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The Andrew Yang corporate media blackout: more evidence that the liberal elites hand-picked their unpopular puppet Kamala Harris

A former MSNBC whistleblower gave recently another first-hand confirmation about what many of us already knew: that the corporate media systematically exercise extreme forms of censorship on candidates outside the two-party system norm.

As Ariana Pekary tweeted recently:

                         On 4/25/19, I was told that we were never to pursue Andrew [Yang] for an interview on our show (along with several others). The list of candidates was dictated, but the reasons for allowing them or not were not explained. 
It would be interesting to also learn who these "several others" (Pekary mentioned in her tweet) are, but her revelation still has some significant weight because it helps us expand our understanding on how the liberal machine operates. 

Although it was not something unexpected, it is somehow a little bit surprising that a presidential candidate who is not even close to be labeled as "Socialist", like some progressive Democrats, would have been put in the liberal corporate media blacklist.
We know that Bernie Sanders was openly promoting Democratic Socialism, (something which was certainly making the liberal elites furious), yet he had the chance to speak several times on MSNBC and other components of the liberal machine. 

And he was permitted to do so, not just because he is extremely popular and the liberal media couldn't blackout him entirely. Not just because he has chosen to become member of the Democratic Party. He was permitted to do so because he "passed the exams" of the DNC neoliberal priesthood by endorsing, in the end, establishment's beloved queen, Hillary Clinton, in 2016. Probably with the belief that he could buy some time to fight the corrupted system from inside until the next general election.

Yet, the liberal machine knew that it could control him, as it happened in 2016. And indeed, it happened again. In the end, the liberal elites not only managed to bring their Biden puppet in power, but forced Sanders and the other progressives to accept him and align behind his leadership.
Furthermore, Yang's media blackout proved that the liberal elites literally hand-picked their other unpopular puppet, Kamala Harris, for the VP position. Which, by the way, proves that the Democratic Party primaries is a big joke. As Saagar Enjeti explains: 
                              Cory Booker was always treated as a much more serious candidate ... He [Andrew Yang] has a bigger following than Cory Booker. He has a bigger following than Kamala Harris, who dropped out before him. Remember, she had to drop out before Iowa because she was going to lose, not only in Iowa, but likely in her home state of California. She was a disaster. She plummeted to 3% in the primary and Yang, at one point, was out-polling her in California! And once again, none of this was ever taken seriously, the media completely dismissed it. And the way that they treated him in particular, was egregious. I mean, second probably only to Tulsi Gabbard in the way that she was treated.
As we wrote on early August, at least a year ago, there were plenty of other signs for the fact that Kamala Harris was among establishment's most beloved candidates. As a hardcore neoliberal could restore neoliberal order through a pseudo-progressive profile.

As the establishment players who pull the strings know very well Biden's profound weaknesses, they want to make sure that he will be replaced by their best puppet in case he will become unable to fulfill duties. It seems that the puppet is called Kamala Harris. And in fact, it seems that the establishment players are eager to replace Biden with their top female Obama, in the end.
Everything shows that the liberal elites are seeking to restore neoliberal order by using the same trick (as they did with Obama), amplified. That is, identity politics on steroids through the recruitment of an Obama female version.


  1. They not only blackedout Tulsi they destoyed her with smears and lies.


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