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Showing posts with the label corporate America

It's over: corporate neoliberal pseudo-Left takes over Sanders' "Our Revolution" - Time for a third, grassroots party

globinfo freexchange   Back to zero. Back to the corrupted, failed, obsolete, destructive neoliberalism. US corporate establishment played every dirty game to get rid of Bernie Sanders and take over Justice Democrats and Our Revolution. They did it.    The rebranding of Our Revolution into "pragmatic progressives" is all you need to know to understand that the corporate power has eventually crushed the progressive momentum. The neoliberal component of the corporate America, the Clintonian machine and the establishment of the Democratic party is actually giving the finger to the progressive movement. It tells progressives to sit down and be quiet. No significant change is going to come.   The message is brought to you by the most official channels of the neoliberal establishment:                                  Ra...

Biden accidentally reveals the plan: be replaced by Kamala Harris

globinfo freexchange   Since already 2019, we identified Kamala Harris as one of the establishment's most beloved puppets. As we wrote , it appears that Kamala Harris is establishment's most preferable candidate because she has all the characteristics that could revive identity politics and drive the electorate away from the substance of politics and towards the neoliberal center.    A year later, an accidental[?] Politico "leak" revealed that Harris had the best chances to become the next VP in a potential Biden administration.  We wrote then that as the establishment players who pull the strings know very well Biden's profound weaknesses, they want to make sure that he will be replaced by their best puppet in case he will become unable to fulfill duties . It seems that the puppet is called Kamala Harris. And in fact, it seems that the establishment players are eager to replace Biden with their top female Obama, in the end. It remains to be seen whether she...