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Showing posts from June, 2023

Day 1542: Julian Assange still in prison and under slow-motion execution by the Anglo-American imperialist criminals

failed evolution   On 11 April 2019, the Ecuadorian government of traitor Lenin Moreno, invited the Metropolitan Police into the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and they arrested Julian Assange . Since then, Assange is kept in Belmarsh high security prison in London, without actual charges.   The real reason world's number one political prisoner is still kept in this high security prison, is because he exposed horrendous war crimes carried out by the US imperialists and their allies.   The ruthless Western imperialist regime wants to punish the No1 real journalist in the world and make him an example for any Whistleblower or real journalist who will attempt to expose its big crimes in the future.   And the Anglo-American axis has now become officially a fascist coalition , framed by the rest of its Western pets. UK's Home Secretary Priti Patel, one of the most ruthless ever, decided to extradite Julian Assange to US. No surprise of course. The only question we had...

Corporate profits were biggest driver of inflation in Europe, IMF admits

Rising corporate profits have caused 45% of inflation in Europe, compared to 40% for rising import prices and just 15% for workers’ wages, according to research by IMF economists.   by Ben Norton   Part 1   Corporate profits have been the biggest contributor to inflation in Europe since 2021. This is according to a study published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “ Rising corporate profits account for almost half the increase in Europe’s inflation over the past two years as companies increased prices by more than spiking costs of imported energy ”, wrote IMF economists this June. The IMF said “ companies may have to accept a smaller profit share if inflation is to remain on track to reach the European Central Bank’s 2-percent target in 2025 ”. IMF economists Niels-Jakob Hansen, Frederik Toscani, and Jing Zhou detailed their findings in a research paper, “Euro Area Inflation after the Pandemic and Energy Shock: Import Prices, Profits and Wages”. They found that do...

Exposed: Disturbing details of new Pentagon “Perception Management Office”

by Kit Klarenberg   Part 3 - “Prohibited, Covert Propaganda”   JSOC’s involvement in that CIA dirty war is particularly notable given this period gave rise to the very concept of “perception management” as a legitimate form of psychological warfare to be waged by the CIA, Pentagon, and other government agencies against the domestic population. The overriding objective of this Reagan administration push was to falsely paint the murderous Contras as heroic freedom fighters. In reality, the Contras, with CIA direction, funding and arms, deliberately targeted civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, slaughtered priests, nuns, labor activists, students, peasants and indigenous citizens. In turn, the social democratic Sandinistas were transformed into viciously repressive autocrats, ruling Nicaragua with an iron fist and transforming their country into a “beachhead” for Soviet invasion of the U.S. Similar propaganda messaging has been employed in every American prox...

TikTok: Chinese “Trojan Horse” is run by State Department officials

Amid a national hysteria claiming the popular video-sharing app is a Chinese Trojan Horse, a MintPress News investigation has found dozens of ex-U.S. State Department officials working in key positions at TikTok.     by Alan Macleod Part 7 - Red Menace   While it was once seen as an endless source of cheap labor and a potential ally, over the past decade, Washington’s position on China has radically changed. Beginning with the Obama administration’s 2012 “Pivot to Asia,” the U.S. began preparing to go to war with Beijing in order to prevent its economic rise. To date, it has encircled China with 400 military bases and attempted to form what many have called an “Asian NATO” – a military alliance of states seeking to counter Beijing. One willing participant is Australia, which has recently agreed (under considerable American pressure) to purchase a fleet of nuclear submarines, potentially costing a quarter-trillion U.S. dollars. This is all despite the fact that China is Au...

Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies

Newly declassified British files shed disturbing light on the origins and internal workings of Operation Gladio, a covert NATO plot deploying fascist terror militias across Italy. Have spies in London applied these lessons in Ukraine?   by Kit Klarenberg   Part 1   Newly declassified British Foreign Office files have added disturbing details to the history of Operation Gladio. The covert operation was uncovered in 1990, when the public learned that the CIA, MI6 and NATO trained and directed an underground army of fascist paramilitary units across Europe, deploying its assets to undermine political opponents, including through false flag terror attacks. Among them was a young Silvio Berlusconi, the media oligarch who served as Italian Prime Minister in four separate governments between 1994 and 2011. Listed as a member of the P2, the secret Cold War-era cabal of political elites devoted to Gladio’s aims, Berlusconi undoubtedly took some weighty secrets to the grave when he...

China announces support for Palestinian statehood

The Jimmy Dore Show   President Xi Jinping says China backs the Palestinian struggle for statehood as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas arrived for a three-day visit. The Palestinian leader was welcomed with full military honors at the Great Hall of the People on Wednesday in Beijing.  

Europe is becoming ‘vassal’ of US, EU-funded think tank warns

Geopolitical Economy Report  The elite European Council on Foreign Relations, which is funded by many Western governments, warned that the EU is becoming a "vassal" of the United States, losing its independence.

A guide to understanding the hoax of the Century

Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation   by Jacob Siegel   Part 6 - Russiagate! Russiagate! Russiagate! If one imagines that the American ruling class faced a problem—Donald Trump appeared to threaten their institutional survival—then the Russia investigation didn’t just provide the means to unite the various branches of that class, in and out of government, against a common foe. It also gave them the ultimate form of leverage over the most powerful non-aligned sector of society: the tech industry. The coordination necessary to carry out the Russian collusion frame-up was the vehicle, fusing (1) the political goals of the Democratic Party, (2) the institutional agenda of the intelligence and security agencies, and (3) the narrative power and moral fervor of the media with (4) the tech companies’ surveillance architecture. The secret FISA warrant that allowed U.S. security agencies to begin spying on the Trump campaign was based on the Steele dossier, a partisan hatchet job...

Assange’s last chance at freedom

The Jimmy Dore Show  

Day 1533: Julian Assange still in prison and under slow-motion execution by the Anglo-American imperialist criminals

failed evolution   On 11 April 2019, the Ecuadorian government of traitor Lenin Moreno, invited the Metropolitan Police into the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and they arrested Julian Assange . Since then, Assange is kept in Belmarsh high security prison in London, without actual charges.   The real reason world's number one political prisoner is still kept in this high security prison, is because he exposed horrendous war crimes carried out by the US imperialists and their allies.   The ruthless Western imperialist regime wants to punish the No1 real journalist in the world and make him an example for any Whistleblower or real journalist who will attempt to expose its big crimes in the future.   And the Anglo-American axis has now become officially a fascist coalition , framed by the rest of its Western pets. UK's Home Secretary Priti Patel, one of the most ruthless ever, decided to extradite Julian Assange to US. No surprise of course. The only question we had...

This is what "Free Speech" looks like now in Western post-Democracy


Exposed: Disturbing details of new Pentagon “Perception Management Office”

by Kit Klarenberg   Part 2 - “Signature Reduction”   Despite the lack of a public paper trail, a memo outlining IPMO’s modus operandi was acquired by Klippenstein. It offers a hypothetical scenario in which the Pentagon “ wants to influence Country A’s leaders to stop purchasing a weapon system from Country B ” because it believes the sale “ might jeopardize DoD’s military advantage, in some way, if the U.S. ever had to engage in armed conflict with Country A. ” “ Assuming IPMO has worked to establish the desired behavior change, how might key influencers be identified that have sway over these leaders’ thought processes, beliefs, motives, reasoning, etc. (including ascertaining their typical modes and methods of communication)? ” the memo reads. “ Thereafter, assuming an influence strategy is developed, how might the DIE [Defense Intelligence Estimate] or IC [Intelligence Community] determine if DoD’s influence activities are working (aside from waiting and watching hopefully...

TikTok: Chinese “Trojan Horse” is run by State Department officials

Amid a national hysteria claiming the popular video-sharing app is a Chinese Trojan Horse, a MintPress News investigation has found dozens of ex-U.S. State Department officials working in key positions at TikTok.     by Alan Macleod Part 6 - Spies in our midst   Some of the furor over TikTok’s supposed threat has been stoked artificially by its rivals. Facebook, for example, is known to have contracted a PR firm to carry out a nationwide smear campaign against TikTok, presenting the platform as a “ threat to children ” and placing articles talking up the dangers of its competitors in newspapers across the country. Yet Facebook itself has been subject to the government TikTok treatment. In 2018, Mark Zuckerberg was hauled before Congress and grilled for hours on the dangers of his platform. Elected officials discussed breaking the company up or even imprisoning Zuckerberg for his role in promoting misinformation. If the goal was to intimidate him into giving up editorial c...

At least 79 drown, hundreds missing in migrant shipwreck off Greece

At least 79 migrants drowned early on Wednesday and hundreds more were missing and feared dead after their overloaded boat capsized and sank in open seas off Greece, in one of Europe's deadliest shipping disasters in recent years. As a painstaking search for survivors continued, a European rescue-support charity said it believed around 750 people were on board the 20- to 30-metre-long (65- to 100-foot-long) vessel. The U.N.'s migration agency estimated up to 400 while Greece declined to speculate on the passenger count.   By midday, 104 people had been rescued. A media report said the boat left from Libya, and a shipping ministry official who spoke on condition of anonymity said most of those on board were from Egypt, Syria and Pakistan. Search and rescue operations were to continue through the night, with military aircraft deploying flares to light up the Mediterranean waters around the wreck site about 50 miles (80 km) southwest of the southern Greek coastal town of Pylos.  ...

Breaking News tweets

Shipwreck near Pylos is new foretold tragedy... 106 have been rescued from possible 400 refugees-migrants on the boat 59 confirmed drowned... Imperialist interventions, wars & poverty throw the peoples into the abyss We stand with the people against barbarity — PAME Greece International (@PAME_Greece) June 14, 2023

Trump boasts he wanted to take Venezuela's oil after overthrowing its government

Geopolitical Economy Report   Former US President Donald Trump boasted at a Republican Party rally that he wanted to " take over " Venezuela, and " we would have gotten all that oil ". This confirms the sinister motives behind Washington's 2019 coup attempt to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro and install Juan Guaidó. 

A guide to understanding the hoax of the Century

Thirteen ways of looking at disinformation   by Jacob Siegel   Part 5 - The Internet: From Darling to Demon Once upon a time, the internet was going to save the world. The first dot-com boom in the 1990s popularized the idea of the internet as a technology for maximizing human potential and spreading democracy. The Clinton administration’s 1997 “A Framework for Global Electronic Commerce” put forth the vision: “ The Internet is a medium that has tremendous potential for promoting individual freedom and individual empowerment ” and “ [t]herefore, where possible, the individual should be left in control of the way in which he or she uses this medium. ” The smart people in the West mocked the naive efforts in other parts of the world to control the flow of information. In 2000, President Clinton scoffed that China’s internet crackdown was “ like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall. ” The hype continued through the Bush administration, when internet companies were seen as crucial pa...

Number of nuclear weapons held by major powers rising, says thinktank

There are now an estimated 12,512 warheads across the globe, with most of the new ones in military stockpiles said to be China’s  by Daniel Boffey  The number of operational nuclear weapons in the arsenals of the major military powers is on the rise again according to a leading thinktank, whose analysts warn the world is “ drifting into one of the most dangerous periods in human history ”. At a time of both deteriorating international relations and the escalation of nuclear sabre-rattling, there are now said to be an estimated 12,512 warheads globally, of which 9,576 are in military stockpiles ready for potential use, up 86 on a year ago. The rise brings to an end the period of gradual decline that followed the end of the cold war. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sipri) suggested 60 of the new warheads were held by China. The other new weapons are attributed to Russia (12), Pakistan (five), North Korea (five) and India (four). The increase in battle-fit w...

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters slams “idiot journalists” smearing him

Katie Halper   Roger Waters explains the hypocrisy behind Israeli apartheid as well as journalists who don't do their proper research. The controversies that Waters is being accused of is the very thing he's protesting and satirizing in his live shows. Asa Winstanley has been writing about Palestine and the Israel lobby since 2005. He spent two years living under Israeli occupation in the West Bank as an activist and writer. He has been an associate editor and reporter with the award-winning website The Electronic Intifada for more than a decade. 

Corporate news melts down over Tucker Carlson’s hugely popular new show

The Jimmy Dore Show / Glenn Greenwald   Tucker Carlson has launched a new show on Twitter — and its success is driving establishment media figures nuts. From criticism of the platform to grousing about the lack of jump cuts and busy graphics, the old guard is taking as many swipes at Tucker as they possibly can.   Tucker Carlson is the most successful host in the history of cable news. Even in his "stripped-down" Twitter form, he attracted an audience almost no corporate media employee could get close to. Is it possible this partially motivates the universal disdain they have for him?   No doubt their unified contempt is ideological as well. Carlson most aggressively attacks the institutions they most revere: the CIA and US Security State; large corporations; the establishment wings of both parties. But maybe professional jealousy is also at play? 

Debunked: Media falsely claims China is building spy base in Cuba

Geopolitical Economy Report   Major media outlets claimed China is building a secret station in Cuba to spy on the US, citing anonymous intelligence officials. But the Pentagon admitted this story is false. It is part of a larger information warfare campaign against Beijing, and could sabotage any attempts at diplomacy.

Exposed: Disturbing details of new Pentagon “Perception Management Office”

by Kit Klarenberg   Part 1   Ken Klippenstein, an investigative journalist at The Intercept , has exposed how the Pentagon very quietly launched a new internal division, dubbed the “Influence and Perception Management Office” (IPMO), in March. Its existence is not strictly secret, although there has been no official announcement of its launch, let alone an explanation from Department of Defense (DoD) officials as to its raison d’être or modus operandi. Its budget likewise remains a mystery but purportedly runs into the “multimillions.” Pentagon financial documents from 2022 offer a laconic and largely impenetrable description of IPMO. The Office, it is said, “ will serve as the senior advisor ” to Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security, Ronald S. Moultrie, on “ strategic and operational influence and perception management (reveal and conceal) matters ”:                  ...

TikTok: Chinese “Trojan Horse” is run by State Department officials

Amid a national hysteria claiming the popular video-sharing app is a Chinese Trojan Horse, a MintPress News investigation has found dozens of ex-U.S. State Department officials working in key positions at TikTok.     by Alan Macleod Part 5 - 20 years for watching a dance video   Nevertheless, these ignorant politicians are currently legislating an anti-TikTok bill that would forever change the internet and prove a death knell to privacy online. “ HR 1153, the DATA Act, which recently passed the House Foreign Affairs Committee, is almost surreal in some of its implications, ” wrote the Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Not only would TikTok (and possibly other large Chinese apps like WeChat) be banned, but accessing them using a VPN would become a criminal federal offense and subject to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $1 million. The bill also gives the government the power to secretly and permanently spy on any individual it suspects of interacting with foreign...

Ο Τσίπρας δεν θέλει ...

failed evolution   Όπως είχαμε συμπεράνει ήδη από τον Μάιο του '21 μέσα από το άρθρο Μπλέξαμε άσχημα ... , ο Τσίπρας κάνει αγγαρεία γιατί δεν φαίνεται να θέλει να κυβερνήσει (και γιατί να θέλει, αφού βλέπει ότι έρχεται μεγαλύτερο μπάχαλο και χάος).    Δύο χρόνια μετά, φαίνεται ότι το συμπέρασμα επιβεβαιώνεται.   Στο παρά πέντε των εκλογών του Μαίου ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ φάνηκε σαν να πυροβολεί τα πόδια του κυρίως με τις δηλώσεις Κατρούγκαλου που τρόμαξαν τους μικρομεσαίους ελεύθερους επαγγελματίες. Πολλοί λένε ότι ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ μπορεί να έχασε ως και 5 μονάδες εξαιτίας τους, ίσως και παραπάνω.  Αλλά και τώρα, βγήκαν άλλοι λαγοί, όπως ο Φίλης να κάνουν δηλώσεις που από άποψη τάκτικης θα μπορούσαν να χαρακτηριστούν ως καθαρά "αυτογκόλ".  Το κερασάκι στην τούρτα ήρθε με το νέο, μάλλον "χλιαρό" σποτ του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ με το σλόγκαν "Πώς θα ζήσουμε καλύτερα", όπου ανάμεσα σ'όλα τ'άλλα υπάρχει και ξεκάρφωτη η δέσμευση περί γάμου για όλα τα ζευγάρια. Σε μια ήδη συντηρητική ...