globinfo freexchange Couldn't be said more clearly. The former US secretary of defense and CIA director, Leon Panetta, admitted openly that “ We are engaged in a conflict here. It's a proxy war with Russia, whether we say so or not ... ”. Referring to the Ukrainian forces, the US imperialist warhawk claimed that " These are good fighters, they are small-unit operations, they are working well ... ". The description "small-unit operations" fits to proxy forces - mercenaries, rather than an organized national army. As we mentioned in our previous article , for eight years, the NATO criminals and the "free" and "democratic" West, were provoking Russia by arming and training the far-right and neo-nazi militia groups who also infiltrated in the Ukrainian army and operate in East Ukraine against Russian populations. Which is something similar with what happened in the long-suffering Syria by the US proxy war against Assad. Only there, th...