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Proxy wars everywhere, the planet already in flames ...

The planet is full of serious conflicts and the definition of war probably needs to be redefined in our era by system failure We read and hear the term "proxy war" with an increasing frequency inside the blogosphere and through various analyses. Has the type of wars changed dramatically? Do we need to redefine the term "war"? It appears that after September 11, 2001 attacks the new type of the so-called "proxy wars" has been adopted not only by terrorists and groups of extremists, but even by the most powerful nations too. War probably needs to be redefined in a sense that either it is not conducted directly by nations, or, nations themselves simulate methods more familiar to paramilitary groups, avoiding a full force conflict in open front. Moreover, the line between victory and defeat is not clear at all, and in most cases it is of less importance. A list of recent proxy or proxy-type wars After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, we me

Morales: West creates terrorism to topple anti-imperialist governments

Bolivian President Evo Morales says the Western powers create terrorism in an attempt to unseat governments which are against imperialism, warning, however, that such a policy would backfire. Morales made the remarks in an interview with Iran’s Spanish-language television channel Hispan TV in the Iranian capital city of Tehran. The Bolivian leader said the Western states create terror threats and provide financial support to terrorists, who serve as their proxies, in a bid to depose anti-imperialism heads of state and governments. Touching on the recent deadly terror attacks in the French capital city of Paris, he said the United States fuels such terror activities with the aim of “inflicting damage on human life.” On November 13, assailants struck at least six different venues in and around Paris, leaving 130 people dead and over 350 others wounded. In a statement the day after, the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group claimed responsibility for the fatal a

Turkey has destroyed Russia’s hope of Western cooperation

A friend, George Abert, suggested a reason why the Turks shot down the Russian fighter-bomber over Syria. The Russians have a technology that they recently demonstrated against the newest US missile cruiser and Israel’s US jet fighters. The technology shuts down the communication systems of hostile forces, leaving them blind. He wonders if the Russian aircraft was shot down in order to encourage the Russians to use its unknown technology whenever Russian aircraft are in the vicinity of NATO and Israeli aircraft. He bets that the US has sent every Raven and ELINT specialist to the area in hopes that Russia’s use of the technology will allow them to learn enough about the system to duplicate it or learn how to block it. by Paul Craig Roberts Turkey’s unprovoked shoot-down of a Russian military aircraft over Syria raises interesting questions. It seems unlikely that the Turkish government would commit an act of war against a much more powerful neighbor unless Wash

Lavrov: Turkish planes violate Greece's airspace some 1,500 times a year

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov after talks with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu said that Moscow isn't planning any war on Turkey Lavrov expressed the hope that “ such encroachments implying intrusion into Syrian territory, the territory of a sovereign state, will not go on.” “ Yesterday’s attack against our plane and the whole situation is not to be used for pushing through the idea of a no-fly, buffer zone by hook or by crook.” He pointed out that Turkish planes violate Greece's airspace some 1,500 times a year. The official stressed that the recommendations to Russian citizens not to visit Turkey is not revenge, and it's based on the assessment of the terrorist threat. “ As for the recommendations to our citizens not to visit Turkey, this is not revenge, this was not the off-the-cuff decision,” he said. “ We assessed the presence of the terrorist threat in Turkey without bias.” More:

Business as usual με το αίμα των αθώων

Αύξηση των στρατιωτικών και αμυντικών δαπανών κατά 50 δισ. δολάρια αναμένεται έως το 2019 από τις χώρες της ΕΕ, λόγω της τρομοκρατικής απειλής από το Ισλαμικό Κράτος. Όπως αναφέρει το Bloomberg, οι ευρωπαϊκές κυβέρνησης επανεξετάζουν τους προϋπολογισμούς τους με στόχο την αύξηση των στρατιωτικών δαπανών για την ενίσχυση της ασφάλειας και την αντιμετώπιση των τζιχαντιστών. Ενδεικτικά η Γερμανία σχεδιάζει αύξηση των αμυντικών δαπανών κατά 8 δισ. ευρώ και η Μεγάλη Βρετανία κατά 12 δισ. λίρες. Κατά 1 δισ. θα αυξήσει τις στρατιωτικές της δαπάνες η Ιταλία, ενώ η Γαλλία ήδη ακύρωσε τις περικοπές στο προσωπικό του στρατού και κλιμάκωσε τις στρατιωτικές επιχειρήσεις σε Ιράκ και Συρία.