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Showing posts with the label Germany

US imperialists are about to get what they wanted from Russia's invasion of Ukraine

globinfo freexchange   In our 2014 article The big barrier called Putin , we concluded:                            What was left to do, for the moment, is to challenge Putin in order to drag Russia in an endless attrition war in East Ukraine and this explains to a degree Putin's hesitation to act like he did in Crimea. Against Russian army, of course, the West will not risk to put an organized military force, but only teams of mercenaries of private armies, as already did. It is certain, however, that, despite that the global economic oligarchy has lost valuable time because of its wrong moves, it will not give up its plans for Russia easily ...   After almost eight years, the US imperialists and the NATO criminals got what they wanted. They finally managed to drag Russia into a war with Ukraine.  For eight years, the NATO criminals were provoking ...