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Showing posts from July, 2014

It’s Raining Bombs and Shells

A Doctor's Notes From Gaza by Dr. Mona El-Farra I’m still alive. I don’t know what this means, but I can say that most of the time I can still walk and do some work with people who need help. It all depends on my luck. And here, for people living in Gaza, luck means how close to you the bombs fall from Israel’s tanks, planes, or warships. Some hours it’s raining bombs. Americans say “It’s raining cats and dogs.” In the new Gaza idiom, we say “It’s raining bombs and shells.” Today I started my day in the Red Crescent Society’s medical center. The electricity has stopped, but the X-ray still functions, so we received many patients. Let me share with you some of what I saw. First is the story of an unnamed child we called “Number 6.” He was around three years and had identifying stickers on his arms saying “Unknown” and “Number 6.” I was shocked and immediately asked the nurses and ambulance drivers, “What is his name?” I was told no one kne...

Gaza Situation - Report 22

24 hour reports by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Due to the dramatic escalation in violence over the past few days and the massive assault on Gaza, UNRWA has declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip. It is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to mount an emergency response should that become necessary. The priority for the Agency has now shifted to emergency operations, providing assistance to those who have been displaced and sought shelter in UNRWA schools, while attempting to continue regular operations. Urgent funding needs persist and are increasing Key parts: “ Nothing and nobody is safe in Gaza. To date, seven UNRWA staff members were killed. This morning, for at least the sixth time, one of UNRWA’s emergency shelters has been struck. In accordance with international law, including the 1946 Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, United Nations operations, personnel and premises must r...

Meanwhile in West Bank ...

“ While the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip is the major focus of events, the people of many West Bank cities are infuriated by toll inflicted by 'Protective Edge.' Nine Palestinians in all have been killed in the West Bank, six of them on 25 July alone , which had been dubbed a 'Day of Rage.' Many others were wounded. ” “ Palestinian journalists were among the injured. On 26 July, journalist Rami Al-Khatib, as well as Moaz Mish’al, a photographer for Agence Anatolia, a Turkish press agency, were wounded by rubber bullets while covering confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli troops in Beit El, north of Jerusalem. The day before, journalist Thaer Abu Baker was wounded by Israeli gunfire in Jenin, in the northern West Bank. ” “ Nader Beibars, producer of the daily 'Good Morning Jerusalem' program on Palestine TV, was hit by a rubber bullet in the Wadi Al-Joz neighourhood of Jerusalem on 24 July. The same day, other news profe...

O Manifesto "Derradeira chamada"

Isto é máis que unha crise económica e de réxime: é unha crise de civilización Os cidadáns e cidadás europeos, na súa gran maioría, asumen a idea de que a sociedade de consumo actual pode “mellorar” cara ao futuro (e que debería facelo). Mentres tanto, boa parte dos habitantes do planeta esperan ir achegándose aos nosos niveis de benestar material. Con todo, o nivel de produción e consumo conseguiuse á custa de esgotarmos os recursos naturais e enerxéticos, e rompermos os equilibrios ecolóxicos da Terra. Nada disto é novo. As investigadoras e os científicos máis lúcidos levan dándonos fundados sinais de alarma desde principios dos anos setenta do século XX: de proseguirmoa coas tendencias de crecemento vixentes (económico, demográfico, no uso de recursos, xeración de contaminantes e incremento de desigualdades) o resultado máis probábel para o século XXI é un colapso civilizatorio. Hoxe acumúlanse as noticias que indican que a vía do crecemento é xa un x...

Former “negotiator” reveals: Greece bought German submarines at high prices to join euro!

globinfo freexchange German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung interviewed Alexandros Avataggelos who admitted that Greece bought German submarines at high prices to secure entry to euro! Alexandros Avathagelos had been jailed in Korydallos prison for the submarine scandal with German firm HDW. “ Mr Avataggelos talks of a time when plenty of money was flowing in the arms market. 'Until the turn of the millennium European governments spent a lot of money on weapon procurments and Greece, before the crisis, was a very good customer,' he said.” “ The Greek government bought much and gladly at high prices. Decisions rarely had to do with weapon system value.” “ As Süddeutsche Zeitung adds, there was no real competition. The arms procurement was always a political decision 'Greece bought submarines in order to enter the euro. 80% went for that cause. Socialist Kostas Simitis was in power in Athens at the time and social-democrat Gerhard Schroeder in Berlin. T...

Gaza Situation - Report 21

24 hour reports by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Due to the dramatic escalation in violence over the past few days and the massive assault on Gaza, UNRWA has declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip. It is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to mount an emergency response should that become necessary. The priority for the Agency has now shifted to emergency operations, providing assistance to those who have been displaced and sought shelter in UNRWA schools, while attempting to continue regular operations. Urgent funding needs persist and are increasing Key parts: “ The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 1106 and the number of wounded, as reported by the Ministry of Health has reached 6600. The number of displaced people taking refuge in UNRWA shelters is now more than triple the peak number from the 2008/9 conflict and is approaching 10% of the ent...

Περισσότερο “ωμοί” λόγοι πίσω από το έγκλημα στη Γάζα

Μεγάλες “μπίζνες” με πωλήσεις όπλων και συστημάτων καταστολής globinfo freexchange Αυτό που ουσιαστικά συμβαίνει από το 1967 και μετά όσον αφορά το Παλαιστινιακό, είναι μια στρατιωτική κατοχή των εδαφών των Παλαιστινίων. Σ'αυτές τις καταστάσεις θα ήταν σαν στον 2ο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, να μιλούσε κάποιος για το δικαίωμα αυτοάμυνας των ναζιστικών στρατευμάτων του Χίτλερ, ή, το δικαίωμα αυτοάμυνας των Ιταλικών στρατευμάτων του Μουσολίνι που εισέβαλαν στην Ελλάδα. Το "δικαίωμα αυτοάμυνας" είναι η έκφραση που πάγια χρησιμοποιείται από τα ΜΜΕ που βρίσκονται στο πλευρό του Ισραήλ. Ειδικά από το 2006 και μετά το Ισραήλ επιδιώκει μια μεγάλη πολεμική επιχείρηση ανά 1 ή 2 χρόνια και οι μεγαλύτερες από αυτές έχουν συνήθως έναν αριθμό θυμάτων που ξεπερνούν τους 500 και συνήθως φτάνουν τους 1000-1500 νεκρούς, στην πλειονότητα τους άμαχοι, γυναίκες, παιδιά, ηλικιωμένοι που δεν μπορούν να βρουν καταφύγιο και να φύγουν. Το Ισραήλ χρειαζόταν μια νέα επίθεση και ένας ...

Syrian chemicals thriller: No one knows the position of Cape Ray!

... while the hydrolysis process is probably taking place onboard right now! globinfo freexchange The Greek government doesn't care about this serious matter concerning the dissolution of the Syrian chemicals in Mediterranean according to the activists who organized a boat mission* to find Cape Ray. Cape Ray is the ship where the hydrolysis process is taking place onboard.** The mission boats sailed off from Chania-Crete to find Cape Ray, but they didn't manage to locate it. During the press conference, Vangelis Pissias, one of the organizers of the mission, criticized Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Evangelos Venizelos, stating that he doesn't know what is going on in his country and he doesn't speak with the American officials who behave like preponderant [over country's decisions]. The mayor of Sfakia ( ), Pavlos Polakis, stated that, according to information from the ...

Gaza Situation - Report 20

24 hour reports by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Due to the dramatic escalation in violence over the past few days and the massive assault on Gaza, UNRWA has declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip. It is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to mount an emergency response should that become necessary. The priority for the Agency has now shifted to emergency operations, providing assistance to those who have been displaced and sought shelter in UNRWA schools, while attempting to continue regular operations. Urgent funding needs persist and are increasing Key parts: “ The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 1,067 and the number of wounded, as reported by the Ministry of Health has reached 6,233. The number of displaced people taking refuge in UNRWA shelters is now more than triple the peak number from the 2008/9 conflict and is approaching 10% of the e...

Other reasons for the ongoing crime in Gaza

Arms industry business and weapons for military regimes to suppress population resistance globinfo freexchange After the short "ceasefire" between Washington and Tehran in previous months, Tel Aviv lost some of its value for the US from all the previous years. Seeing this gap, Berlin is trying to take advantage and open doors to the regimes of this region (mainly S. Arabia and Israel) which are not happy with the temporary "ceasefire" between the US and Iran. These two regimes have a common characteristic: They are transformed progressively into the key buyers of the German weapon systems. Berlin is aligned with the official Western-Israeli position of the "right for self-defence", not only because Germany tries to get rid of the WWII heritage, but also because it wants to "refresh" its arms industry. Germany does not care to whom is selling weapons, whether these weapons will be used against population inside ...

Η Ισραηλινή προπαγάνδα και η ταμπέλα του "αντι-Σημιτισμού"

globinfo freexchange Όταν Ισραηλινές δυνάμεις επιτέθηκαν στο Μαβί Μαρμαρά το 2010, εκτέλεσαν 9 ακτιβιστές εν ψυχρώ σύμφωνα με τα ιατροδικαστικά πορίσματα. Υπήρχαν 700 επιβαίνοντες, άοπλοι ακτιβιστές που προσπάθησαν να φτάσουν στη Γάζα για να μοιράσουν ανθρωπιστικό υλικό. Ο μηχανισμός προπαγάνδας του Ισραήλ ήταν παρόμοιος, ο τρόπος που το Ισραήλ προσπάθησε να στήσει μια "ομπρέλα" για να μπλοκάρει οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία σχετικά με το τι πραγματικά συνέβη. Οι ακτιβιστές και οι δημοσιογράφοι της αποστολής κρατήθηκαν στις Ισραηλινές φυλακές 2 με 3 μέρες τη στιγμή που η διεθνής κοινότητα είχε το βλέμμα στραμμένο στο δραματικό αυτό γεγονός, ακριβώς για να εμποδίσουν οποιονδήποτε να δώσει πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη βαρβαρότητα της Ισραηλινής επέμβασης και τις εν ψυχρώ εκτελέσεις. Το Ισραήλ εφαρμόζει παρόμοια τακτική σε μεγάλο βαθμό, ειδικά όσον αφορά τις ΗΠΑ, αν δει κάποιος το είδος των πληροφοριών που αναπαράγονται από τα ΜΜΕ. Ο μέσος τηλεθεατής θα καταλάβει ότι τ...

Gaza Situation - Report 19

24 hour reports by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Due to the dramatic escalation in violence over the past few days and the massive assault on Gaza, UNRWA has declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip. It is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to mount an emergency response should that become necessary. The priority for the Agency has now shifted to emergency operations, providing assistance to those who have been displaced and sought shelter in UNRWA schools, while attempting to continue regular operations. Urgent funding needs persist and are increasing Key parts: “ The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 930 and the number of wounded, as reported by the Ministry of Health has reached 6,030. The number of displaced people taking refuge in UNRWA shelters is now more than triple the peak number from the 2008/9 conflict, and exceeds 167,269 in 83 school...

El Manifest “Darrera crida”

Això és més que una crisi econòmica i de règim: és una crisi de civilització Els ciutadans i ciutadanes europeus, en la seva gran majoria, assumeixen la idea de que la societat de consum actual pot “millorar” en el futur (i que hauria de fer-ho). Entre tant, bona part dels habitants del planeta esperen anar acostant-se als nostres nivells de benestar material. Tot i així, el nostre nivell de producció i consum s’ha aconseguit al preu d’esgotar els recursos naturals i energètics, i trencar els equilibris ecològics de la Terra. Res d’això és nou. Les investigadores i els científics més lúcids han estat donant-nos fonamentats senyals d’alarma des de començaments dels anys setanta del segle XX: de prosseguir amb les tendències de creixement vigents (econòmic, demogràfic, en l’ús de recursos, generació de contaminants i increment de desigualtats) el resultat més probable per al segle XXI és un col·lapse de la civilització. Avui s’acumulen les notícies que indiqu...

Gaza Situation - Report 18

24 hour reports by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) Due to the dramatic escalation in violence over the past few days and the massive assault on Gaza, UNRWA has declared an emergency in all five areas of the Gaza Strip. It is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to mount an emergency response should that become necessary. The priority for the Agency has now shifted to emergency operations, providing assistance to those who have been displaced and sought shelter in UNRWA schools, while attempting to continue regular operations. Urgent funding needs persist and are increasing Key parts: “ According to the Protection Cluster, 68 Palestinians have been reported killed during this period, including 10 women and 13 children. The total number of Palestinian deaths reported by the Protection Cluster currently stands at 907 and the number of wounded, as reported by the Ministry of Health has reached 5,860. The number of displaced pe...

Israeli propaganda and the label of "anti-Semitism"

globinfo freexchange When the Israeli forces attacked Mavi Marmara in 2010, 9 activists executed in cold blood. There were 700 unarmed in the ship which was trying to reach Gaza to distribute humanitarian material. The propaganda mechanism by Israel was similar, the way Israel tried to build an "umbrella" to block any information on what was really happening. Journalists and activists of the mission spent 2 or 3 days in prison at the time when the international community was focusing on this event, exactly to prevent anyone to give any information about the cruelty of this operation and the executions by the Israeli forces. Israel manages to do this to a great extend, especially in the US, if one look at the information reproduced by the media. The average viewer will understand the right of Israel for self-defence against some improvised rockets, while will not take into account that hundreds have been killed, most of them children, women and generally c...

260714 PUDI Report

Regular reports on the growing Poverty, Unemployment, Debt and Inequality of the neo-capitalist world Greece: “ Greece ranks first in the eurozone and fourth among the 28 members of the European Union for the percentage of its citizens living on or below the poverty line, according to a new report.” “ The study, conducted by the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE), found that just over a third (34.6%) of Greeks – some 3,795,100 individuals – were living on less than 60% of the national median income in 2013. This percentage has risen steadily since 2010, when the country began implementing austerity measures, increasing from 27.6% in 2010 to 27.7% the following year, 31% in 2012 and 34.6% in 2013.” “ Elstat’s data showed that the risk of poverty has increased significantly in Greece since 2010 and the percentage of relative poverty increased by 17.3%, or 3.4 percentage points. In the same period, the poverty gap increased by 24.1% ...