Confirmed: Unpopular US President Kamala Harris is the most faithful puppet of the corporate oligarchy
globinfo freexchange A recent article published on Bloomberg exposes impressively two things: First, that the Democrats have no intention to even slightly move from their pro-corporate positions and towards the interests of the US working class; on the contrary. Second, the elites essentially replaced Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The article was re-published by various websites and the surprises already start from the title: Harris quietly taps Wall Street, tech CEOs for advice on policy . Not that it is something we didn't expect, but why a top establishment outlet admits that Harris "quietly" runs to the banking-corporate oligarchy for "instructions"? Perhaps more surprisingly, the answer can be found within the article itself: The corporate world has provided a familiar source of help. As California's attorney general, Harris gained a reputation for frequently partnering with technology companies — rather than prose...