by system failure The road was well prepared long ago. More and more information was coming to the surface such as that the Cyprus economy is in bad condition and there is a need for a memorandum for Cyprus, similar to that of the eurozone periphery countries. The European Central Bank and the European institutions did not choose the same way this time. They strike Cyprus at the point which hurts most, in order to enforce the desirable and favorable policies for the expansion of neoliberal experiment which is repeated renewed in eurozone countries. The tax-haven Cyprus will be soon converted into another state controlled through debt by the European neoliberal economic empire, as the first necessary moves have already been done by the ECB and Mario Draghi. This is why the ECB announced that - despite the desicion of Cyprian parliament which decided (for the moment) to withdraw the “plan” for the haircut of deposits – will continue to supply Cyprus with liquidity. ( http://fai...