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Searching for new middle class tanks and the role of federalization

by system failure Since the beginning of the current crisis, Germany tried to present it as a Greek problem, in order to hide the responsibilities of the banks and the big capital, and the fact that Germany itself is gaining from this crisis. The propagandistic role of the mainstream German media – and also large portion of the Greek media - of mass consumption on this, is well known.    Until now, the middle class in the European periphery, was playing the role of the “safety pillow” between the lower class of the very poor and the upper class of the superrich. Through a false – as we see clearly now – wealth and a culture of overconsumption, with the neoliberal way of the gambling economy, bubble economy and banking loan, middle class became the vast majority of the population in western countries generally. But today, the middle class itself, is characterized by a multilevel structure, with groups of citizens who often have conflicting interests that emerge on the surf


by system failure The vast majority of the mainstream media in Greece and abroad, tried to present the decisions of the recent European summit as a victory of the countries of the periphery – with Italy and Spain leading – against countries of the “hard core” in the eurozone. For this of course, helped also the “opium of the people”, football, where Italy’s victory over Germany in the semifinal of the European Championship, with the goals of Mario Balotelli, coincided – incidentally(?) – with the “victory” of the other Mario, Monti, against tough Mrs. Merkel. Plenty of symbolism and coincidences for mass consumption.      But the basic agreement, which was advertised extensively, and refers to the direct recapitalization of the banks by the European support mechanisms, is nothing but another victory of the bankers against European people who suffer from the extensive and continuous cuts in pensions and wages. That is, if for example the bankrupt banks are large