globinfo freexchange In a recent interview on the Greek radio Athina 9.84, the member of the European parliament with SYRIZA, Stelios Kouloglou, referred to the recent Eurogroup. He said - among other things - that Eurogroup announcements should be treated very carefully, as 'the devil hides in the details' and Greece's creditors are pushing for privatizations. This is a serious dilemma because privatizations at this moment could be done only in very low prices which are not beneficial for the country. He also said that either the Greek government will choose to break the deals with the creditors, or, compromise concerning the requested measures and privatizations. Behind all these, there is a secret plan for the looting of the country. We have to deal with economic hitmen , he said characteristically. Until now, the government made compromises, but didn't retreat to the looting. Schäuble wants to overthrow the Greek government. He pr...