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Showing posts with the label Afghanistan

The wounded US imperialist beast becomes more dangerous than ever as desperately seeks to start a WWIII

globinfo freexchange   It seems that the declining Western superpower is losing ground and tries hardly to avoid the inevitable.    The US imperialist beast, despite all the destruction that causes, is failing to fulfill its utter objectives. Which in short, are the dissolution of Russia and China, looting their vast resources, as well as the full expansion of the destructive neoliberal model throughout these areas and other countries allied with the Sino-Russian bloc.   Most importantly, the wounded beast is loosing much of its strength due to the rapid de-dollarization that has started approximately ten years ago, as dollar had become the front line of the US imperialist sweeping force since the early 70s.   As if nothing has changed, the beast insists on using the same tools to prevail in the global geopolitical field, ignoring the unprecedented changes and complexities under current circumstances.    In a move (as it seems) of desperation, the Uni...

Dear Western clowns: We explicitly condemn Putin's invasion of Ukraine - Now what?

by system failure   In the blink of an eye, the whole Western info arsenal mobilized to condemn Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Something we've never seen before in previous wars (since at least the fall of the Soviet Union). From the first moment, the various anchors and pundits of the Western propaganda machine almost demanded, (at least from their Western audiences), to unquestionably side with the explicit condemnation of the invasion.    The anti-Russia hysteria reached new record levels after the invasion. The scale of the Western media psy-ops towards a status of absolute obedience by the Western audiences to this hysteria, is remarkably unprecedented. Whoever hesitated from the beginning to declare explicit condemnation of the invasion with no "ifs" and "buts", was immediately painted as Putin's apologist.     The level of anti-Russia hysteria, in some cases, is really mind-blowing. In an unprecedented action, the "democratic" West s...

Confirmed: US imperialists wanted to drag Russia into a war with Ukraine since at least 2019

globinfo freexchange   As we wrote in our previous article, after almost eight years, the US imperialists and the NATO criminals got what they wanted. They finally managed to drag Russia into a war with Ukraine.     We now have indisputable evidence for that, through a document by the top US think tank, RAND Corporation. In the preface of a 2019 report under the title Extending Russia, Competing from Advantageous Ground we read: [emphasis added]                            The purpose of the project was to examine a range of possible means to extend Russia. By this, we mean nonviolent measures that could stress Russia’s military or economy or the regime’s political standing at home and abroad. The steps we posit would not have either defense or deterrence as their prime purpose, although they might contribute to both. Rather, these steps ar...

How the Americans created the al-Qaeda myth prior to 9/11 attacks in order to invade Afghanistan and Iraq

globinfo freexchange   In his documentary The Power Of Nightmares , Adam Curtis gives the details of how the Americans essentially invented al-Qaeda and how the neocons re-emerged after the 9/11 attacks to exploit this myth.   The result was the devastating wars in Afghanistan and Iraq:   For beyond his own small group, Bin Laden had no formal organization. Until the Americans invented one for him. In January 2001, a trial began in a Manhattan courtroom of four men accused of the embassy bombings in east Africa. But the Americans had also decided to prosecute Bin Laden in his absence. But to do this under American law, the prosecutors needed evidence of a criminal organization because, as with the Mafia, that would allow them to prosecute the head of the organization, even if he could not be linked directly to the crime. And the evidence for that organization was provided for them by an ex-associate of Bin Laden's called Jamal Al-Fadl.   The picture Al-Fadl drew for...

US imperialists activate their ISIS proxies to alter the nature of war in Afghanistan

globinfo freexchange   It took only a few days for the US declining empire to return to Afghanistan after its disorderly retreat under Biden's order. And what a surprise: another drone strike, another murder of civilians - kids among them, another war crime. That is, the routine outcome of every US military intervention the last decades. It was a matter of time before "uncle Joe" bent to the enormous pressure by the sinister war machine. The combined, stormy attack by the corporate media and the deep state against his decision to withdraw the US forces from Afghanistan, created a suffocating situation. And while the Western propaganda machine announced the definite withdrawal of the US forces from the Afghan soil - after the new US war crime - the pressure and harsh criticism on Biden never ended. On the contrary, it seems that the criticism against his decision to withdraw all US forces is getting more and more intensive. The Western propaganda machine not only had nothi...

WikiLeaks - US imperialists were seeking Russian assistance to manage chaos in Afghanistan!

The WIKILEAKS Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD) holds the world's largest searchable collection of United States confidential, or formerly confidential, diplomatic communications. As of April 8, 2013 it holds 2 million records comprising approximately 1 billion words. The collection covers US involvements in, and diplomatic or intelligence reporting on, every country on earth. It is the single most significant body of geopolitical material ever published. The PlusD collection, built and curated by WikiLeaks, is updated from a variety of sources, including leaks, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and documents released by the US State Department systematic declassification review.   globinfo freexchange   A February, 2010 cable coming from the US embassy in Moscow, reveals that the US was seeking to involve Russia in the efforts to manage the chaos in Afghanistan.   A particular phrase in the summary reveals that the Americans had a...

WikiLeaks - Clinton emails confirmed the complete failure of the US imperialists in Afghanistan since at least 2009

On March 16, 2016 WikiLeaks launched a searchable archive for 30,322 emails & email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton's private email server while she was Secretary of State. The 50,547 pages of documents span from 30 June 2010 to 12 August 2014. 7,570 of the documents were sent by Hillary Clinton. The emails were made available in the form of thousands of PDFs by the US State Department as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request. The final PDFs were made available on February 29, 2016.   globinfo freexchange   After 20 years, the US imperialists,, under the Biden presidency, decided that there is no need to stay anymore in Afghanistan. Their "heritage" (if they will truly leave) is bombings, war crimes and a country in bigger chaos.   No one understands clearly the real goals of the 20-year US presence in the country. Not even some top military officials. And in fact, some had warned about the failure of the US mission, years ago.   A letter...

WikiLeaks reveals what else is behind US imperialists' obsessive hostility against China

The WIKILEAKS Public Library of US Diplomacy (PlusD) holds the world's largest searchable collection of United States confidential, or formerly confidential, diplomatic communications. As of April 8, 2013 it holds 2 million records comprising approximately 1 billion words. The collection covers US involvements in, and diplomatic or intelligence reporting on, every country on earth. It is the single most significant body of geopolitical material ever published. The PlusD collection, built and curated by WikiLeaks, is updated from a variety of sources, including leaks, documents released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and documents released by the US State Department systematic declassification review.      globinfo freexchange An August 10, 2009 cable from the  US Embassy in Canberra, Australia, reveals the serious concerns of the US officials for the absolute dominance of China in the rare earths global market, which involves materials critical for mod...

A CIA document exposed by WikiLeaks could become the blueprint for Kamala Harris to start a war with Iran

globinfo freexchange   In a recent article in his blog, Glenn Greenwald revealed some astonishing details from a 2010 WikiLeaks exposé related with some CIA PsyOps that could make people in the West approve the US invasion in Afghanistan and the presence of the US forces in the region.   As Greenwald describes:  ... it was one WikiLeaks document that particularly caught my attention at first: a classified 2010 CIA “Red Cell Memorandum,” named after the highly secretive unit created by Bush/Cheney CIA Director George Tenet in the wake of the 9/11 attack.  What made this document so fascinating, so revealing, is the CIA’s discussion of how to manipulate public opinion to ensure it remains at least tolerant if not supportive of Endless War and, specifically, the vital role President Obama played for the CIA in packaging and selling U.S. wars around the world. In this classified analysis, one learns a great deal about how the “military industrial complex,” also kn...

The time has come for neoliberalism to expose its true nature as a kind of refined fascism

globinfo freexchange In an interesting interview, Afshin Rattansi spoke with William Robinson, author of The Global Police State . They discussed how capitalism's crises have fuelled the rise of the global police state. The drastic inequality and poverty that has become a theme of modern capitalism which necessitates the global police state. Also, whether there is class warfare on the poor and the growing industry of militarism and oppression.   As Robinson points out: The global police state has been on full display in the United States in the uprising that took place in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. But the largest story here, of course, is the mega cities of the world. Not just the hot war zones such as in the middle east.     The mega cities of the world are now the theaters for this global police state. And it's where these inequalities are so incredibly acute. And so all of the panoply of what i'm referring to as global police state is un...