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Why Netanyahu’s Speech to Congress Was a Total Failure

BreakThrough News   While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received 50 standing ovations from Congress, his address was a “ total failure ” in the eyes of the rest of the world. “ Not just in terms of the substance but also what it did for the political establishment, ” says Miriam Osman from the Palestinian Youth Movement. As Netanyahu defended the genocide and asked for more military support to expand a regional war, antiwar protesters outside the Capitol were chemically attacked by swarms of police who were enforcing what many have called ‘Fort Netanyahu.’  “ The violence of the political class was barefaced, ” explains Osman to host Eugene Puryear. 



China & Russia help Global South develop & resist Western imperialism: Nicaragua explains

Geopolitical Economy Report   While the US and Europe have invaded and colonized countries around the world, China and Russia have helped the Global South develop and resist Western imperialism, argues Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega, leader of the Sandinista Revolution. Ben Norton reports.  

Butcher Netanyahu gets a warm applause inside the biggest war-criminals factory

failed evolution   Completely ignoring the American popular will, the decision by the International Court (and even a part of the Democratic party), a wide majority of US Congress warmly welcomed and applauded Benjamin Netanyahu. The top war criminal of 21st century, responsible for the genocide of Palestinians.   The US imperialist empire destroys the last pretexts in its frenzy decline course. So, naturally, the top war criminal was welcomed in the biggest factory of war criminals.   We will never forgive, never forget.  

The time has come for liberal capitalists to test their favorite puppet against Trump

Genocide Joe to be replaced by Kamala Harris   globinfo freexchange   Genocide Joe was originally the convenient pick of the liberal capitalists and his election was just a victorious battle for them in the ongoing capitalist civil war . Yet, everybody knew (and it was more than obvious), that old-Joe has now become a lost case for the corporate Democrats and their liberal wealthy donors.   After four years, the time has come for the liberal capitalists to test Kamala Harris against Trump.  The timing couldn't be more convenient. Especially after the Trump assassination attempt, it was certain that Genocide Joe was finished. The greatest demagogue and popular manipulator wouldn't let the opportunity go wasted. From the first moment, he took advantage of the incident and boosted his image as a political "anti-establishment" hero in the eyes of the conservative Americans. And after Biden's disastrous performances in various debates and public appearances, everyone k

Israel runs out of tanks and ammunition as economy plunges

The Electronic Intifada   The team discusses Israel’s shortage of tanks and ammunition, as well as headlines about tens of thousands of businesses closing in Israel. Nora Barrows-Friedman, Asa Winstanley, Ali Abunimah and Jon Elmer of The Electronic Intifada were joined by Abdaljawad Omar live from the occupied West Bank, on the day 285 livestream. 

Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic

The U.S. military launched a clandestine program amid the COVID crisis to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation – payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic. One target: the Filipino public. Health experts say the gambit was indefensible and put innocent lives at risk. by Chris Bing and Joel Schectman  Part 6 - U.S. propaganda machine   In spring 2020, special-ops commander Braga turned to a cadre of psychological-warfare soldiers and contractors in Tampa to counter Beijing’s COVID efforts. Colleagues say Braga was a longtime advocate of increasing the use of propaganda operations in global competition. In trailers and squat buildings at a facility on Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base, U.S. military personnel and contractors would use anonymous accounts on X, Facebook and other social media to spread what became an anti-vax message. The facility remains the Pentagon’s clandestine propaganda factory. Psychological warfare has played a role in U.S. military operation

Biden Stands Down - History Will Damn Him

Owen Jones   The blood of thousands of Palestinians stains this man's hands.

‘Arrest Netanyahu!’: Thousands to Surround the Capitol When He Visits Congress

BreakThrough News   Despite the request for a warrant to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from the International Criminal Court, the US Congress has invited him to Washington to address a joint session on July 24.    Activists with the Shut It Down for Palestine Coalition will be mobilizing against his visit, which they say is a bold-faced betrayal of the will of the majority of Americans who demand a ceasefire. Layan Fuleihan, Education Director at The People’s Forum and part of the coalition, joins the show to explain why supporters of Palestine must take action. 

Meta’s Policy on Zionism Exposed: CyberWell Scrambles After Israel Ties Revealed

by Kit Klarenberg   Part 1   On July 10, it was announced that social media giant Meta would broaden the scope of its censorship and suppression of content related to the Gaza genocide. Under the new policy, Facebook and Instagram posts containing “ derogatory or threatening references to ‘Zionists’ in cases where the term is used to refer to Jews or Israelis ” will be proscribed. Unsurprisingly, a welter of Zionist lobby organizations – many of which aggressively lobbied Meta to adopt these changes – cheered the move. Emboldened, the same entities are now calling for all social media platforms to follow suit. The Times of Israel noted that “ nearly 150 advocacy groups and experts provided input that led to Meta’s policy update. ” This prominently included Tel Aviv-based CyberWell, mundanely described by the outlet as “ a nonprofit that has been documenting the swell of online antisemitism and Holocaust denial since Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel and the subsequent war in Gaza .”