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Showing posts with the label Bernie Sanders

In an absolutely repulsive show, the DNC clowns of horror, ignore genocide, bow to billionaires

globinfo freexchange   The absolute moral bankruptcy of the Democratic Party was depicted perfectly during the recent DNC convention . As the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank is still taking place, the DNC clowns of horror demonstrated their complete lack of morality, beyond any doubt.   The gathering of immoral supporters and billionaires, supposedly representing the "progressive" America, was nothing more than a confirmation that the big money and the Zionist agendas will never change to the slightest.  The DNC clowns put the LGBTQ  masks for a while, to give something to progressive voters against the alt-right Orange Clown of the Republicans. But nothing more beyond that. No planning to fight inequality and poverty. No promise to end disastrous wars. Nothing about any thought on the termination of the biggest crime of our century: the genocide of the Palestinian people.   One of the most disgusting moments was Genocide Joe's tears, not for the thousand

Human workforce under severe threat as hyper-automation spreads rapidly

globinfo freexchange     Remember when US workers in fast-food industry were fighting for higher minimum wages? In September, there has been some news circulation about such a prospect concerning the state of California. Yet, while workers struggle hard to achieve even a small raise, the fast-food industry is at least three steps ahead using robots and hyper-automation as what appears to be an unbeatable competitor against human workforce!   Indeed, the first almost fully automated McDonald's opened recently in Texas:   At one McDonald’s location in Texas, robots are now serving up Big Macs. Amid a growing desire for fast food giants to automate their processes, the first mostly robot-run McDonald’s restaurant is currently being tested in Fort Worth, Texas. At this location, there are no human cashiers in sight. Even the restaurant itself is smaller and has no seating, designed to serve the grab-and-go crowd, rather than sit-down diners.   Upon entry, digital tills take customer o

Confirmed: Unpopular US President Kamala Harris is the most faithful puppet of the corporate oligarchy

globinfo freexchange     A recent article published on Bloomberg exposes impressively two things:    First, that the Democrats have no intention to even slightly move from their pro-corporate positions and towards the interests of the US working class; on the contrary.   Second, the elites essentially replaced Joe Biden with Kamala Harris.    The article was re-published by various websites and the surprises already start from the title: Harris quietly taps Wall Street, tech CEOs for advice on policy . Not that it is something we didn't expect, but why a top establishment outlet admits that Harris "quietly" runs to the banking-corporate oligarchy for "instructions"?  Perhaps more surprisingly, the answer can be found within the article itself:   The corporate world has provided a familiar source of help. As California's attorney general, Harris gained a reputation for frequently partnering with technology companies — rather than prosecuting them — as

It's over: corporate neoliberal pseudo-Left takes over Sanders' "Our Revolution" - Time for a third, grassroots party

globinfo freexchange   Back to zero. Back to the corrupted, failed, obsolete, destructive neoliberalism. US corporate establishment played every dirty game to get rid of Bernie Sanders and take over Justice Democrats and Our Revolution. They did it.    The rebranding of Our Revolution into "pragmatic progressives" is all you need to know to understand that the corporate power has eventually crushed the progressive momentum. The neoliberal component of the corporate America, the Clintonian machine and the establishment of the Democratic party is actually giving the finger to the progressive movement. It tells progressives to sit down and be quiet. No significant change is going to come.   The message is brought to you by the most official channels of the neoliberal establishment:                                  Rather than insisting on “Medicare for All” — Sanders’ trademark universal, government-funded health care plan — or the climate-change-fighting Green New Deal, Our Re

The DNC mafia is about to complete the process of assimilation of the progressives, exactly as predicted

globinfo freexchange   Since already July 2018, we identified an immediate mobilization by the corporate media in the US to force the progressive wing of the Democratic party comply with the DNC neoliberal norm. In the specific example , we analyzed how the corporate pundit forced the new star of the progressive wing, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to literally declare loyalty to the DNC corporate "chief-baroness" Nancy Pelosi. After that, we saw an unexplained and bizarre contribution of both Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez to the establishment pro-McCain 'litanies'. In this totally unnecessary self-recruitment for the McCain's legacy whitewash operation, Cortez retreated unconditionally and the establishment marked a second victory against her. As we had mentioned , the corporate media will focus mainly on pushing progressives to be 'swallowed' by the current DNC establishment in order to destroy the political revolution of Bernie Sanders. Yet, it is expect

The Andrew Yang corporate media blackout: more evidence that the liberal elites hand-picked their unpopular puppet Kamala Harris

globinfo freexchange A former MSNBC whistleblower gave recently another first-hand confirmation about what many of us already knew: that the corporate media systematically exercise extreme forms of censorship on candidates outside the two-party system norm. As Ariana Pekary tweeted recently:                          On 4/25/19, I was told that we were never to pursue Andrew [Yang] for an interview on our show (along with several others). The list of candidates was dictated, but the reasons for allowing them or not were not explained.     Actually, I just reviewed my journal. On 4/25/19, I was told that we were never to pursue Andrew for an interview on our show (along with several others). The list of candidates was dictated, but the reasons for allowing them or not were not explained. — Ariana Pekary (@arianapekary) November 22, 2020   It would be interesting to also learn who these "several others" (Pekary mentioned in her tweet) are, but her revelation still has some sig

Confirmed: Biden never wanted the Green New Deal and now he has a perfect excuse to bury it

globinfo freexchange   In a revealing interview for the Greek radio-station Radio 98.4 , former Greek Minister of Finance and current DiEM25 leader, Yanis Varoufakis, spoke about the current situation in Greece under COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the result of the recent US general election.  The current Greek government ( one of the worst the last decades as it seems), receives a lot of negative criticism from the opposition and from the independent press in Greece, for the fact that it didn't take advantage of the first lock-down to reinforce Greece's public healthcare system.   It seems that during this second wave of the pandemic (and the second lock-down), the Greek government is losing control as the COVID-19 cases rise dramatically and the public healthcare system now operates close to its limits. Mitsotakis administration receives negative criticism for the fact it left the tourism sector open during the summer to protect specific private interests. Most importantly,

The main reason corporate Dems want so desperately to beat Trump in this election cycle

globinfo freexchange   As we explained previously, what we see now in the United States with Trump, is a counter-attack by the part of the American capital against the globalist faction. The faction that is primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy. Therefore, as the capitalist class splits, the capitalists around Trump are now taking with them the most conservative part of the American society, as they need electoral power. They have the money and their own media network. Their first big victory was Trump in the US presidency and this explains why the liberal media attack him so hard and so frequently.   The COVID-19 pandemic added more chaos in the ongoing civil war between capitalists and (as always), the working class is paying the price for the additional mess.   The DNC establishment fought hard, one more time, to get rid of Bernie Sanders in order to impose its own - fully controllable and fully dedicated to the neoliberal status quo - Joe Biden/Kamala Harris duo. O