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Showing posts from April, 2018

Alert: The Clintonian empire is still here and tries to steal the popular vote through agents masked as progressives

Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing globinfo freexchange During the 2016 Democratic party primaries we wrote that what Bernie achieved, is to bring back the real political discussion in America, at least concerning the Democratic camp. Bernie smartly "drags" his primary rival, Hillary Clinton, into the heart of the politics. Up until a few years ago, you could not observe too much difference between the Democrats and the Republicans, who were just following the pro-establishment "politics as usual", probably with a few, occasional exceptions. The "politics as usual" so far, was "you can't touch the Wall Street", for example. Bernie continuously forcing Hillary to appear apologetic about her campaign funding from big financial interests. She tries hard to persuade the public that she will not serve specific interests. Her anxiety can be identified in many cases and it was very clear at the moment when she accused Bernie of ...

Sunday Times ‘explosive’ report on Russian bot support for Corbyn is really a complete dud

Just when you thought we’d hit peak ‘Russian meddling’ claims, there’s a whole new fear-mongering report in town. The Sunday Times has released an ‘investigation’ linking a pesky Russian bot army with Labour’s June election gains. Heaven forbid British voters may have been swayed by a lack of leadership by the Tories... The Sunday Times exclusive, but apparently not in-depth, joint investigation with Swansea University claims that 6,500 ‘Russian’ Twitter accounts sent messages of support for the British Labour Party in the seven weeks before last year's snap general election, sharing "mass-produced" and "orchestrated" political messages. Given that politicians and multi-billion dollar corporations spend exorbitant amounts of money trying to influence public opinion, it’s extremely hard to imagine how recently-created, thinly-veiled bot accounts could possibly garner enough of a following to somehow influence millions of voters ac...

Bullets used in attack on Lula camp reserved for Brazil military, police

Since August 2017, 9mm bullets have been restricted for use by the military, federal police, and civil police forces. Investigators discovered 9mm bullet casings, restricted for use by the military, military police and civil police forces, near the spot where assailants fired 20 rounds from a car at the Marisa Leticia camp (part of the larger Free Lula vigil) in Curitiba, Brazil, early Saturday morning. Two people were injured in the attack, with one of them, Jefferson Lima de Menezes, said to be in serious condition with a bullet wound that penetrated his neck. Nobody has been arrested in connection to the armed assault. Prior to August 2017, only the army and federal police were authorized to use 9mm bullets. Then, via a decision made by the Brazilian army, military and civil police forces, along with other security agents, were authorized to employ the firearm cartridge for personal use, according to Brasil 24/7. According to eyewitnesses, the ...

Maduro has 50% lead in Venezuelan presidential race

The study shows that 71 percent of Venezuelans believe Nicolas Maduro will win the elections, regardless of affiliation or political leaning. Venezuelan consultancy Hinterlaces reported Sunday that in its most recent poll data show Nicolas Maduro, the presidential candidate for the Frente Amplio de la Patria coalition, as the winner of the upcoming May 20 elections with 51 percent of the vote. The study also reveals that 71 percent of Venezuelans believe that the Venezuelan president will win the elections, regardless of affiliation or political leaning, while 18 percent said Henri Falcon, the candidate for Advanced Progress and Movement to Socialism candidate. Meanwhile 16 percent indicated that the winner will be the candidate of the Hope for Change Javier Bertucci. The rest 5 percent of the respondents did not know or say who they thought would be the winner. Also none of the people interviewed named the other presidential candidates, Reinaldo Quijad...

Bαρέα και ανθυγιεινά στα εργοστάσια του Facebook

Εργαζόμαστε όταν κάνουμε ένα tweet ή όταν ανεβάζουμε φωτογραφίες με γατάκια στο Facebook; Η απάντηση στο ερώτημα, υποστηρίζουν αρκετοί οικονομολόγοι, ίσως μας επιτρέψει να διαπιστώσουμε ποιοι θα είναι οι κυρίαρχοι της οικονομίας του κυβερνοχώρου στον 21ο αιώνα. του Άρη Χατζηστεφάνου Eάν ένα σχόλιο που κάνουμε στο Facebook βοηθά την εταιρεία να συγκεντρώσει πληροφορίες για εμάς, τις οποίες στη συνέχεια πουλά σε διαφημιστικές εταιρείες για να μας στέλνουν στοχευμένα διαφημιστικά μηνύματα, είναι προφανές ότι κάποιοι κερδίζουν χρήματα από μια δική μας δραστηριότητα. Η παρατήρηση αυτή οδήγησε ορισμένους στο συμπέρασμα ότι το Facebook και άλλες πλατφόρμες, που καταγράφουν και επεξεργάζονται κάθε μας κίνηση… μας χρωστάνε πολλά μηνιάτικα από την «εργασία» που τους προσφέραμε. Αυτό ήταν παραδείγματος χάριν το συμπέρασμα μια καλλιτεχνικής καμπάνιας με τίτλο «Wages for Facebook» («Μισθοί για το Facebook») που μας καλούσε να αντιμετωπίσουμε κάθε δραστηριότητά μας σ...

Corporate-taken DNC continues its distraction campaign from real political issues

globinfo freexchange

Dubai based PR firm hired producer of fake terrorist videos to make anti-Qatar film

A Pentagon “propagandist,” who previously headed a company that was paid half a billion dollars to produce fake terrorist videos in Iraq, was hired by a Dubai based company to create a film accusing Qatar of links to terrorism, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has revealed. Charles Andreae, the CEO of Andreae & Associates which was contracted to produce the film, used to work for PR firm Bell Pottinger, the UK PR firm that was payed $540 million dollars to create fake terrorist videos in Iraq. The firm was employed to produce the anti-Qatari film amidst a diplomatic row in which the Saudi and UAE governments cut ties with Doha, which it accused of supporting terrorism. Qatar has strongly denied the accusation and accused its neighbours of fabricating stories. US intelligence agencies have since confirmed that the UAE orchestrated the hacking of Qatari government news and social media sites to justify its unprecedented attack against Qatar. Acco...

The Greek experiment

Could Greece's situation be characterized as a huge economic-social-political "experiment"? And if so, who are those who conduct it? by system failure Greece is entering one more year of an unprecedented economic recession and still, no optimistic signs can be seen in the horizon. When the financial crisis erupted in 2010, there were already many people who spoke about an experiment that was taking place, for the first time in a region of a developed economic zone. Could Greece's situation be characterized as a huge economic-social-political "experiment"? And if so, who are those who conduct it? Part 2 - What happened before Greece's entrance into the neoliberal path of destruction When neoliberalism started its big onslaught in the early 80s with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher in power, Greece had chosen a different path with the then leader of the Socialist Party (PASOK), Andreas Papandreou. Papand...

FDR 2.0 for a big victory in 2020!

globinfo freexchange My generation does not have memory of any US presidential candidate speaking so straightforward against the greedy elites, while supporting the rights of the majority. Bernie Sanders frequently refers to Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) during his speeches, and this is another sign about his intentions, if he manage to get elected as the next US president. There are at least two common characteristics with the FDR-era and the Sanders-era. The first important characteristic, is that both came out of a very difficult period for the United States, with the Great Depression of 1929, and, the major economic crisis of 2008 respectively. Both these crises had major impact globally, directly or indirectly. The second important characteristic, is that Bernie Sanders senses already the hostility of the establishment, which is shaped by the interests of the big banks and corporations. Similarly, FDR faced this hostility of the same establishment, especia...

How the massacre in Gaza became an opportunity to sell Israeli weapons

globinfo freexchange Germany's Social-Democratic Party voted to lease Israeli attack drones, even though the German military does not need them and the deal is incredibly overpriced. Shir Hever explains the secret political/financial bargain game behind this deal, which involves the Israeli crimes in Gaza. It's a very enlightening video and very rare actually because it gives so much information in less than seven minutes:

The war against the real Left culminates in the United States

globinfo freexchange Poll after poll showed Bernie Sanders as the stronger general election candidate against Donald Trump, but the Democratic Party pushed resources, media, polling data, everything they could, to Hillary Clinton, to make sure that she won the nomination and to elbow out Bernie Sanders. They did not learn from this self-inflicted wound. In fact, the Democratic Party is doubling down and we’re seeing those exact same tactics applied in congressional races all across the country. Related: The selective progressiveness of the fake Left

The League of Assad-Loving Conspiracy Theorists

In an atmosphere of mass hysteria and paranoia (like the one we’re living in at the moment), the authorities’ narratives do not have to make sense, or stand up to any type of real scrutiny. Their primary purpose is not to deceive, but rather, to demarcate an ideological territory of acceptable belief, expression, and emotion to which “normal” people are expected to conform. Beyond the boundaries of that territory lies the outer darkness of “abnormality” and “extremism,” which no “normal” person wants anything to do with. To avoid being cast into this outer darkness, people will conform to the most absurd and paranoid nonsense you can possibly imagine. The global capitalist ruling classes know this, which is why they don’t care if you disprove their narratives on Twitter or some “disreputable” website they’ve rendered virtually invisible anyway. They are not debating the facts or the truth … they are marking the boundaries of that “normal” territory, and herding frightened ...

MI5 vetted thousands of BBC staff to keep ‘evil’ and ‘subversive’ lefties out

The BBC allowed MI5, Britain’s intelligence service, to vet its applicants in a bid to stop potentially “subversive” people from influencing the broadcast material, new files have revealed. The documents reveal the extent to which MI5 worked with the broadcaster to politically vet thousands of employees – except for “personnel such as chairwomen” – right until the early 1990s. According to an account by Paul Reynolds, one of the first journalists to see the BBC vetting files, the broadcaster adopted a policy of “keep head down and stonewall all questions.” For five decades, the BBC had in fact not only failed to admit but in some cases also lied about the existence of political vetting, which could lead to applicants not being called in for appointments or promotions being blocked. An interview by BBC Director General Sir Hugh Greene reveals how the vetting worked. “We have a staff of 23,000 and in that community we have people of all descriptions, incl...

Βρετανία: Πώς οι μυστικές υπηρεσίες «έκοβαν» τους αριστερούς δημοσιογράφους από το BBC

Για πολλές δεκαετίες το BBC αρνούνταν ότι συνεργαζόταν με την υπηρεσία αντικατασκοπείας και ασφάλειας της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας, MI5, για να περνά από πολιτικό έλεγχο όσους υπέβαλλαν αίτηση για να εργαστούν εκεί. Όμως στην πραγματικότητα οι διαδικασίες ελέγχου είχαν ξεκινήσει από τις πρώτες μέρες λειτουργίας του BBC και συνεχίστηκαν μέχρι τη δεκαετία του ’90. Ο Paul Reynolds, ο πρώτος δημοσιογράφος που απέκτησε πρόσβαση σε όλο το αρχείο με τους φακέλους αξιολόγησης που διατηρεί το BBC, αφηγήθηκε λεπτομερώς τη στενή και μακροχρόνια σχέση μεταξύ του οργανισμού και του MI5. « Κανόνας: Κράτα το κεφάλι χαμηλωμένο και αντιστάσου σε όλες τις ερωτήσεις » – Αυτό συμβούλευε ένα παλαιότερο στέλεχος του BBC το 1985, δηλαδή λίγο καιρό προτού ο Observer εκθέσει με λεπτομέρειες το έργο που γινόταν στο Δωμάτιο 105 των κεντρικών του BBC. Μέχρι εκείνη τη στιγμή όμως, το BBC αρνούνταν συστηματικά τις κατηγορίες ότι οι εργαζόμενοι περνούσαν από πολιτικό έλεγχο, πρακτική ...