peace by some of the scientists who developed the then ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Now, its mission has drifted into being an echo chamber for the US imperial project urging President Biden to take even more destabilizing actions against Russia. by Roger Harris   Part 2 - Dawn of the Cold War   The quick Japanese surrender in August 1945 had another cause, which many modern historians consider more overriding than the US bombs. The Soviets, engaged with their western front, had remained neutral in the war with Japan, but had promised the Allies to join the war effort against Japan once the Germans were defeated. At the same time the US dropped the bombs, the USSR declared war with Japan causing Tokyo to capitulate. The dropping of the atomic bombs was the first salvo of the Cold War, signifying the end of the US wartime alliance of convenience with the Soviet Union. Truman’s rush to nuke Japan had

America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies

by Michael Hudson  Part 3 - Oil diplomacy and America’s dream for post-Soviet Russia The expectation of Gorbachev and other Russian officials in 1991 was that their economy would turn to the West for reorganization along the lines that had made the U.S., German and other economies so prosperous. The mutual expectation in Russia and Western Europe was for German, French and other investors to restructure the post-Soviet economy along more efficient lines. That was not the U.S. plan. When Senator John McCain called Russia “ a gas station with atom bombs, ” that was America’s dream for what they wanted Russia to be – with Russia’s gas companies passing into control by U.S. stockholders, starting with the planned buyout of Yukos as arranged with Mikhail Khordokovsky. The last thing that U.S. strategists wanted to see was a thriving revived Russia. U.S. advisors sought to privatize Russia’s natural resources and other non-industrial assets, by turning them over to kleptocrats who could “cas

NY Times, Washington Post driving US to war with Russia over Ukraine

Amid tough talk from European and American leaders, a new MintPress study of our nation’s most influential media outlets reveals that it is the press that is driving the charge towards war with Russia over Ukraine. Ninety percent of recent opinion articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal have taken a hawkish view on conflict, with anti-war voices few and far between. Opinion columns have overwhelmingly expressed support for sending U.S. weapons and troops to the region. Russia has universally been presented as the aggressor in this dispute, with media glossing over NATO’s role in amping tensions while barely mentioning the U.S. collaboration with Neo-Nazi elements within the Ukrainian ruling coalition. by Alan Macleod   Part 4 -  Not seeing fascism where it is – and seeing it where it’s not   The Maidan Revolution’s muscle was provided by far-right paramilitaries like the infamous Azov Battalion, a Neo-Nazi militia that has now been incorporated i

China and Russia declare ‘new era’ of multipolarity, challenging US interventionism

After meeting in Beijing, China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin released a joint statement clarifying the ideological divisions of the new cold war: Eurasian calls for multipolarity, cooperation, sovereignty, and “redistribution of power in the world” against US unipolar hegemony and interventionism.   by Benjamin Norton   Part 3 - China and Russia propose multipolarity and ‘well-being for all’ instead of US unilateralism and interventionism   In an unambiguous reference to the foreign policy of the United States, the Chinese-Russian joint statement declared that Washington’s policies of unilateralism and interference only represent a “minority” and must end:                          Some actors representing but the minority on the international scale continue to advocate unilateral approaches to addressing international issues and resort to force; they interfere in the internal affairs of other states, infringing their legitimate rights and interests, and incite contradiction

US convenes anti-China ‘Quad’ alliance, Beijing calls it ‘tool for containment and siege’

Multipolarista   The US, Japan, and India held a meeting of the Quad alliance in Australia. Beijing condemned it as “ a tool for containing and besieging China to maintain US hegemony, ” with an “ antiquated Cold War mentality. ”

Όταν οι Κύρτσοι πηδάνε απ'το καράβι ...

...  τα πράγματα δεν πάνε καθόλου καλά για το Μητσοτακοκαθεστώς   globinfo freexchange Ότι και να κάνει ο Κούλης, ακόμα και να προκαλέσει πυρηνικό ολοκαύτωμα, οι Πέτσινες δημοσκοπήσεις θα τον δείχνουν πρώτο και με διαφορά. Και ο λόγος είναι απλός: οι στημένες δημοσκοπήσεις απορροφούν τους κραδασμούς από την πίεση να προχωρήσει σε πρόωρες εκλογές. Αν είναι πρώτος και με διαφορά, ποιος ο λόγος να κάνει εκλογές;    Αν θέλετε όμως να έχετε μια πραγματική εικόνα για το καθεστώς Μητσοτάκη, δεν έχετε παρά να ρίξετε μια ματιά στους ισχυρούς κραδασμούς που δημιούργησε η πρόσφατη διαγραφή του ευρωβουλευτή της ΝΔ, Γιώργου Κύρτσου.    Ο Κύρτσος, εδώ και αρκετό καιρό, ξεκίνησε μια έντονη κριτική εναντίον του καθεστώτος, κυρίως με τις αναρτήσεις του στο τουίτερ, την οποία φαίνεται ότι κλιμάκωνε όσο περνούσε ο καιρός, βλέποντας το χάος που σκορπάει το καθεστώς Μητσοτάκη σε όλα τα μέτωπα.    Και φαίνεται ότι προκαλούσε ο ίδιος τη διαγραφή του. Παρόλο που σε ερώτηση του δημοσιογράφου Δημήτρη Ριζούλ

Day 1046: Julian Assange still in prison and under slow-motion execution by the Anglo-American imperialist criminals

failed evolution   World's number one political prisoner, Julian Assange, still in high security prison for exposing horrendous war crimes carried out by the US imperialists and their allies.   The ruthless Western imperialist regime wants to punish the No1 real journalist in the world and make him an example for any Whistleblower or real journalist who will attempt to expose its big crimes in the future.   That Assange, who is in precarious physical and psychological health and who suffered a stroke during court video proceedings, has been condemned to death should not come as a surprise. The ten years he has been detained, seven in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and nearly three in the high security Belmarsh prison, were accompanied with a lack of sunlight and exercise and unrelenting threats, pressure, anxiety and stress.    His steady physical and psychological deterioration has led to hallucinations and depression. He takes antidepressant medication and the antipsych

The one film Mark Zuckerberg does not want you to see

Double Down News   “Your attention has been stolen by some big and powerful forces”    

Biden’s Russia speech: Hypocrisy, lies and warmongering

by Andre Damon   On Tuesday, the day before the United States had previously claimed Russia would launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, US President Joe Biden gave a speech in which he doubled down on his threats of a “ bloody, destructive war ” even though no Russian invasion was forthcoming. Earlier in the day, the Russian government, which has insisted that it has no plans to attack Ukraine, announced that it is pulling back its troops from the Ukrainian border following the completion of a series of joint war games with Belarus. On Monday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky condemned the decision of the United States to relocate its embassy personnel. A source close to his party told that “ countries are making up a story about war, ” adding “ we are being played with. ” David Arakhamia, the head of Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” faction in Kiev’s parliament, added, “ Our intelligence does not see signs that the Russians are directly preparing. ”  The claim of

John Pilger on Ukraine: Russian troops are in Russia, US missiles & NATO troops surround Russia

Going Underground   John Pilger calls the coverage of the Ukraine crisis one of the most distorted stories in modern memory, asserting that Russian troops are moving within Russian borders while the US and NATO surround Russia with troops and missiles.  

With its Doomsday Clock at 100 seconds to midnight, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists calls for escalating US aggression against Russia

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists emerged after World War II as a voice for peace by some of the scientists who developed the then ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Now, its mission has drifted into being an echo chamber for the US imperial project urging President Biden to take even more destabilizing actions against Russia. by Roger Harris   Part 1 - Dropping the A-bombs   By the time that the scientists at the top-secret Manhattan Project had developed the atomic bomb and the US military had worked out the logistics for deploying it, World War II was for all intents and purposes over. By early May 1945, Germany had unconditionally surrendered; in large part due to the efforts of the Red Army defeating the Nazi Wehrmacht, but at the horrific cost of 27,000,000 Soviet lives. The Japanese too had been defeated militarily and had agreed to “unconditional surrender” with the one caveat that Emperor Hirohito be spared. So, the world’s emerging hegemon had a problem. It had the ulti

America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies

by Michael Hudson  Part 2 - America’s sanctions on its allies hurt their economies, not those of Russia and China What seems ironic is that such sanctions against Russia and China have ended up helping rather than hurting them. But the primary aim was not to hurt nor to help the Russian and Chinese economies. After all, it is axiomatic that sanctions force the targeted countries to become more self-reliant. Deprived of Lithuanian cheese, Russian producers have produced their own, and no longer need to import it from the Baltic states. America’s underlying economic rivalry is aimed at keeping European and its allied Asian countries in its own increasingly protected economic orbit. Germany, Lithuania and other allies are told to impose sanctions directed against their own economic welfare by not trading with countries outside the U.S. dollar-area orbit. Quite apart from the threat of actual war resulting from U.S. bellicosity, the cost to America’s allies of surrendering to U.S. trade an