system failure
On December
23, 1913, the then US President Woodrow Wilson puts the final
signature for the so-called Federal Reserve Act. Big private banks
take control of the US money supply. In 1971, Richard Nixon ended the
direct convertibility of the US dollar to gold, and as dollar became
the global reserve currency, the absolute dominance of the banksters
became definite.
Since then,
the progress of the technology permitted the banking elite to
strengthen its power through virtual circulation of huge amounts of
capital at zero time. The paper/digital money is used now as a tool
for dirty wars, buying governments, directing more and more money and
power to the top. Just remember the cash that had been transferred by
US army helicopters to Iraq. Or, observe how Greece is destroyed
through the evil mechanism: for five years now, the economy has been
destroyed by the IMF mafia policies, but the debt has risen
enormously. The loans are coming to the country - supposedly for the
payment of previous debt - and return to the creditors at the same
time, while loading Greece with more debt. The money is circulated
virtually, but the impact on people's lives is real. Salaries and
pensions being reduced continuously, unemployment remains enormously
high, social state is systematically destroyed.
Now that the
experiment in Greece is about to end, the desirable conditions nearly
achieved, and the "investors"
of this evil money mechanism, are coming to take what has real value:
state businesses, properties, land, mineral deposits, whatever they
can. All for pennies, of course. Because they know very well that
paper and digital numbers on a computer screen have no real value.
Sanders was the one who exposed the illegal mechanism of the Fed when the last major crisis
exploded: “The Fed has thus far reported, without even
disclosing specifics of its lending from its discount window, which
it continues to draw a dark curtain around, that it supplied, in
total, more than $9 trillion to Wall Street firms, commercial banks,
foreign banks, corporations and some highly questionable off balance
sheet entities. (Much smaller amounts were outstanding at any one
Let's face
it: the state and state's institutions have become a decorating
element of what we call "Democracy". Banksters and
corporate lobbyists have the absolute power and they want even more.
They promote further deregulation through TTIP-type agreements to
destroy any chance for the states to regain real power to control
Bernie says
he'll break up the big banks, but that's not enough. Because we
should always have in mind that the free market is a fairy tale. This
is a closed powerful system with a few leading currencies that shape
the Western monetary monopoly, all connected with the most powerful
of all at the top. And the banksters control the "machine"
in order to print dollars, physically or digitally, as many as they
want, whenever they want. And, direct them wherever they want.
In case he
get elected, Bernie could make a checkmate move to beat the
banksters. And that is, nationalize the Fed. Which means that the
money control would pass to the state. Then, Bernie could easily do
what he promised to the American people: free healthcare and
education for all. Public investments all over America that could
create millions of new jobs with decent salaries and could also drive
up the salaries in the private sector. Money would be directed to the
bottom 99% instead of the top 1%.
international financial mafia who controls the entire planet through
the Western monetary monopoly and the dollar "printing"
machine located in the US, has already a serious reason to worry: the
emergence of a rival independent monetary system by the BRICS and the
Sino-Russian alliance.
Recent attempts by the mafia to put the Chinese currency
under control and break the alliance, indicate that the mafia indeed
is sensing a threat concerning its dominance. And that's because the
rival currency system may be proved much more reliable than the
bubble economy of the dominant model.
could suffer a double hit. One from inside through the
nationalization of the Fed, and one from outside with the form of a
rival monetary system that could offer an alternative to
debt-enslaved colonies like Greece. So, through only one key move,
Bernie could make banksters lose their sleep ...
Totally agree, nationalize the Fed and take away the oligarchs trough. The experiment in capitalism has failed because the banksters are corrupt to the core and do not deserve the power we gave them. Controlling the money supply should be a function of government and no debt should incurred to fund.