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The Western war criminals attempt to create a new Iraq in Syria

globinfo freexchange Just when the last remnants of the Saudi/West-sponsored jihadists defeated by the Syrian army with the aid of the Russians, the Western war criminals decided to re-flame the region by attacking Syria. The disgusting hypocrites pretend that they care about the innocent victims of the latest 'chemical attack', while we know that it's only a pretext based on what it seems to be another false flag. We've seen the play endless times. Iraq, Libya destroyed based on that obsolete fairy tale of 'weapons of mass destruction'. Lies, fabricated facts and propaganda by the Western media apparatus led to such disasters. Take a taste of what happens when someone tries to tell the truth on the - supposedly opened to free speech and opinion - Western propaganda framework: Russia’s foreign ministry Maria Zakharova has condemned the US over its strikes on Syria. She said the attacks hit a long-troubled country “ that for ma

How Big Pharma creates entire populations addicted to heroin

globinfo freexchange Lee Camp spoke with Mike Papantonio, one of the most famous American lawyers, mostly known for holding big corporations accountable for their actions. Papantonio made some incredible revelations, especially concerning the Opioid epidemic in the United States and how big pharmaceutical companies and distributors make huge profits from pills that lead big groups of people in US cities become addicted to heroin: The big distributors are really the drug pushers. They will come to a town like in West Virginia where there are 100,000 people and they will sell three million pills over a period of about a year. So, 100,000 people buy three million pills. They have somebody who lives in that town, they have what they call a distributor, a detailer living in that town. So, the detailer drives by the pill mills and every morning sees these people lined up around the pill mills, standing in their pajamas at 8 o'clock in the morning, wai

Facebook uses AI to predict your future actions for advertisers

Since the Cambridge Analytica scandal erupted in March, Facebook has been attempting to make a moral stand for your privacy, distancing itself from the unscrupulous practices of the U.K. political consultancy. “ Protecting people’s information is at the heart of everything we do, ” wrote Paul Grewal, Facebook’s deputy general counsel, just a few weeks before founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg hit Capitol Hill to make similar reassurances, telling lawmakers, “ Across the board, we have a responsibility to not just build tools, but to make sure those tools are used for good. ” But in reality, a confidential Facebook document reviewed by The Intercept shows that the two companies are far more similar than the social network would like you to believe. The recent document, described as “confidential,” outlines a new advertising service that expands how the social network sells corporations’ access to its users and their lives: Instead of merely offering adver

Bernie: Our privacy has been invaded in a matter that would have been unthinkable even 20 years ago

Large corporations today know every aspect of your life. They know where you go, they know what you do, they know about your medical and financial records, they know whom you talk to, they know what you purchase. And they use that information to make billions in profit.

Regime Change, Partition, and “Sunnistan”: John Bolton’s Vision for a New Middle East

Bolton is likely to push for the creation of a new sectarian state out of Syrian and Iraqi territory, now that the groundwork has been laid and the path largely cleared to building a “new Middle East.” Iran is currently the only country in the region with the potential to foil that plan. by Whitney Webb Part 7 - Adelson’s man However, beyond Bolton’s past and rhetoric, his commitment to the Israeli government – even when that commitment directly conflicts with the positions of the U.S. government – confirms that war may well be on the horizon. For instance, Danny Gillerman, the former Israeli ambassador to the UN, stated last Sunday that Bolton, while he was serving in the Bush administration, was prone to “ direct fire on his own forces, ” — i.e., the U.S. government — in order to advance the goals of Israel. In addition, Bolton’s close relationship with Republican billionaire donor Sheldon Adelson, who has financially backed both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ne