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Showing posts with the label nazis

The wounded US imperialist beast becomes more dangerous than ever as desperately seeks to start a WWIII

globinfo freexchange   It seems that the declining Western superpower is losing ground and tries hardly to avoid the inevitable.    The US imperialist beast, despite all the destruction that causes, is failing to fulfill its utter objectives. Which in short, are the dissolution of Russia and China, looting their vast resources, as well as the full expansion of the destructive neoliberal model throughout these areas and other countries allied with the Sino-Russian bloc.   Most importantly, the wounded beast is loosing much of its strength due to the rapid de-dollarization that has started approximately ten years ago, as dollar had become the front line of the US imperialist sweeping force since the early 70s.   As if nothing has changed, the beast insists on using the same tools to prevail in the global geopolitical field, ignoring the unprecedented changes and complexities under current circumstances.    In a move (as it seems) of desperation, the Uni...

US imperialists sacrifice their European branch on the altar of their proxy war against Russia in Ukraine

globinfo freexchange   To arm the nazis and destroy Ukraine by dragging the country into a war with Russia wasn't enough for the ruthless US imperialists. They had to throw into the arena the entire Europe.    Yet, apart from a few - highly uncertain - successes so far, (coming from one of its most dirty proxy wars), the declining US empire discovers that it has to pay a huge price, just only to challenge the rise of its global rivals. It appears that, so far, the US imperialists are close to fulfill two of their key goals.    First, to lure Sweden and Finland into the NATO trap. A move that could be proved disastrous for two of the most prosperous and advanced European countries, whose achievements materialized (to a high degree) due to decades of neutrality.   Second, to force Russia into a long attrition war with Ukraine. Since already 2014, we wrote that the US imperialists wanted to challenge Putin in order to drag Russia in an endless attrition war...

Zelensky and two Azov fighters speak inside the Greek parliament: One of the most disgraceful moments for the country that suffered most from the nazis

globinfo freexchange   We thought that we had seen the worst with Mitsotakis regime in Greece. Yet, one of the worst Greek governments ever, did the unthinkable inside the Greek parliament. The MPs of the opposition parties caught by surprise when, in his speech, the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky included a video message from two (allegedly Greek-ethnic) fighters from the neo-nazi Azov battalion.   The Speaker of the Parliament, Konstantinos Tasoulas, member of Mitsotakis' New Democracy right-wing party, explained that they learned about the videotaped appearance of the fighters a few minutes before the speech of the Ukrainian President, but without knowing the content of their intervention. He described as “unnecessary and misplaced” the appearance of the two fighters, but stressed that we must stay in the big picture, which is the appearance of Zelensky.  Even if we are to believe Tasoulas' ridiculous excuses, how is it possible for a president of a parliamen...

Confirmed: Nazis are the proxy army of the US imperialists against Russia in Ukraine

globinfo freexchange   Couldn't be said more clearly. The former US secretary of defense and CIA director, Leon Panetta, admitted openly that “ We are engaged in a conflict here. It's a proxy war with Russia, whether we say so or not ... ”. Referring to the Ukrainian forces, the US imperialist warhawk claimed that " These are good fighters, they are small-unit operations, they are working well ... ". The description "small-unit operations" fits to proxy forces - mercenaries, rather than an organized national army. As we mentioned in our previous article , for eight years, the NATO criminals and the "free" and "democratic" West, were provoking Russia by arming and training the far-right and neo-nazi militia groups who also infiltrated in the Ukrainian army and operate in East Ukraine against Russian populations. Which is something similar with what happened in the long-suffering Syria by the US proxy war against Assad. Only there, th...