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Showing posts with the label Trump

The time has come for liberal capitalists to test their favorite puppet against Trump

Genocide Joe to be replaced by Kamala Harris   globinfo freexchange   Genocide Joe was originally the convenient pick of the liberal capitalists and his election was just a victorious battle for them in the ongoing capitalist civil war . Yet, everybody knew (and it was more than obvious), that old-Joe has now become a lost case for the corporate Democrats and their liberal wealthy donors.   After four years, the time has come for the liberal capitalists to test Kamala Harris against Trump.  The timing couldn't be more convenient. Especially after the Trump assassination attempt, it was certain that Genocide Joe was finished. The greatest demagogue and popular manipulator wouldn't let the opportunity go wasted. From the first moment, he took advantage of the incident and boosted his image as a political "anti-establishment" hero in the eyes of the conservative Americans. And after Biden's disastrous performances in various debates and public appearances, everyone k

A historical turning point has just occurred ... and it is not the Trump assassination attempt

globinfo freexchange   The biggest crime of our century, that is, the genocide of Palestinians by the Zionists has been almost forgotten. And while everyone is distracted by the war in Ukraine and the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, a development of historic proportions took place. The development either escaped from the corporate media radars in the West, or, deliberately ignored.   The integration of Russia's and India's payment systems marks the definite rejection of the Western SWIFT system, dominated by the US dollar, and the complete detachment of BRICS from this system.   As Kitco News reported recently:   The trend of de-dollarization continues to gain traction despite many analysts saying the threat is overblown as India and Russia have announced a new partnership that will see their respective payment systems – India’s RuPay and Russia’s MIR – integrated to allow for seamless cross-border transactions without the need for U.S. dollars.  The partner

Top billionaire oligarch Elon Musk chooses camp in the capitalist civil war

globinfo freexchange     As we continue to monitor the developments in the capitalist civil war (which is particularly evident in the US/UK, the motherlands of neoliberalism), we covered the recent pro-Brexit capitalists' stressful attempt to find a suitable Thatcherite zombie that would help them stabilize their political power. It seems that they found a not so reliable solution in the face of Rishi Sunak, for now.   On the other side of the Atlantic, it seems that the top billionaire oligarch, Elon Musk, decided to join the alt-right, pro-Trump capitalist faction, for good.   The first signs of Musk's connection with the pro-Trump capitalist faction came out for the first time, probably during the US-backed coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia, back in 2019. In 2020, Musk responded to an accusation on Twitter (that the US government organized a coup against President Evo Morales so that Musk could obtain Bolivia's lithium), with the shockingly straightforward admiss

Jonathan Pie proves that the post-capitalist civil war still goes on

globinfo freexchange   As we mentioned in the beginning of 2021, since at least July 2019, we were supporting the idea that Brexit is primarily the result of a capitalist civil war. Very few people (mostly in social media), were eager to accept this theory, while several were even mocking it as some kind of crazy conspiracy theory.    What puzzled us most, was the fact that even people from the global real Left were completely ignoring the capitalist-civil-war factor in Brexit equation during public debates. Many of them were seeing Brexit mainly as an angry response by the UK working class against the political and financial elites. We thought it would take forever to find someone from the Left to support the capitalist-civil-war theory.   We need to understand that this civil war between the capitalist factions does not come out of any substantially different ideological or political approach. Essentially, it's only a tough bargain. Capitalists just pick sides to n

Julian Assange, Gianna Papadakou, Kostas Vaxevanis: Western post-democracy becomes more authoritarian than ever

globinfo freexchange   When a dominant system begins openly and mercilessly go after top investigative journalists, you can understand that we have already entered the post-democratic era beyond doubt. But it is also a sign that the system becomes increasingly authoritarian because it loses the control of the flow of information and the narratives that reach the wide public.   The Western former crypto-fascist and now openly fascist neoliberal establishment wants to preserve the power of the corporate elites and the super-rich, even if it has to suspend more and more democratic principles that have been conquered in previous decades through struggles and blood. Like freedom of press, for instance.   And it's certainly not a coincidence that the system is going through a transition phase , (from capitalism to a modern type of corporate feudalism), in which, naturally, democracy has to be defeated decisively.    As we mentioned recently, Mitsotakis regime in Greece is taking steps t

QAnon and Russiagate: How the capitalist elites produced a mass conspiracy hysteria to maintain power

globinfo freexchange   In his new documentary Can't Get You Out of My Head , Adam Curtis traces the origins of popular conspiracy theories that survived up to our days and spread rapidly due to Internet. As a result, Curtis finds that Trump election and Brexit triggered a conspiracy paranoia that took over both the liberal establishment and the ultra-conservative camp. The story begins in the late 60s, when Kerry Thornley and his friend Greg Hill had started what they called Operation Mindfuck . They had spread the conspiracy theory that the Illuminati were really the secret rulers of the world. They had done it to parody and ridicule all conspiracy theories because they thought that they undermined the confidence of individuals and made them easier to control.    But now, in the mass of data online, those stories about the Illuminati got mixed up with other conspiracies, both true and false, and out of it came extraordinary dreamlike stories built out of fragments of truth and fic

How the anti-Trump liberal capitalists beat their rivals and took back America with their Biden puppet

globinfo freexchange   As we pointed out right after last November's US general election, the globalist faction of the US capital (primarily consisted by the liberal plutocracy ) had the chance to counterattack against the capitalists around Trump through Biden's recent victory, in the ongoing capitalist civil war .   Yet, we didn't have so far the details of how the liberal capitalist faction managed to beat its rivals.  Surprisingly enough, those details have been revealed by the liberal machine itself through a recent article on Time . Apart from the shocking revelations, what's even more shocking is the way that the liberal establishment perceives Democracy. In short, the article unravels the liberal way of thinking, which views the liberal status quo as the totally indisputable norm that has to be restored at any cost. Even if that means manipulation of the democratic processes themselves!   The first surprise comes from the following paragraph:  A second odd

Already started: Biden's warhawks rush to prepare ground for a war with Iran within the year

globinfo freexchange   A year ago we pointed out that the US imperialists will probably start a war with Iran as soon as possible after the 2020 presidential election. They will rush to do it because they don't want to give Iran enough time to build nuclear weapons.    We wrote that the deep state won't find difficult to drag any weak establishment Democrat into another war, by orchestrating some typical false flag operations. And we estimated that the deep state has scheduled to start a war with Iran sometime between the mid February and mid March of 2021.  And our estimation is remarkably close to the timeline that appears to be set by Biden's warhawks.   According to recent statements by the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, " Iran could be weeks away from producing enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon if it continues to lift restraints installed by the 2015 nuclear deal. Blinken noted that he has not yet seen the actual intelligence, but public report

The liberal machine tests Americans, confirms major divisions in favor of the capitalist elites

globinfo freexchange   A recent CBS News poll confirms major divisions among the US working class, something that serves perfectly the capitalist elites. One of the most interesting and disturbing findings shows that Americans overwhelmingly believe that the "biggest threat to America's way of life" is "other people in America", by 54%. That is, more than half of the other reasons combined. On the contrary, only 20% believes that "economic forces" are threatening the American way of life and this is a huge disappointment because after all these blatant systemic failures (especially in the last two decades), most Americans are still unable to identify the root of the problem, which is neoliberalism and financial capitalism. We can assume that this picture satisfies the capitalist elites. And that's because it shows that the corporate media are still able to distract Americans from the real problem by dividing them, through the old (and tested numer

The real reason corporate America fights Chinese high-tech giant Huawei so hard

globinfo freexchange   The short answer that comes immediately in mind is: competition.    Indeed, Huawei had been found frequently at the epicenter of Trump's "holly" trade war against China. Someone should expect this since Silicon Valley oligarchs see the Chinese high-tech giant rapidly penetrate into the global market, claiming bigger and bigger portion of the market pie.   As we reported previously, the US imperialist machine openly called Western allies (and particularly the UK), to sabotage China's economic and technological penetration in its Western sphere of influence, through a Foreign Policy article. According to the article, the UK appears to be the most suitable, among the US allies, to lead the race against China's 5G infrastructure deals with Western countries. In essence, it called the UK to play a leading role in sabotaging China's and Huawei's deals with the UK itself and other Western countries.   Also, according to MintPress , &