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Showing posts with the label freedom of press

Julian Assange, Gianna Papadakou, Kostas Vaxevanis: Western post-democracy becomes more authoritarian than ever

globinfo freexchange   When a dominant system begins openly and mercilessly go after top investigative journalists, you can understand that we have already entered the post-democratic era beyond doubt. But it is also a sign that the system becomes increasingly authoritarian because it loses the control of the flow of information and the narratives that reach the wide public.   The Western former crypto-fascist and now openly fascist neoliberal establishment wants to preserve the power of the corporate elites and the super-rich, even if it has to suspend more and more democratic principles that have been conquered in previous decades through struggles and blood. Like freedom of press, for instance.   And it's certainly not a coincidence that the system is going through a transition phase , (from capitalism to a modern type of corporate feudalism), in which, naturally, democracy has to be defeated decisively.    As we mentioned recently, Mitsotakis regime in Gree...