by system failure Recent events in Cyprus, give us an even clearer picture of which appears to be driven things so far in eurozone, but also the whole of Europe in general. It is more than clear, that the policies of memorandum are leading to a dead end, and this is clear not only from the daily life of citizens in countries that adopted memorandum terms, not only from the financial data of these countries and bleak predictions particularly for growth and unemployment, but also, by statements from executives or former executives of IMF (Roumeliotis-Blanchard), which of course were made purely for distraction purposes, and by numerous analyses of many economists in Greece and abroad. This is also clear, from the destruction that these policies brought, under the pressure of IMF, in any area applied in the past. The dogmatic adherence on these destructive policies, shows that the real goal is to impose certain conditions in favor of a dominant economic oligarchy. With it...