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Showing posts with the label Rishi Sunak

Top billionaire oligarch Elon Musk chooses camp in the capitalist civil war

globinfo freexchange     As we continue to monitor the developments in the capitalist civil war (which is particularly evident in the US/UK, the motherlands of neoliberalism), we covered the recent pro-Brexit capitalists' stressful attempt to find a suitable Thatcherite zombie that would help them stabilize their political power. It seems that they found a not so reliable solution in the face of Rishi Sunak, for now.   On the other side of the Atlantic, it seems that the top billionaire oligarch, Elon Musk, decided to join the alt-right, pro-Trump capitalist faction, for good.   The first signs of Musk's connection with the pro-Trump capitalist faction came out for the first time, probably during the US-backed coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia, back in 2019. In 2020, Musk responded to an accusation on Twitter (that the US government organized a coup against President Evo Morales so that Musk could obtain Bolivia's lithium), with the shockingly straightforward...

Pro-Brexit capitalists desperately seek a suitable Thatcherite zombie to govern Britain

by system failure   We can almost certainly conclude that the removal of Boris Johnson from the position of the UK prime minister came as a result of a counter-attack of the liberal globalist faction against the pro-Brexit faction in the capitalist civil war .   And it is almost certain that the utterly grotesque political figure of Liz Truss was a far more easy target for the anti-Brexit liberal capitalists. It took them only 45 days to overthrow her, making her the shortest serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Liberal capitalists proved that Truss-type politicians are a 'piece of cake' for them, especially when they decide to mobilize the global markets and their agents inside the Tories.   As George Monbiot reveals , Truss' policies shaped by lobby groups like the Institute of Economic Affairs, the TaxPayers' Alliance and the Adam Smith Institute. It seems that these are some key groups behind BrexitCentral website. And together, they form a network of rig...