A special message to Alexis Tsipras by system failure When a EU PM speaks with terms of battle about the negotiations with his “partners”, we do understand that there is something totally wrong in this “marvelous” union. Alexis Tsipras and his government know very well with whom they are dealing, but they should also understand that it is impossible to negotiate with good faith with these euro-hyenas. Just take a look at the people who run the "empire" and you will understand. Mario Draghi, Jean-Claude Juncker, Merkel and Schäuble * are just an example of bankers, lobbyists, dirty games for grabbing the power. Does anyone truly believe that these puppets in power, do care about the improvement of lives of millions of Europeans? I think we all know the answer. They don't. The only thing they care about is to protect the interests of their masters, maintain their own privileges. The IMF banksters already threatened that they will not tolerate any...