by system failure On December 23, 1913, the then US President Woodrow Wilson puts the final signature for the so-called Federal Reserve Act. Big private banks take control of the US money supply. In 1971, Richard Nixon ended the direct convertibility of the US dollar to gold, and as dollar became the global reserve currency, the absolute dominance of the banksters became definite. Since then, the progress of the technology permitted the banking elite to strengthen its power through virtual circulation of huge amounts of capital at zero time. The paper/digital money is used now as a tool for dirty wars, buying governments, directing more and more money and power to the top. Just remember the cash that had been transferred by US army helicopters to Iraq. Or, observe how Greece is destroyed through the evil mechanism: for five years now, the economy has been destroyed by the IMF mafia policies, but the debt has risen enormously. The loans are coming to the countr...