revelations by the former Greek Minister of Finance, Yanis
Varoufakis, prove again who's in charge of the European Financial
Dictatorship (EFD). As ekathimerini
Varoufakis was instructed last year by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
to put together a small team of people to draw up a plan for
introducing a parallel currency if Greece was unable to reach an
agreement with its lenders on a new bailout, the ex-finance minister
said in a TV interview late Tuesday. [...] Varoufakis added that he
was against efforts to secure funding from Russia but that there had
been an agreement with China regarding investment in Greece,
including in Greek bonds. “This agreement was overturned, though,
with a phone call from Berlin,” he claimed.
Varoufakis also confirmed that the
whole mechanism (EFD, IMF and Berlin Directorate), trapped Tsipras,
forcing him to accept the catastrophic deal, with a debt relief as an
outspoken economist said that he became frustrated with Tsipras when
the prime minister agreed to a primary surplus target of 3.5 percent
of GDP for the coming years, saying that he thought this goal was
“macroeconomically impossible.” Tsipras told him that he agreed
in return for receiving debt relief.
As mentioned already in previous
new story supplied by the mainstream media, is that the IMF mafia
supports a type of relief for the Greek debt against the Berlin
puppets and the Brussels bureaufascists. The Greek government and
Tsipras continue to make serious mistakes and estimations. In this
case, they are convinced that any kind of debt relief is the most
important for the moment. In
reality this is only a secondary matter which will not fix Greece's
problem, especially under IMF terms. It seems that it is only a tiny
reward for SYRIZA to become
a systemic social-democratic party
which will obey to the global plutocracy mechanisms.
Varoufakis also revealed, Tsipras finally decided to retreat under
the pressure of moderate officials, like Deputy Prime Minister
Yiannis Dragasakis.
it is not clear why Varoufakis didn't want Russian financial support,
the deal with China would be a good chance for Greece to escape from
the catastrophic policies imposed by the Brussels-Berlin axis and the
IMF mafia. Which shows that the European Financial Dictatorship will
do whatever it takes to keep the eurozone members under its hegemony.
also shows that the only way for a debt colony to be liberated from
this dictatorship, would be to return to its national currency.
Και μόνο ότι ο Σόιμπλε είπε.......δεν θα το υπέγραφα, ως πατριώτης....., είναι σαν να λέει ότι αυτά τα υπογράφουν άνθρωποι που δεν είναι πατριώτες. Ευθέως το εννοεί αυτό ο Σόιμπλε. Πιστεύω να τάκουσαν όσοι υπόγραψαν αυτά που υπόγραψαν. Κατά τον Σόιμπλε είναι όλοι προδότες. Αυτό εννοεί.
ReplyDeleteΑπό μια μεριά ο Σόιμπλε με αυτό που είπε στο Βαρουφάκη που τούκανε και εντύπωση, μας έλυσε τα χέρια για να γράφουμε. Όποιος πλέον μας πει ότι υπογράφει για το καλό της χώρας θα τον παραπέμπουμε στα λόγια του Σόιμπλε.
Και μη μας πει κανείς ότι τόπε έτσι ο Σόιμπλε για να τσιμπήσουμε και να μην υπογράψουμε για να μας πετάξουν έξω.
Υπό την προυπόθεση πάντα ότι ο Βαρουφάκης είπε την αλήθεια.
Ανώνυμος 1
That is greek to me!
ReplyDeleteΠάντως ως "κόμης των θείων θησαυρών" δεν τα πήγατε καλά κε Βαρουφάκη.
I just want thank you for sharing the beneficial information about the unbalanced evolution. Please keep sharing more information.
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