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Showing posts with the label Boris Johnson

Pro-Brexit capitalists desperately seek a suitable Thatcherite zombie to govern Britain

by system failure   We can almost certainly conclude that the removal of Boris Johnson from the position of the UK prime minister came as a result of a counter-attack of the liberal globalist faction against the pro-Brexit faction in the capitalist civil war .   And it is almost certain that the utterly grotesque political figure of Liz Truss was a far more easy target for the anti-Brexit liberal capitalists. It took them only 45 days to overthrow her, making her the shortest serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Liberal capitalists proved that Truss-type politicians are a 'piece of cake' for them, especially when they decide to mobilize the global markets and their agents inside the Tories.   As George Monbiot reveals , Truss' policies shaped by lobby groups like the Institute of Economic Affairs, the TaxPayers' Alliance and the Adam Smith Institute. It seems that these are some key groups behind BrexitCentral website. And together, they form a network of rig...

Boris Johnson attributes UK's vaccine success to dead capitalism with a BS typical argument from the bankrupt neoliberalism

globinfo freexchange   It's almost grotesque the fact that many fans of capitalism still don't realize that capitalism is dead . And it's certainly grotesque the fact that they use the same, typical and obsolete bullshit arguments (coming straight from the bankrupt neoliberal ideology), to defend it.   It was UK's PM this time, Boris Johnson, who used such an argument to defend the already dead capitalism. An argument coming straight from the dustbin of history and from the grave of one of the most unpopular and unsuccessful PMs in UK's history: Maggie, the Iron Lady. According to a Johnson's private call with Conservative MPs that has been circulated by the mainstream media, the British PM hailed the fact that more than 28 million people have been given a first jab in the UK, saying: “ The reason we have the vaccine success is because of capitalism, because of greed my friends. ”   The response to this BS not only came almost immediately, but it also came fr...

Pro-Trump capitalists fire the first serious warning shot in Capitol

globinfo freexchange In June, 2020, we wrote that, the whole picture indicates that all these far-right militia groups together with a significant part the US police force are forming a loony army of Trump defenders, driven by racism, ultra-conservative ideas and far-right extreme conspiracy theories. These fanatics have become so loyal to their leader - who happens to be the President of the United States - that they will do whatever it takes to see him in charge for another four years. As Trump's popularity has taken a downturn, his "brigades" are ready to take action in case he loses November's election. Especially if he loses marginally. Previously, we explained that, what we see now in the United States with Trump, is a counter-attack by the part of the American capital against the globalist faction. The faction that is primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy . Therefore, as the capitalist class splits, the capitalists around Trump are now taking with the...

The time has come for neoliberalism to expose its true nature as a kind of refined fascism

globinfo freexchange In an interesting interview, Afshin Rattansi spoke with William Robinson, author of The Global Police State . They discussed how capitalism's crises have fuelled the rise of the global police state. The drastic inequality and poverty that has become a theme of modern capitalism which necessitates the global police state. Also, whether there is class warfare on the poor and the growing industry of militarism and oppression.   As Robinson points out: The global police state has been on full display in the United States in the uprising that took place in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. But the largest story here, of course, is the mega cities of the world. Not just the hot war zones such as in the middle east.     The mega cities of the world are now the theaters for this global police state. And it's where these inequalities are so incredibly acute. And so all of the panoply of what i'm referring to as global police state is un...

Neoliberal centrists and phony fascists as political tools of the capitalist classes in an escalating war

globinfo freexchange    The progressive movement has lost recently one of its pioneers. David Grabber was an American anthropologist, anarchist activist, leading figure in the Occupy Wall Street movement, and is sometimes credited with having coined the slogan "We are the 99%". In the following short analysis, Grabber describes almost perfectly the nature of the neoliberal centrism and how its carriers manipulate the masses. He also unveils the role of those to the right, which in the US is played politically by the Republican Party. As he points out:                            There's a symbiotic relationship between these centrists, who are just sort of sneering elitists and these guys who are the scam artists, who pretend to be locals, who pretend to be idiots, or pretend to be fascists. They're not even real fascists, they're kind of phoney fascists...