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The real reason Zionists and their US-Western imperialist buddies are slaughtering Palestinian children in Gaza

Gaza is gas-rich. At least 1.4 trillion cubic feet rich. Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the occupied Palestinian territory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in area C of the occupied West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip.

Back in 1999, the Palestinian authority signed a deal with British Gas. Just off the Gaza coast two wells were drilled. It was a multi-billion dollar gift from God and economic boom for both home and abroad. 
In 2007, Hamas came to power and Israel launched an offensive on Gaza Strip, leaving behind 1,400 dead Palestinians, but taking with it the gas fields. Within a year, Israel announced the discovery of the Leviathan natural gas field, which did include Gaza's riches, valued at 453 billion dollars. But Gazans have been denied around 47 billion dollars in revenue. As for Tel Aviv, it's gunning to become a new hub.
As Andy Rowell of reported in 2009 [emphasis added]:  
Just as food and medicines shortages are deemed critical, so is the supply of energy, with much of the Gazan  infrastructure said to be at breaking point, leading to routine power blackouts.

In order to help rectify this, earlier this month, an Israeli construction team finished work on a new pipeline for the transfer of fuel and natural gas from Israel to the Gaza strip.  This is a crazy situation because it should be the Gazans who are exporting gas to the Israelis and not the other way around.

An estimated 60 percent of the gas reserves along the Gaza-Israel coastline actually belong to Palestine.  Currently, British Gas (BG Group) and its partner, the Athens based Consolidated Contractors International Company (CCC) hold the oil and gas exploration rights to the whole of the offshore Gazan marine area, the rights to which were signed in a 25 year agreement in November 1999 with the Palestinian Authority. Reserves are estimated by British Gas to be of the order of 1.4 trillion cubic feet.

Back in May 2007, the Israeli Cabinet approved a proposal by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert “to buy gas from the Palestinian Authority”. The proposed contract was for $4 billion, of which one billion was to go the Palestinians.

However the Israelis have been out to scupper this deal and take the gas reserves for their own.

Writing in Alternet recently Noam Chomsky noted how new attacks by Israeli naval vessels against Gazan fishermen “began shortly after the discovery by the British Gas group of what appear to be quite sizeable natural gas fields in Gaza’s territorial waters.  Industry journals report that Israel is already appropriating these Gazan resources for its own use, part of its commitment to shift its economy to natural gas.”

Chomsky quotes Platt’s Commodity News, from February this year saying that “Israel’s finance ministry has given the Israel Electric Corp. approval to purchase larger quantities of natural gas from BG than originally agreed upon, according to Israeli government sources [which] said the state-owned utility would be able to negotiate for as much as 1.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas from the Marine field located off the Mediterranean coast of the Palestinian controlled Gaza Strip.”

Chomsky adds that “The pillage of what could become a major source of income for Palestine is surely known to US authorities” and could be one of the reasons behind the recent Israeli invasion into Gaza.

Chomsky is not the only academic who believes this. Michel Chossudovsky is a Canadian economist and professor of economics at the University of Ottawa. Writing earlier this year he argued that “the military invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli Forces bears a direct relation to the control and ownership of strategic offshore gas reserves.  This is a war of conquest. Discovered in 2000, there are extensive gas reserves off the Gaza coastline.”

He continues: “the issue of sovereignty over Gaza’s gas fields is crucial. From a legal standpoint, the gas reserves belong to Palestine … however, the death of Yasser Arafat, the election of the Hamas government and the ruin of the Palestinian Authority have enabled Israel to establish de facto control over Gaza’s offshore gas reserves.

Chossudovsky argues that the decision to speed up negotiations with British Gas (BG Group) by the Israelis coincided, chronologically, with the planning of the invasion of Gaza initiated back in June 2008.

He argues that “the military occupation of Gaza is intent upon transferring the sovereignty of the gas fields to Israel in violation of international law.”
At that moment in time, that is 2022, Russian oil and gas were sanctioned. Iranian oil was sanctioned. Syrian oil fields were illegally occupied (and still are), by US forces. The key port of Latakia was being bombed by Israel, and the port of Beirut, the gateway to the Middle East, lay in ruins. 

And so Israel, with its seas of gas, its working ports, is an answer to Europe's problems and perhaps, most critically,, the US blessing. US Congress has decided that Israeli energy is in the highest national security interest of Washington. So D.C. was only too happy for Tel Aviv to become a key global player. 
Another big thing in this whole dirty story, painted with the blood of Palestinians and Palestinian kids, is the seek for an alternative to Suez Canal. There is no replacement for the Suez Canal, except perhaps for the Ben-Gurion canal. What the US had  been thinking about back in the 60s, was dropping 520 nukes on parts of Israel, all to build a 260-kilometer long canal that would start at the Red Sea, down in the port-city of Eilat, run through the Negev desert and pour out into the Mediterranean, right next to Northern Gaza. The same Northern Gaza that is currently bombarded and depopulated.
Egypt and its money-making Suez Canal would just be sidelined. The same Egypt that is now considering taking in refugees in exchange for debt relief by the US.

In recent weeks, Tel Aviv has handed out twelve new licenses to six companies, on top of the plan to tap more of the Gaza marine resources. This area is a strategic goldmine. The Israelis have their largest foreign base down the Red Sea just off Eritrea. Further down, Beijing has a naval base in Djibouti, a key piece in its enormous global infrastructure project, the Belt and Road, hated by London, Brussels and Washington alike.
Now, to put all the pieces of the puzzle together, bear in mind that as we already pointed out: if we consider the fact that Hamas is actually Israel's fatal creature and that Netanyahu himself used Hamas as a tool to divide Palestinians and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, the October 7 attack has a strong smell of a false flag operation. 

Here is a good reason why the ruthless Zionists and their US-Western imperialist buddies are committing genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinians, as we speak.


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